Title: Resource Sharing in the UW System Libraries
1Resource Sharing in the UW System Libraries
Are We There Yet?
- Paul Moriarty, UW System
- Rachel Watters, Wendt Library, UW Madison
- Heather Weltin, Memorial Library, UW Madison
2CUWL Vision One System One Library
- Operate as a single library system across the UW
System rather than as individual libraries - Purchase library resources cooperatively,
especially costly electronic databases, but also
book and journal collections - Improve library-resource sharing by creating
faster delivery systems and more user-friendly
services - How do we accomplish this? Data helps.
- Developed through partnership between ARL and
Texas AM University - Survey conducted in Spring 2004
- 7,175 respondents
- 22 questions a box
- Each library could choose 5 additional questions
- Results can be compared to other institutions
4LibQUAL Results Standard Questions
5LibQUAL Results Local Questions
6UW Madison Ebling Library Survey (2004)
- Has the new ILLiad interface made requesting
materials easier or harder?
- Usefulness of possible future enhancements to
Library Express
7How will One System One Library improve
- Patrons feel that print and electronic
collections are deficient - ?Purchase resources cooperatively
- Patrons want to be self-sufficient
- ? Improve resource sharing bycreating faster
delivery systems and more user-friendly services - Where are system libraries, as a whole,
deficient? What can be done cooperatively to
improve service to all UW patrons? - ?Operate as a single library system
8Where are we now?
- Efforts at resource sharing
- Shared electronic resources
- Delivery services
- 690,000 UW items delivered around system in 2004
- Library common systems
- Voyager
- ILLiad
- SFX, MetaLib
- Universal borrowing
- 35,000 items circulated in 2003-2004
9Where are we now?Example 1How ILLiad
improves serviceUW Madisons experience
10Purchase of ILLiad
- UW Libraries Strategic Directions for 2001-2003
- UW System and UW Libraries will allocate funding
to enhance resource sharing and delivery services
that will provide UW students, faculty, and staff
timely and unrestricted access to ALL UW library
collections and will explore commercial software
options to enhance resource sharing services
across UW libraries including implementation of
rapid desktop journal article delivery
capabilities at all UW libraries. - October 2001 Enhanced Resource Sharing Task
Force (ERSTF) was created - January 2002 ERSTF began looking at a variety of
products - June 7, 2002 ERSTF recommended ILLiad
- September 2002 UW System Purchased ILLiad
System-wide ILLiad Transactions
- Benefits
- Save time by automating routine interlibrary loan
functions. - Do more with the same staff by freeing them from
rekeying patron information and manually tracking
requests. - Eliminate paperwork, thereby reducing clutter and
hand-copying errors. - Improve service to end users by giving them the
ability to initiate and track their ILL requests
every step of the way through a simple Web
- Features
- A seamless, integrated interface to both Worldcat
and OCLC ILL. - Streamlined end user requesting via FirstSearch
and other OpenURL Services. - Deliver electronic documents to your users'
desktops. - Statistics let you track your workflow in real
time and quantify lender performance. - A single Windows-based interface to ILL functions
for library staff. - Library users can access and track their requests
from any Web browser.
- What is it?
- Odyssey is a protocol used by ILLiad systems to
send Electronic Documents that have been
requested by other institutions directly from
ILLiad. - Benefits
- Send and receive electronic documents to other
Odyssey sites, OCLC ILLiad sites, and other
vendors software that supports the Odyssey
protocol. - Odyssey was designed with low cost, ease of use,
and network security in mind.
From Odyssey Electronic Delivery Software
Brochure (http//www.atlas-sys.com/Downloads/Od
13UW-Systems Use of Odyssey
- Sending and receiving of articles throughout the
System. - What is liked
- 65 Improved Turnaround Time
- 24 Desktop Delivery
- 11 Ease of Use
- Quotes
- Desktop delivery is great. We get articles
delivered to patrons in the same day, sometimes. - We have found it so easy to use and the turn
around time is so fast. Our patrons love to have
the documents delivered to their desktop so
quickly. - It makes ILLiad worth the trouble!
14Odyssey use at the UW-MadisonDocument Delivery
Lending Library Locate item on shelf Scan into
Borrowing Library Check Holdings
15On-Campus Document Delivery
Local Forwards
On-Campus Document Delivery
Total Requests
(All Shops Began Using Local Forward in Oct. 2004)
16Odyssey use at the UW-MadisonBorrowing
- 2003-04 Requests Received
- Articles 13,089
- Loans 20,342
- Everyone is Trusted!
17Where are we now?
- Example 2How SFX improves serviceUW
Madisons experience
- Purchased by UW System in Spring 2004
- Most UWs live by Fall 2004
- Decreases confusion
- Increases efficiency
19SFX Easy link to ILL/DD Services
20SFX Impact
- July 2004 4.6 of article requests in ILLiad
submitted through SFX - December 2004 36 of article requests in ILLiad
submitted through SFX - Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Received almost 95,000
requests - Fiscal Year 2004-2005 on track to receive
107,000 requests
21Where is UW Madison going?
- On-demand collection development
- Rush services
- Multi-type library collaboration
22On-demand collection development
- Book Express at UW Madison
- Books lt5 years old within scope
- Ordered rush
- Began at Memorial expanded to Wendt (April
2004) being considered at other campus libraries - Wendts experience
- FY0405 so far Book Express comprises 23 of
non-selected book purchases
23On-demand collection development (cont.)
- Cancelled Title Project (January 2005- )
- Cancelled Wiley Elsevier titles
- Requests automatically routed to special ILLiad
queue based on title and/or ISSN - Articles downloaded pay-per-view with either
account or university credit card - VERY positive responses from patrons
- January-March 2005
- 981 articles from 263 different titles for 544
different patrons - Cost 28,655 (avg. 29.21 per article)
- Average turnaround time 0.46 days
24Rush services
- Cancelled Title Project
- Morph into on-demand rush service?
- Rush ILL at Wendt and Steenbock Libraries
- All requests filled by Wendt
- Requests entered into form outside of ILLiad and
sent to email account - Requests manually entered into ILLiad Wendt
staff has access to Steenbocks system through
the shared server - 5 fee to patrons
- Rush services at Ebling Library
- On-demand, no restrictions, no costs
- Patrons enter a note with the word rush in it,
and ILLiad will automatically route to a custom
25Multi-type library collaboration
- Madison Public Library link to UW Madison
- Collaboration between Madison Public, UW Madison
Memorial Library, and SCLS delivery - February 1 - April 6 77 items have circulated
from Madison Public to UW Madison Memorial
Library - Average turnaround is about 2 days (traditional
ILL - 2-3 weeks)
- Project will continue through semester may
expand to other UW Madison campus libraries
26Where is your campus going?
- Individual libraries projects can expand
system-wide for the benefit of all - Share ideas!
- Think outside the box!
27Where is UW System going?
- Collection Management Task Force
- Collaborative models of collection development
- Overlap studies
- OhioLink
- Remote storage
- Commercial document providers
- Virtual Reference pilot (human resource sharing)
28Are We There Yet?
29- Questions?
- Comments?
- Ideas to share?
- Paul Moriarty pmoriarty_at_uwsa.edu
- Rachel Watters rwatters_at_engr.wisc.edu
- Heather Weltin hweltin_at_library.wisc.edu