Title: The use of software
1- The use of software
- to maintain the quality system
- in the Blood Bank in Iceland
2Ína Björg HjálmarsdóttirQuality managerThe
Blood BankThe University HospitalReykjavík,
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5The Blood BankReykjavík, Iceland
- Quality system according to ISO 9002
- ISO certification in May 2000
6Computer software
- Databyrån/ProSang - the Bood Bank system
- traceability of donors and blood units
- Lotus Notes - FOCAL solutions
- a part of the quality system
7Processes in the Blood Bank
Blood donor
Blood collection
Production of blood components
Blood components on stock
8What are some of the requirements of ISO 9002
- A quality manual and control of documents
- Training of personnel
- Control of non-conforming products
- Measurement and monitoring of processes
- Internal audits
- Improvement, corrective and preventive action
9A quality manual and control of documents
Blood donor
30 SOP
Blood collection
25 SOP
Production of blood components
Blood components on stock
10A quality manual and control of documents
- FOCAL Quality Handbook
- Electronic quality manual - no paper
- An up-to-date quality manual on every work
station - Control of documents according ISO is partly
built in to the FOCAL system
11Training of personnel
Blood donor
8 workstations 14 employees
Blood collection
6 workstations 18 employees
Production of blood components
Blood components on stock
12Training of personnel
- Plan for training and a checklist for every
workstation- FOCAL Quality Handbook - Training of personnel- FOCAL Human Resources
13Measurement and monitoring of processes
Blood donor
Blood collection
Weight of units
Production of blood components
White blood cell count Red blood cell count
Blood components on stock
14Measurement and monitoring of processes
- FOCAL DOC - meeting minutes used to document
the ability of processes to achieve planned
15Control of nonconforming product
Blood donor
Donor with a new tatoo
Blood collection
A defect in the blood collection bag
Production of blood components
The red blood cell count is low
Blood components on stock
16Control of non-conforming products
- FOCAL Non-conformities
- What happened?
- What is decided according to that product?
- Is further action needed?
- Also used for customer complaints
17Internal audit
Blood donor
Blood collection
Production of blood components
Blood components on stock
- Are we doing what we say we are doing?
18Internal audit
- FOCAL Internal Audits
- A plan for internal audits each year
- Records on non-conformities
- Records on actions taken
19Improvement, corrective and preventive action
Blood donor
Blood collection
Production of blood components
Blood components on stock
20Improvement, corrective and preventive action
- Projects in FOCAL DOC
- All written documents in the same place
- Pathways for projects
- Also used for validation of processes for
production and service provision
21At last
- It is possible to have a quality system only on
paper - But software makes live easier!