Title: The Wolf Comes to His Senses
1The Wolf Comes to His Senses
2Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her
grandmother in the woods.
3When she went in the cabin and saw her , she
said, What a big nose you have! The better
with which to smell , her grandmother said.
4Can you smell something good?
5I can smell flowers with my nose.
6Can you smell something stinky?
7I can smell a skunk with my nose.
8Can you smell something burning?
9I can smell smoke from a campfire with my nose.
10Then Little Red Riding Hood said, What big eyes
you have! The better with which to see, said
11Can you see something green?
12I can see grass with my eyes.
13Can you see something blue?
14I can see the sky with my eyes.
15Can you see something white?
16I can see snow with my eyes.
17Then Little Red Riding Hood said, What big hands
you have! The better with which to feel, said
18Can you feel something cold?
19I can feel ice with my fingers.
20Can you feel something soft?
21I can feel a pillow with my fingers
22Can you feel something hard?
23I can feel a baseball bat with my fingers.
24Then Little Red Riding Hood said, What a big
tongue you have! The better with which to
taste, said grandmother.
25Can you taste something sour?
26I can taste a pickle with my tongue.
27Can you taste something salty?
28I can taste a pretzel with my tongue.
29Can you taste something sweet?
30I can taste candy with my tongue.
31And I could taste you because you are as sweet
as sugar, said grandmother.
32Then Little Red Riding Hood said, What big ears
you have! The better with which to hear, said
33Can you hear something that is quiet?
34I can hear boys whispering with my ears.
35Can you hear something that is loud?
36I can hear hunters knocking at the door with my
37Just then, the hunters came in and chased the
wolf out of the cabin, into the cold white snow
where the stinky skunks were hiding.
38The Big Bad Wolf came to his senses and never
bothered Little Red Riding Hood or her
grandmother again.