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RISC and CISC: The Best Of Both Worlds. RISC becomes CISC-like ... The Japanese game maker wanted to use a slightly modified MIPS processor in its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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CISC / RISC comparisons
for Embedded applications

Presentation by Ragu Jegan
Murugesan Course
Advanced Embedded Systems Design
Instructor Dr.Marvin
Oklahoma State University
Nov 29, 2004
  • CISC
  • RISC
  • Hybrid CISC-RISC
  • Choice for Embedded Processors
  • CISC Embedded Processors
  • RISC Embedded Processors
  • Embedded Market
  • Conclusion


  • CISC is a philosophy for designing chips that are
    easy to program and which make efficient use of
    memory. It stands for - Complex Instruction Set
  • Each instruction in a CISC instruction set might
    perform a series of operations inside the
  • This reduces the number of instructions required
    to implement a given program. In general terms,
    the instruction sets are designed for the
    convenience of the assembly-language programmer

  • The CISC philosophy made more sense, since the
    earliest machines were programmed in assembly
    language and memory was slow and expensive
  • Most common microprocessor designs - including
    the Intel 80x86 and Motorola 68K series - follow
    the CISC philosophy.
  • The design constraints that led to the
    development of CISC are
  • small amounts of slow memory and
  • the fact that most early machines were programmed
    in assembly language

CISC Microprogramming
  • The earliest processor designs used dedicated
    (hardwire) logic to decode and execute each
    instruction in the processor's instruction set.
  • This worked well for simple designs with few
    registers, but made more complex architectures
    hard to build, as control path logic can be hard
    to implement.
  • So, designers switched tactics - they built some
    simple logic to control the data paths between
    the various elements of the processor, and used a
    simplified microcode instruction set to control
    the data path logic. Thistype of implementation
    is known as a microprogrammed implementation.

CISC Microprogramming
  • The principle is based on binary coding an
    instruction such that its binary value forms the
    address of a location in a block of memory built
    within the CPU. 
  • The addressed location contains a hard-wired bit
    pattern that corresponds to the necessary control
    signals required to perform the instruction.
  • Instruction decode then takes place by gating the
    bit pattern on to the CPU's control bus.
    Effectively the memory acts as a translation
    table from Instruction Codes to the required
    control signals.

CISC Microprogramming
  • These control signals then activate the various
    parts of the CPU required to perform the
    instruction - e.g. gating data from the data bus
    into the Accumulator, triggering the adder
    circuitry in the ALU etc. 
  • These actions are referred as 'Microinstructions'
    and the bit patterns stored in the ROM locations
    are referred as 'Microcode'.

CISC Microprogramming
  • In a micro-programmed system, the main processor
    has some built-in memory (typically ROM) which
    contains groups of microcode instructions which
    correspond with each machine-language
  • When a machine language instruction arrives at
    the central processor, the processor executes the
    corresponding series of microcode instructions.

CISC Microprogramming
  • Because instructions could be retrieved up to 10
    times faster from a cache memory than from main
    memory, designers began to put as many
    instructions as possible into microcode.
  • In fact, some processors could be ordered with
    custom microcode which would replace frequently
    used but slow routines in certain application.

CISC Microprogramming
  • Advantages of a microcode implementation
  • Since the microcode memory can be much faster
    than main memory, an instruction set can be
    implemented in microcode without losing much
    speed over a purely hard-wired implementation.
  • New chips are easier to implement and require
    fewer transistors than implementing the same
    instruction set with dedicated logic
  • A micro-programmed design can be modified to
    handle entirely new instruction sets quickly.  

CISC Flexibility of Microprogramming
  • Some machines were optimized for scientific
    computing, while others were optimized for
    business computing.
  • Since they all shared the same instruction set,
    programs could be moved from machine to machine
    without re-compilation (but with a possible
    increase or decrease in performance depending on
    the underlying hardware.)
  • This kind of flexibility and power made
    microcoding the preferred way to build new
    computers for quite some time.

Ideal CISC machine
  • CISC processors were designed to execute each
    instruction completely before beginning the next
    instruction. (Similar to Run To Completion (RTC)
    model in Co-operative Schedulers)
  • Even so, most processors break the execution of
    an instruction into several definite stages as
    soon as one stage is finished, the processor
    passes the result to the next stage

Ideal CISC machine
  • Four stages in a typical CISC machine
  • An instruction is fetched from main memory.
  • The instruction is decoded the controlling code
    from the microprogram identifies the type of
    operation to be performed, where to find the data
    on which to perform the operation, and where to
    put the result. If necessary, the processor reads
    in additional information from memory.
  • The instruction is executed the controlling code
    from the microprogram determines the
    circuitry/hardware that will perform the
  • The results are written to memory.

CISC advantages
  • As each instruction is more capable, fewer
    instructions could be used to implement a given
    task. This made more efficient use of the
    relatively slow main memory.
  • Microprogramming is as easy as assembly language
    to implement, and much less expensive than
    hardwiring a control unit.
  • The ease of microcoding new instructions allowed
    designers to make CISC machines upwardly
    compatible a new computer could run the same
    programs as earlier computers because the new
    computer would contain a superset of the
    instructions of the earlier computers.
  • Because microprogram instruction sets can be
    written to match the constructs of high-level
    languages, the compiler does not have to be as

CISC disadvantages
  • Many specialized instructions aren't used
    frequently enough to justify their existence -
    approximately 20 of the available instructions
    are used in a typical program.
  • Earlier generations of a processor family
    generally were contained as a subset in every new
    version - this made the machines compatible - but
    the instruction set chip hardware become more
    complex with each generation of computers.
  • Different instructions take different amount of
    clock time to execute, due to their variable
    length, slowing down the overall performance of
    the machine.


  • RISC is a microprocessor that is designed to
    perform a smaller number computer instructions so
    that it can operate at a higher speed. It stands
    for - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
  • John Cocke of IBM Research in Yorktown, New York,
    originated the RISC concept in 1974 by proving
    that about 20 of the instructions in a computer
    did 80 of the work. The first computer to
    benefit from this discovery was IBM's PC/XT in
    1980. Later, IBM's RISC System/6000, made use of
    the idea.
  • The term itself (RISC) is credited to David
    Patterson, a teacher at the University of
    California in Berkeley. The concept was used in
    Sun Microsystems' SPARC microprocessors and led
    to the founding of what is now MIPS Technologies,
    part of Silicon Graphics.

  • Performance and design related improvements of
  • A new microprocessor can be developed and tested
    more quickly if one of its aims is to be less
  • Operating system and application programmers who
    use the microprocessor's instructions will find
    it easier to develop code with a smaller
    instruction set.
  • The simplicity of RISC allows more freedom to
    choose how to use the space on a microprocessor.
  • Higher-level language compilers produce more
    efficient code than formerly because they have
    always tended to use the smaller set of
    instructions to be found in a RISC computer.

RISC characteristics
  • Simple instruction set. In a RISC machine, the
    instruction set contains simple, basic
    instructions, from which more complex
    instructions can be composed.
  • Same length instructions. Each instruction is
    the same length, so that it may be fetched in a
    single operation.
  • 1 machine-cycle instructions. Most instructions
    complete in one machine cycle, which allows the
    processor to handle several instructions at the
    same time. This pipelining is a key technique
    used to speed up RISC machines.

Pipelining A key RISC technique
  • RISC designers are concerned primarily with
    creating the fastest chip possible, and so they
    use a number of techniques, including pipelining.
  • Pipelining is a design technique where the
    computer's hardware processes more than one
    instruction at a time, and doesn't wait for one
    instruction to complete before starting the next.
  • RISC machine has the same four stages as in our
    typical CISC machine fetch, decode, execute, and
    write. But these stages are executed in parallel.
    As soon as one stage completes, it passes on the
    result to the next stage and then begins working
    on another instruction.
  • In a typical pipelined RISC design, each
    instruction takes 1 clock cycle for each stage,
    so the processor can accept 1 new instruction per

RISCs advantages
  • Speed. Since a simplified instruction set
    allows for a pipelined, superscalar design RISC
    processors often achieve 2 to 4 times the
    performance of CISC processors using comparable
    semiconductor technology and the same clock
  • Simpler hardware. Because the instruction set
    of a RISC processor is so simple, it uses up much
    less chip space extra functions, such as memory
    management units or floating point arithmetic
    units, can also be placed on the same chip.
    Smaller chips allow a semiconductor
    manufacturer to place more parts on a single
    silicon wafer, which can lower the per-chip cost

RISCs advantages
  • Shorter design cycle.Since RISC processors are
    simpler than corresponding CISC processors, they
    can be designed more quickly, and can take
    advantage of other technological developments
    sooner than corresponding CISC designs, leading
    to greater leaps in performance between

RISCs disadvantages
  • Code Quality The performance of a RISC processor
    depends greatly on the code that it is executing.
    If the programmer (or compiler) does a poor job
    of instruction scheduling, the processor can
    spend quite a bit stalling waiting for the
    result of one instruction before it can proceed
    with a subsequent instruction. Since the
    scheduling rules can be complicated, most
    programmers use a high level language (such as C
    or C) and leave the instruction scheduling to
    the compiler. This makes the performance of a
    RISC application depend critically on the quality
    of the code generated by the compiler. Therefore,
    developers (and development tool suppliers such
    as Apple) have to choose their compiler carefully
    based on the quality of the generated code.

RISCs disadvantages
  • Code expansionCode expansion refers to the
    increase in size that you get when you take a
    program that had been compiled for a CISC machine
    and re-compile it for a RISC machine. The exact
    expansion depends primarily on the quality of the
    compiler and the nature of the machine's
    instruction set. Since CISC machines perform
    complex actions with a single instruction, when
    RISC machines may require multiple instructions
    for the same action, code expansion can be a

RISCs disadvantages
  • System Design
  • They require more instructions, and hence
    memory, than CISCs to implement applications.
  • Another problem the RISC machines faces is
    that they require very fast memory systems to
    feed them instructions. RISC-based systems
    typically contain large memory caches, usually on
    the chip itself. This is known as a
    first-level cache.

Classic Performance Equation
  • The Performance Equation
  • The following equation is commonly used for
    expressing a computer's performance ability

time time
cycles instructions Program
cycle instruction
CISCs Performance Equation
  • CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of
    instructions per program, sacrificing the number
    of cycles per instruction.

time time
cycles instructions Program
cycle instruction
RISCs Performance Equation
  • RISC does the opposite, reducing the cycles per
    instruction at the cost of the number of
    instructions per program.

time time
cycles instructions Program
cycle instruction

Cisc Instruction example CISC provides a
large and powerful range of instructions, which
is less flexible to implement. For example, the
8086 microprocessor family has these
instructions JA Jump if Above JAE Jump if
Above or Equal JB Jump if Below ... JPO Jump
if Parity Odd JS Jump if Sign JZ Jump if Zero
There are 32 jump instructions in the 8086, and
the 80386 adds more.
  • Risc Instruction example
  • RISC concept is to identify the sub-components
    and use those.
  • These are much simpler, they can be implemented
    directly in silicon,
  • so will run at the maximum possible speed.
  • There are only two Jump instructions in the ARM
  • - Branch and Branch with Link.
  • The "if equal, if carry set, if zero" type of
    selection is handled by condition options. For
  • BLNV Branch with Link NeVer
  • BLEQ Branch with Link if EQual
  • BL part is the instruction, and the following
    part is the condition.
  • We can test something, then only do the next few
    commands if the criteria
  • of the test matched.
  • No branching off, we simply add conditional
    flags to the instructions we
  • require to be conditional

Power One or two mill watts Many watts
Compute Speed Up to a mega-flop Up to several mega-flop
I/O Custom, any sort of hardware PC based options via a BIOS
Cost Dollars Tens to hundreds of Dollars
Environmental High Temp, Low EM Emissions Needs Fans, FCC/CE approval an issue
Operating System Port Difficult, requires low-level BSP. Roughly equivalent to making a Mac OS run on a SPARC Station Load and Go- simplified by an industry standard BIOS
Why CISC still lives?
  • Why are there still CISC CPUs being developed?
  • Why is Intel spending time and money to
    manufacture the Pentium III and Pentium 4?
  • AnswerThe answer is simple, backward
    compatibility. The IBM compatible PC is the most
    common computer in the world. Intel wanted a CPU
    that would run all the applications that are in
    the hands of more than 100 million users.

  • Up till the mid 1990s, processor designers were
    split into two opposing camps.
  • One side supported CISC designs due to its low
    burden on compiler developers and wide
    availability of existing software.
  • The other camp supported RISC designs because of
    its simplicity and efficiency.
  • However, the CISC vs. RISC debate has now died
    down as contemporary processor designers realize
    that RISC designs might benefit from the addition
    of some CISC characteristics and vice-versa.

  • Today, most CISC processors are based on hybrid
    CISC-RISC architecture.
  • These designs use a decoder to convert CISC
    instructions into RISC instructions before
    execution. They are then processed by a RISC
    core, which performs a few basic instructions
    very quickly.
  • Having a RISC core is advantageous because it
    allows performance enhancing features, such as
    pipelining and branch prediction.
  • Popular examples of hybrid designs include the
    Pentium and Athlon family of processors. These
    processors are compatible with software written
    for their CISC predecessors yet perform
    competitively against processors based on RISC

RISC and CISC The Best Of Both Worlds
  • (AltiVec unit adds 162 new instructions to
    the existing RISC architecture)

RISC becomes CISC-like
  • RISC processors, have become more CISC-like by
    supporting more functions.
  • In fact, many modern RISC processors support more
    instructions than old CISC designs!
  • E.g.Motorola G4 processor used in Power Macs and
    eMacs. Its AltiVec unit adds 162 new instructions
    to the existing RISC architecture.
  • By following the CISC philosophy of adding more
    instructions, some applications can be run much
    faster. These include multimedia applications,
    such as telecommunications encoding/decoding,
    image conversions and video processing.

CISC becomes RISC-like
  • On the other hand, CISC have become like
    RISC.Apart from having a RISC core, the number of
    general-purpose registers in CISC processors has
    also grown. This follows RISC ideals and allows
    more instructions to be processed simultaneously.
  • E.g.
  • The Intel Pentium III with its SSE technology has
    an additional eight 128-bit vector registers.
  • AMD's new x86-64 chips also have an additional 8
    general purpose registers and 8 SSE registers.
  • The future successor to the Pentium series, Intel
    Itanium IA-64, will even raise the bar further by
    implementing 128 general purpose registers!

Choice for Embedded Processors ?

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of RISCCISC (also CISC -RISC hybrids)
    consume a lot of power and are not the best
    candidates for embedded applications.
  • RISC were designed analytically to deliver
    the most processing power per instruction
    executed. Based on power consumption feature,
    these RISC systems are the favored choice for
    embedded systems where low power is an issue.

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of RISCAlmost two-thirds of all the
    microprocessors and microcontrollers sold in 2002
    were 8-bitters, all of which were CISC
    architectures like the 8051 and 6805.
    Practically all 4-bit and 16-bit processors are
    also CISC designs.But to be fair, RISC has
    overtaken CISC in the 32-bit embedded world.
    Until 1999, Motorola's 68k was the best-selling
    32-bit processor since the category was created.
    SPARC, MIPS, AMD's 29000,Intel's i960, ARM, and
    even Motorola's own 88000 challenged that
    business throughout the '90s, but the 68k stood
    firm. ARM shipments finally overtook the 68k in
    1999, and the gap has yawned wider ever since.
    ARM licensees (the company makes no chips of its
    own) now collectively outsell Intel's Pentium
    line by a hefty 31 margin. RISC processors are
    doing well at the sharp end of the market

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of CISCThe Power Angle.
  • RISC chips have a reputation for being
    low-power devices able to run on batteries,
    bright sunlight. It's true that most RISC
    processors use less energy than, say, Pentium 4.
    That's largely due to their more modern silicon
    manufacturing, not any inherent power-saving
    characteristic of RISC. MIPS, ARM, and PowerPC
    chips use less power than Pentium and Athlon
    chips because they're willing to give up speed
    for power. Low-power chips are made, not born.

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of CISCRemember RISC processors are
    chips that failed in the desktop computer market.
    They're overwhelmingly losers.
  • They're used in embedded systems by default,
    not by design. Like the early settlers of a
    community, RISC has transformed itself into a
    symbol of new hope and opportunity. But, CISC is
    not dead yet.

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of CISCProgramming is one area where
    CISC processors shine.CISC chips are by nature
    "mature" architectures that have been in the
    market for a long time.
  • They have a long and distinguished list of
    software tools, operating systems, debuggers,

Choice for Embedded Systems ?
  • In favor of CISC
  • Motorola's 68k and Intel's x86 families are the
    two predominant 32-bit CISC architectures, and
    they both enjoy a huge software
    availabities.Nearly any tool, driver, or
    middleware you want to name is available for
    these chips-often for free. And all of the
    bugs, quirks, and idiosyncrasies were discovered
    long ago by the hundreds of programmers who came
    before. If you're looking for stable, solid,
    well-supported, well-documented processors, look
    no further than CISC

Embedded Processors examples
68000 series Sparc
X86 family AMD 29000
VAX SuperH
IBM 370 PowerPC
CISC Embedded Processors

Motorola's 68000 (68K) family CISC
  • It is the old man of the embedded processor
    market, and the most popular 32-bit processor
    family in the world until just a few years ago.
  • The whole 68K family is an example of CISC
    architecture that fell out of favor in PCs long
    ago, but still has some strong advantages for
    embedded usages.
  • Sun originally used 68K processors in its first
    workstations, and all Macintoshes were 68K-based
    until PowerPC came along.
  • Now 68K chips are almost always used for embedded
    systems, and Motorola still sells to the tune of
    about 75 million chips per year.
  • The whole 68K family goes strong, mostly because
    designers love it, and because so many of the
    chips are already designed-in to millions of
    existing products.

x86 CISC
  • Like the 68K family, the x86 family is an example
    of CISC architecture. It is one of the
    longest-lived CPU designs ever.
  • The "x86 family" refers to Intel's architecture
    that started with the 8086 through the '286,
    '386, and '486, and continues to this day with
    Pentium 4 and AMD's Athlon
  • We all know that x86 processors dominate PC
    systems. But in embedded sales, x86 chips like
    the '486DX rank a distant fifth in sales behind
    the ARM, 68K, MIPS, and SuperH.
  • That doesn't make them unsuccessful--there are
    more than a dozen competitors that rank even
  • In almost every measure, x86 chips are the
    slowest, most power-hungry, and hardest to
    program processors around. Almost anything would
    be better, and most of the alternatives are,
    which is why there's so much competition for
    embedded processors.

  • The PDP-11 was a 16-bit minicomputer sold by
    Digital Equipment Corp. in the 1970s and 1980s
  • It had several uniquely innovative features, and
    was easier to program
  • Although the basic architecture was extremely
    good, and the PDP-11 line was continually updated
    to use newer technologies, it finally died off
    for one principal reason the 16-bit address
    space was simply too small.
  • When large VLSI memory chips became very cheap,
    the PDP-11 was just not capable of using large
    amounts of memory easily.

  • VAX was originally an acronym for Virtual Address
    eXtension, because the VAX was seen as a 32-bit
    extension of the older 16 bit PDP-11.
  • VAX is 32-bit addressing computer architecture
    developed in the mid-1970s by DEC.DEC was later
    purchased by Compaq, which in turn was later
    purchased by Hewlett-Packard.
  • Trivia VAX is also a brand of wet-dry vacuum
    cleaners, invented in the 1970s. The advertising
    slogan "Nothing sucks like a Vax" was often
    applied ironically by users of VAX computers.

RISC Embedded Processors

  • SPARC is best known as the processor used in Sun
  • SPARC was one of the first RISC designs to see
    the light of day
  • In the early 1990s, embedded SPARC chips were
    actually pretty common. Now they're almost
  • SPARC, like ARM and MIPS, is a licensed
    architecture. Sun doesn't actually make
    processors, so don't go looking for chips with
    the Sun brand name on them.
  • A few years ago there were close to ten companies
    making SPARC processors, all different. Sun was
    really the only big customers for them, though,
    so almost all of the SPARC makers went out of
  • TI and Fujitsu are the only significant SPARC
    chip developers left, and this early pioneering
    architecture has all but disappeared from the
    embedded scene.

AMD 29000 RISC
  • Similar to SPARC chips in the past, AMD's 29000
    processors were also popular, particularly in the
    first Apple laser printers and in some networking
  • The 29K was an exceptionally elegant,
    high-performance RISC design. It was most notable
    for its whopping 192 programmable registers (most
    RISC chips have 32 Pentium has eight), which
    made it a programmer's delight. Alas, despite all
    of the 29K's architectural elegance, it was not
    long for this world.
  • Why would AMD abandon an entire product line just
    as it becomes the second-best-selling RISC
    architecture in the world?
  • Because its support costs were too high. AMD was
    paying third-party developers of compilers,
    operating systems, and other programming tools to
    support the 29K.

AMD 29000 RISC
  • The world's second-most-popular RISC architecture
    was losing money, as these yearly subsidies were
    eating up all of the 29K's profits. As word of
    the 29K's demise spread, customers started
    looking for alternatives.
  • Even though several 29K chips remained in
    production for a few more years, the writing was
    on the wall and customers fled to a number of
    other alternatives

Intel i960 RISC
  • The i960 was once the best-selling RISC
    architecture on the planet.
  • In the early '90s you could find an i960
    processor in almost every laser printer or
    network router made. The i960 was particularly
    popular in HP's LaserJet series of printers, just
    as LaserJet sales took off.
  • Like most embedded chips, and all RISC
    processors, it was originally designed to power
    workstations. It came out of a joint venture
    between Intel and Siemens called BiiN. BiiN was
    supposed to develop fault-tolerant Unix
  • Intel gained control of the processor it
    developed with Siemens. In fairness, Siemens may
    not have wanted the processor very much. It was
    expensive, slow, and very power-hungry. The
    processor also had complex fault-tolerant
    features that made it difficult to manufacture
    and debug and had no (apparent) use outside of
    the workstation market.

Intel i960 RISC
  • But somehow Intel tried this cast-off processor,
    now called the 80960 or i960, to rapidly find a
    home in embedded systems.
  • The i960 family never did overcome its power-hog
  • Once again hoping to pull a rabbit out of its
    hat, Intel devised a new market for the i960
    intelligent I/O controllers.
  • The I2O standard was born, and it cleverly
    defined requirements that just happened to match
    the characteristics of existing i960 chips. After
    some initial lukewarm success, I2O controllers,
    and the i960 processors, eventually faded away.

  • MIPS is a prime example of a high-end computer
    architecture that is more successful in toys and
    games than it ever was in engineering
  • It got its name from Microprocessor without
    Interlocked Pipeline Stages
  • MIPS, the company, originally acquired by Silicon
    Graphics (SGI) in the 1990s started using MIPS
    processors in all its workstations. But,
    weakening profits from workstations couldn't
    support the awesome cost of developing new 32-bit
    and 64-bit microprocessors.
  • MIPS/SGI signed up an unusual new customer
    Nintendo. The Japanese game maker wanted to use a
    slightly modified MIPS processor in its upcoming
    N64 video game. This turned out to be MIPS'
    biggest deal ever.The company got two-thirds of
    its money from Nintendo throughout the late

  • Although MIPS doesn't dominate the home
    video-game market like it once did, the
    architecture has comfortably settled into the
    number two RISC position.
  • MIPS has extended its family of processors both
    at the high end, with its monstrous 64-bit 20Kc
    family, andat the low end, with SmartMIPS, a
    minimal 32-bit design for smart cards and other
    ultra-low-power systems.
  • There's probably no other CPU family that reaches
    so high and so low while remaining software
    compatible throughout the line.

  • Hitachi's SuperH, or SH, processors have been
    around for more than a decade but they were
    almost unknown outside of Japan until recently
  • The SuperH family of chips includes some 16-bit
    and some 32-bit processors, most with added
    peripheral I/O and special-purpose controllers.
  • SuperH's big hit was with the Sega Saturn video
    game, followed by the Sega Dreamcast. We can also
    find SuperH chips in some of the handheld Windows
    CE computers from Compaq and Casio.
  • The SH7750 processor was designed especially for
    Sega and includes some fantastic 3D geometry
    instructions that outstrip anything an x86
    processor can do.

  • PowerPC started squeaking into the embedded scene
    around 1996. PowerPC design existed in both
    32-bit and 64-bit implementations .
  • Within two years, there were more PowerPC chips
    being sold in embedded applications than in
    computers (such as Macintosh), making PowerPC
    "officially" an embedded processor.
  • Even so, PowerPC remains a marginal player in the
    overall embedded landscape, selling more than
    SPARC but less than most 32-bit competitors.
  • Numerically, the PowerPC is most found in
    controllers in cars.
  • Networking is another area where embedded PowerPC
    processors are found in large numbers. PowerQUICC
    MPC860 was a very famous processor used in many
    Cisco edge routers in the late 1990s

  • ARM (formerly Advanced RISC Machines) also
    started out as a computer processor, but
    ultimately failed in that market. Now ARM is one
    of the most popular 32-bit embedded designs
  • The English company was originally called Acorn,
    and its older BBC Micro computer was the British
    equivalent to America's Apple II or Commodore 64.
    The BBC Micro was probably the first commercial
    deployment of RISC technology.
  • Apple, IBM, Commodore, and other early computer
    vendors ultimately overwhelmed the BBC Micro, but
    its processor design lived on. In recent years,
    the ARM architecture has challenged for, and then
    overtaken, the RISC lead.

  • ARM's biggest volume wins have been in a number
    of digital cell phones, particularly those
    manufactured in Europe (ARM is the only European
    entry in this race).
  • ARM's simple design gives it small silicon
    footprint, which, in turn, gives it modest power
    consumption. Its comparatively low power combined
    with its ability to be embedded into high-volume
    ASICs gave ARM a leg up in mobile phones.
  • Digital Semiconductor (part of DEC) surprised the
    world with StrongARM. Using the same silicon
    technology it used with its phenomenal Alpha
    processors, Digital quadrupled the best speed
    anyone had seen in an ARM-based chip.

  • Unfortunately, about that same time, Digital
    suicidally chose to sue Intel over an unrelated
    patent infringement. Intel settled the case
    quickly - by buying Digital Semiconductor rights
    to StrongARM.
  • StrongARM now lives on under the new name of
  • The first XScale chips are part of Intel's new
    "Personal Internet Client Architecture" (PCA) and
    promise to maintain the high standards set by the
    Digital Semiconductor.

Who is in the lead?
  • The list of vendors described is by no means
  • We could fill 100 more slides on the other
    choices available just among 32-bit embedded
    processors. There are more than 115 different
    32-bit embedded chips in production right now,
    all of them with happy, healthy users who love
  • History shows that no company holds the lead for
    long in the embedded market. Maybe in a few years
    one of these players will be sitting at the top
    of the heap.

Embedded Processors An Analogy
Viruses- PentiumProcessors Insects- Embedded
Embedded Processors An Analogy
  • Statistically speaking, all life on earth is just
  • If we round off the fractions, there are no
    trees, no bacteria, no fish, viruses, birds,
    plants or mammals of any kind.
  • If we need help feeling humble, mammals make up
    just 0.03 of the total number of species on the
  • Ask a friend what's the most popular
    microprocessor chip in the world. Chances are
    they'll answer "Pentium."
  • The fact is, Pentium accounts for only about 2
    of the microprocessors sold around the world.
    Pentium is to microprocessors what viruses are to
    life on earth.
  • The insects-the overwhelmingly dominant
    species--are the embedded microprocessors.
    They're the forgotten phylum that controls
    (approximately) 100 of the microprocessor

Embedded market
  • On a product dollar basis,
  • Embedded microprocessor - Second largest
    functionStatic RAM - First largest function
  • Unlike the standard processor, its embedded
    cousin is available from a wide variety of
    suppliers, with most architectures tailored to
    specific applications.

Embedded Processors
  • The number of different embedded processors is
    growing, not shrinking.
  • There are lots of embedded processors on the
    market because there needs to be a lot of
    embedded processors on the market.
  • Intel dominates the desktop only because all
    computers are more or less the same. One
    processor can serve them all. That's not true of
    embedded systems at all.
  • Lots of today's embedded microprocessors started
    out as high-end computer processors that didn't
    make it. MIPS, 68K, SPARC, ARM, PowerPC--they're
    all failed desktop processors that have wound up
    as embedded processors by default. None of these
    popular chip families started out as embedded

In future
  • Embedded processor technology, like many other
    functions, will find use in the
    Application-Specific Standard Product (ASSP)
    applications, as well as in customer-specific
    product designs.
  • Embedded processor technology a represents the
    single most important function relative to
    next-generation product technology development.
  • The most commonly embedded processor core will be
    the ARM architecture, which, product shipment
    wise, will account for almost two out of every
    three dollars. Other major embedded processor
    architectures include MIPS, ARC, and PowerPC,
    with the PowerPC sustaining the highest
    percentage revenue growth through 2006.Courtesy
    In-Stat/MDR -The high-tech market research firm

In future
  • The communications segment will accounting for
    nearly three out of every four product dollars
    consumed through 2006.
  • On the geographic side, it will be The Americas,
    followed by Europe, which will dominate future
    product consumption, accounting for an average of
    70 product dollar consumption through 2006.  

  • CISC has
  • a large, complex instruction set,
  • variable-length instructions,
  • a small number of general-purpose registers.
  • RISC has
  • a reduced instruction set
  • fixed-length instructions,
  • many general-purpose registers.
  • Today, designers are producing a hybrid of the
    two design philosophies known as a
    complex/reduced instruction set computer. These
    computers combine characteristics such as
    variable-length instructions, few general-purpose
    registers, pipelining, and floating-point units.

  • CISC Embedded Processors
  • 68K
  • X86
  • PDP-11
  • VAX
  • RISC Embedded Processors
  • Sparc
  • AMD 29K
  • MIPS
  • SuperH
  • PowerPC
  • ARM

  • CISC or RISC?
  • Which is really appropriate for embedded systems?
    It depends on what characteristics you're
    shopping for.
  • There are many hundreds of Embedded chips in
    production right now. Regardless of them being
    CISC or RISC, all of them have happy, healthy
    users who love them.

Thank you for your attention !
  • Courtesy Jim Turley, editor in chief of
    Embedded Systems Programming
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