Title: QUIZ
2Today1) Finish material from Wednesday2) Go
into todays material3) Quiz 1!
3Review - Isotopes
- 3) Isotopes are naturally abundant in different
- 1H hydrogen 99.985
- 2H deuterium 0.015
- 3H tritium trace amount
5Was there any D2 or T2 in these balloons?
H2 O2
- 4) Behave almost IDENTICALLY in chemical reactions
7Chemical Reactions
- 2 H2 O2 ? 2 H2O
- 2 D2 O2 ? 2 D2O
- 2 T2 O2 ? 2 T2O
8Chemical Reactions
- 2 H2 O2 ? 2 H2O
- 2 D2 O2 ? 2 D2O
- 2 T2 O2 ? 2 T2O
Is T2O radioactive?
- 5) Isotopes behave differently in nuclear
What is a NUCLEAR reaction?
- Isotopes which spontaneously undergo changes in
the nucleus - OR
- Isotopes that are radioactive.
11224 86
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222 86
221 86
- Rn Rn Rn
Rn - Rn Rn Rn
Rn - Rn Rn Rn
Rn - Rn Rn Rn
Rn - Rn Rn Rn
220 86
219 86
218 86
217 86
216 86
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214 86
213 86
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211 86
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209 86
208 86
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205 86
Radon nucleus
13(No Transcript)
Radioactivity involves emissions from the nucleus.
Alpha particle
Polonium nucleus
15Lets Do It Again
86 protons 136 neutrons
16(No Transcript)
2 protons 2 neutrons
84 protons 134 neutrons
18Alpha Decay of Radon
86 protons 136 neutrons
84 protons 134 neutrons
2 protons 2 neutrons
radon nucleus
polonium nucleus
alpha particle
19Alpha decay of radon
4 2
222 86
218 84
Alpha Particle
20The history and chemistry of radioactive particles
21Topics for Today
- Radiation
- History and discovery of radioactivity
- Alpha, beta, and gamma decay
- Quiz 1
- Chapter 2 on the electromagnetic spectrum (page
75) - Chapter 7.7 - What is radioactivity?
How are gamma rays different than visible light?
How are they similar?
- Assignment 1 is due in our email boxes Monday
before lecture! - Please send to your TA and myself!
24PRELAB QUIZ for Week 2 Due before your lab next
Unlimited number of tries allowed this week only.
25Topics for Monday
Now you see it, now you dont
26Topics for Monday
- Alpha/Beta/gamma decay
- Radioactive decay series
- Half-life of radioisotopes
- Radioactive iodine
27Chapter 7
- Radioactive decay series, Figure 7.17
- (page 330)
Why are radium and thorium found in nature with
28Chapter 11 Nutrition
- Minerals Macro and Micro
- (page 511)
How is iodine utilized in your body?
29Topics for Today
- Radiation
- History and discovery of radioactivity
- Alpha, beta, and gamma decay
- Quiz 1
30Alpha Decay of Radon
How did people first discover radiation?
86 protons 136 neutrons
84 protons 134 neutrons
2 protons 2 neutrons
radon nucleus
polonium nucleus
alpha particle
31Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19)
32Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
33Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
What are x-rays?
34- X-rays are short wavelength electromagnetic
Figure 2.6 (p. 75)
35Fig. 2.4 (p. 74)
36 Figure 2.7 (p. 76)
37Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
38(No Transcript)
39Frau Anna Bertha Roentgens hand with wedding
ring Nov. 8, 1895
Modern day X-ray
40Dark areas in photograph? Light areas?
Frau Anna Bertha Roentgens hand with wedding
ring Nov. 8, 1895
Modern day X-ray
41What happened to the radiologists who held the
film plates?
42(No Transcript)
43Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
- 1900 Henri Becquerel discovers radiation
44Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
- 1900 Henri Becquerel discovers radiation
- 1903 The Curies (Marie and Pierre) discover
polonium and radium in pitchblende.
How much radium can be found in TONS of
Photo credit Jim Marshall, Walking tour of the
How much radium can be found in TONS of
Just a couple of milligrams!
Photo credit Jim Marshall, Walking tour of the
47The Curies and Radium
- Saw radium as a potential for an anti-cancer
agent (1,000,000 times more radioactive than
uranium) - Refused to patent this discovery for humanitarian
48Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
- 1900 Henri Becquerel discovers radiation
- 1903 The Curies (Marie and Pierre) discover
polonium and radium. - 1903 - The Curies and Becquerel win the Nobel
Prize in physics
49Back in Time
- 1893 and 1894 Marie Curie earns a Masters
degree in Physics and Mathematics (age 19) - 1895 Roentgen discovers x-rays.
- 1900 Henri Becquerel discovers radiation
- 1903 The Curies (Marie and Pierre) discover
polonium and radium. - 1903 - The Curies and Becquerel win the Nobel
Prize in physics - 1911 Marie Curie wins second Nobel Prize
50Back in Time
- 1903 The Curies (Marie and Pierre) discover
polonium and radium. - 1903 - The Curies and Becquerel win the Nobel
Prize in physics - 1911 Marie Curie wins second Nobel Prize
- 1934 Marie Curies dies from leukemia
51Early Researchers
About 40 of the early radioactivity researchers
died of cancer.
At the time, why was this surprising?
52What makes these radioisotopes so dangerous?
53- They emit high energy particles and / or
electromagnetic radiation - These emissions hit other atoms and molecules and
ionize them. - The radioactive substance will change its
54- They emit high energy particles and / or
electromagnetic radiation - These emissions hit other atoms and molecules and
ionize them. - The radioactive substance will change its
55Review - Alpha Decay of Radon
86 protons 136 neutrons
84 protons 134 neutrons
2 protons 2 neutrons
radon nucleus
polonium nucleus
alpha particle
56- They emit high energy particles and / or
electromagnetic radiation - These emissions hit other atoms and molecules and
ionize them. - The radioactive substance will change its
57What is the most abundant compound in the human
58Ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, or gamma)
60Ionizing radiation
61In other words,
Ionizing radiation
62- They emit high energy particles and / or
electromagnetic radiation - These emissions hit other atoms and molecules and
ionize them. - The radioactive substance will change its
63- Uranium (eventually) decays to radon. . .
64- Uranium (eventually) decays to radon. . .
So what ?
65- Uranium solid. Stuck in a rock and weakly
radioactive. - Radon gas. Free to penetrate into the human
66Quiz 1
- Please hand the quiz to your TA when you are
finished. - Have a great weekend!