Title: Camtasia: An Overview
1Camtasia An Overview
- Capturing Web Navigation
- Importing PowerPoint Presentations
- Editing and Rendering Video
- More Features
3Camtasia Start new project
- Start out by choosing to start a new project.
- Click OK.
4Camtasia Selecting region
Click on region of the screen.
Drag the cursor over the page to select area to
be recorded.
5Camtasia Choose audio record
Choose audio format and post-recording
options. Then you are ready to record your web
6Camtasia Recording
- You can tell that this is recording because of
the framing tabs in the corners of the screen.
For ease of recording, you can click F9 to start
recording and F10 to stop.
7Camtasia Saving and dragging
- Make sure to save the video (.avi)
Drag the video into the movie timeline. Then
save the video as a project file.
8Camtasia Importing PowerPoint Overview
- Save power point presentation as individual
JPEGs - Start new Camtasia project by importing files
- Move JPEGs into the timeline
- Add audio narration, call outs, transitions, or
Flash Hot Spots as needed - Proceed to Rendering Process
9Camtasia Getting Started
Select Start a new project by importing media
Browse for files as necessary
10Camtasia Inserting Images
Once you have all the JPEGs of PowerPoint slides
in your clip bin, drag drop them into the
11Camtasia Adding Extras
- Once you have your powerpoint slide JPEGs in the
timeline you can use Camtasia features to add - callouts with text
- narration
- adjust transitions
- Flash Hot Spots
12Camtasia - Rendering
- Click on the disk/film combo to render the video.
13Camtasia Choose video type
14Camtasia Select size of video
15Camtasia Choose watermark
16Camtasia Save
17Camtasia Render encode
- Depending on how long your video is, this could
take awhile.
18Camtasia Video
- Now the video is complete!
- Use your knowledge of Camtasia to create a movie
from either web navigation or power point
presentation. - Post your final product to your blog