Title: Butler HMP Pub Wkshp 1 Handout
1Getting Prepared For Natural Disasters
2- Purpose of Natural
- Hazard Mitigation Planning
- Minimize and/or avoid damage to life and property
during disaster occurrence - Emergency facilities in place
- Remain eligible for certain disaster recovery
funds in case of a declared disaster after
November 1, 2004
3Natural Hazard Mitigation Planning Process
Step 1 Organize
Step 2 Involve the Public (continuous throughout
Step 3 Coordinate with Agencies and
Organizations (continuous throughout process)
Step 10 Implement, Evaluate, Revise
Continuous Cyclical Process
Step 8 Draft Action Plan
Step 7 Review Possible Activities
4 Sample Hazard Identification and Prioritization
- Flooding
- Tornados
- Hurricanes/Tropical Storms
- Expansive Soils/Sinkholes
- Wildfires
- Chemicals Spills
- Severe Thunderstorms
- Dam Failures
- Extreme Heat
- Drought
- Windstorms
- Vehicle Accidents on U.S. 80
- Railway Accidents
- Avian Flu
- Coastal Storms
- Landslides
- Winter/Ice Storms
- Hail
5Critical Facilities Two Types
- Buildings or locations vital to the response and
recovery effort, such as police and fire stations
and telephone exchanges - Buildings or locations that, if damaged, would
create secondary disasters, such as hazardous
materials facilities and nursing homes. - Critical Facilities Identified by Local Emergency
- Planning Committee
- All Fire Stations
- All Law Enforcement Facilities
- Emergency Operations Facility
- Emergency Response Teams
- Emergency Shelters
- Schools
- Government Facilities
- All Medical Facilities
- Congregate Living Facilities
- Water Treatment and Storage
- Sewage Treatment
- Communication Facilities
- Water Sources
- Etc.
6Critical Facilities
7Critical Facilities
8Preliminary Mitigation Goals
Goal General guidelines that explain what you
want to achieve. Usually broad policy-type
statements, long term and represent global
- Promote natural hazard mitigation as a means to
decrease loss of life, property damage and
economic loss during a disaster occurrence. - Provide on-going support of the Lowndes County
Emergency Management efforts to make Lowndes
County less vulnerable to natural disasters.
- Educate general population about natural hazards
and hazard mitigation options.
Materials discussed today are available on the
WWW at http//www.scadc.state.al.us/lowndeshmp.ht
Comment Form Next Public Workshop TBD
- Walter Hill, Coordinator
- Lowndes County Emergency Management Agency
- P.O. Box 235 / 105 West Tuskeena Street
- Hayneville, Alabama 36040
- (334) 548-2569
- lowndesema_at_htcnet.net
- Daniel Boyd, Chair
- Lowndes County Emergency Planning Committee
- P.O. Box 235 / 105 West Tuskeena Street
- Hayneville, Alabama 36040
- (334) 548-2131 x.1700
- danielboyd3136_at_aol.com
- Patrick Tritz, Planner
- South Central Alabama Development Commission
- 5900 Carmichael Place
- Montgomery, Alabama 36117
- (334) 244-6903 x.139