Title: A Culture of Service
1A Culture of Service
2Who We Are
- A Federally Qualified Community Health Center
System Founded in 1972 - Provider of Primary Medical, Dental, Behavioral
Health and WIC Services - A major Safety Net Provider to the Uninsured and
Underinsured in Bernalillo, Valencia, Sandoval,
Torrance, Guadalupe, Santa Fe, and Socorro
Counties in Central New Mexico - An Incubator for Innovation, Change Community
Development - 10 Locations in 3 Counties
- Serving 43,000 Patients with over 200,000 Visits
3Who We Are
- Our Mission
- To improve the health, life skills and well
being of all members of the communities that we
serve. - Inherent in this mission statement is
- the need to increase access to care
- be responsive to the changing needs of our
communities - manage our limited resources effectively
- partner with others to create operational and
programmatic efficiencies that allow the
maximization of our collective resources
4Who We Are
- Vision for the Future
- First Choice Community Healthcare is a health
care organization that maintains excellence in
services and programs with a constant focus on
the changing needs of individuals and
5Who We Are
- Guiding Values
- We adhere to the Golden Rule treating others as
we ourselves would like to be treated. In order
to effect that goal we will - Eliminate all barriers to healthcare
- Provide compassionate, state of the art quality
care - Respect our clients and our work colleagues as
individuals - Expect excellence
- Operate in a cost effective manner to maintain
financial strength and viability - Remain committed to innovation and the
principles of continuous performance improvement - Promote a work environment which supports
personal and professional growth - Value collaboration with partner organizations
to better serve our clients and communities - Remain committed to health education and
6Who We Serve
- We serve the members of the communities in which
we are located, regardless of ability to pay - We are not free health clinics or health
clinics for the poor, we are a network of
Community Health Centers that provide high
quality medical, dental and behavioral health
services to all members of the community,
regardless of ability to pay
7Who We Serve
Gender of Our Patients
8Who We Serve
Age of Our Patients
9Who We Serve
Ethnicity of Our Patients
10Financial Status of Our Clients
11Revenue Sources
Self-Pay (330 Grant / RPHCA Contract)
12Payor MixOur Clients Have the Following Coverage
132006 Operating Budget (17Million) Revenue Sources
142006 Operating Expense (17Million)
As a Service Organization We Invest in People
15Our Facility Locationsin Central New Mexico
- Counties Serviced
- Bernalillo
- Guadalupe
- Sandoval
- Santa Fe
- Socorro
- Torrance
- Valencia
16First Choice Locations
South Broadway
Los Lunas
Los Padillas
Alamosa Health Commons
North Valley
Rio Grande High School School Based Health Center
South Valley
Mountain and Valley Regional Center
17Our Employees
- 260 FTEs
- 45 FTE Providers of Care
- 66 of All Employees are Hispanic
- 35 Employees Greater than 10 Years of Service
- Recruitment Places Emphasis on Bi-lingual Skills
and Prior Experience with Our Target Population
18Our Staff and Providers
- 17 Member Community-Based Board of Directors
- 51 of Board Membership are Users of Care at FCCH
Facilities - Board Establishes Policy and Sets Overall
Organizational Direction - Full Board Meets Monthly on the Third Tuesday of
the Month - Foundation Board of Trustees
- 100 Volunteer Board
- Fund Raise for Capital Needs
- Establish Permanent Trust
20Our Challenges
- Growing Number of Uninsured and Underinsured
- Expanding Capacity to Serve Growing Needs of
Community - Maximize Existing Resources
- Create Partnerships to Expand Resources and
Capacity to Serve - Integrate Behavioral Health Services into the
Primary Care Setting - Expand Work of Diabetes Collaborative to all FCCH
Health Centers - Recruitment, Training and Retention of Employees
- Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement
21Our Short-Term Operational Strategy
- Expand capacity to serve at each of our 10 Health
Centers - through practice redesign
- incorporating Best Practices
- eliminating waste and duplication
- increasing productivity
- decreasing staff turnover
- on-going staff training and development
- by providing 100 staff coverage at each site
22Our Short-Term Operational Strategy (Continued)
- Integrate Behavioral Health Services into the
primary care visit (50-70 of our primary care
clients have behavioral health issues). - By having the primary care providers and team
members address behavioral health issues at the
time of the primary care visit insures that the
client receives needed services and hence
improves his/her/family wellness and health
status - Primary care visits are often generated because
the client has a behavioral health issue that is
not being addressed - By addressing the behavioral health issue we
ultimately create greater capacity to see clients
with primary care concerns
23Our Short-Term Operational Strategy (Continued)
- Spread our model Diabetes Program Initiative
from our Belen Health Center to all First Choice
Health Centers
24Our Short-Term Operational Strategy (Continued)
- In 2007 open the South Valley Health Commons.
- This 42,000 Sq. Ft. State-of-the-Art facility
replaces a 34-year-old 18,000 sq. ft. facility
located on Isleta Blvd in Albuquerques South
Valley - There will be a total of 30 medical exam rooms
(24 assigned to First Choice and 6 assigned to
DOH) and 16 dental operatories - FCCH is working cooperatively with DOH, WIC,
Bernalillo County, UNM Dept. of Family and
Community Medicine, UNM Mental Health Center and
UNMH to operate an integrated health services
practice for the residents of the South Valley - FCCH will provide primary, medical, dental,
behavioral health and WIC services. UNM Dept. of
Family and Community Medicine will assign 2.5 fte
faculty and UNMH 1.5 fte residents to work with
First Choice providers in the delivery of
clinical services - The opening of the new South Valley Health
Commons will allow FCCH to triple its capacity
to serve at this site
25Our Long-Term Operational Strategy
- Expand capacity at existing FCCH Health Centers
by expanding hours of operations to include
evening hours and weekend hours - Expand capacity at existing health center sites
through remodeling and/or physical expansion of
space in order to create additional exam rooms
and work areas - Partner with local, county, state and federal
government, safety net providers, DOH, UNMHSC and
others to build new Health Commons - Continue to work with safety net providers
organizations and partners to define and test
models of service delivery excellence
26A Culture of Service