Title: Key Findings of Singapore Internet Project
1Key Findings of Singapore Internet Project
- By
- Alfred Choi, Associate Professor
- Chen Wenli, PhD Candidate
- School of Communication and Information
- Nanyang Technological University
- General Adult Findings (1999 - 2001, 2003)
- Internet adoption
- Time spent on Internet
- General Student Findings (1999-2001)
- Internet adoption
- Time Spent on Internet
- Internet and Youths The Other Side of Digital
3Internet Adoption -- Overall, at Home at Work
ltamong Adultsgt
- No increase in Internet Adoption 99 to 01
(46-41). Big increase found in 03 (64) - More than 80 adult users access Internet at home
with each year. Home adoption rate increased 99
to 01, but dropped a bit in 03. - About 60 adult users access Internet at work.
4Time Spent on the Internet Overall, at Home at
Work ltamong Adultsgt
- i-Time spent at home work increased over
years. - i-Time spent at home more than at work
5Internet Adoption Overall, at Home at School
ltamong Youthsgt
- I-adoption increased by 10 each year (72, 82,
92, respectively). - I-adoption at home increased I-adoption at
school decreased over years.
6Time Spent on Internet Overall, at Home at
School ltamong Youthsgt
- Average i-time spent increased over years
- i-Time spent at school decreased, alongside drop
in adoption rate in school
7Internet YouthsThe Other Side of Digital
- Digital Divide between those who are benefiting
those who are left behind - Previous studies on digital divide focus on
Internet access among elderly, less educated - Digital divide in terms of Internet activities
among youths were ignored - Those left behind may be disadvantaged in working
educational opportunities in the info. Society?
8Gender vs. Internet Activities among Users
- Top three popular Internet activities of youths
Entertainment, email, and Info-seek for study - Girls more likely to exchange email chat
online Boys more likely to use for entertainment
seek info for personal reasons - Adoption of info-seek for personal reasons
decreased over years for both boys girls.
9Gender vs. Internet Activities at Home among
- Adoption in each activities at Home mirror the
Overall -
- At Home, Girls more likely to chat online
- Boys more likely to seek info for personal
reasons. - No sig. gender diff. in Email
10Gender vs. Internet Activities at School among
- Adoption of Internet activities at school were
relatively low remained steady over years. - Girls more likely to use email chat online at
school. - Adoption of email, info-seek for personal reason
transaction at school decreased.
11Race vs. Internet Activities among Users
- No significant ethnic diff. in adoption of
i-activities except transaction
12Race vs. Internet Activities at Home among Users
- Chinese more likely to use email at home than
Indians Malays - Malays Adoption of all i-activities at home
decreased over years.
13Race vs. Internet Activities at School ltamong
- Chinese less likely to chat transact online at
school than M I
14Housing Status vs. Internet Activities among Users
- Higher housing status more likely to use email
15Housing Status vs. Internet Activitiesat Home
among Users
- Housing status closely related to email,
entertainment, info seek at home. Higher
status ? higher adoption - i-adoption of entertainment at home increased
while adoption of info seek decreased over years.
16Housing Status vs. Internet Activities at School
ltamong Users?
- Housing linked to adoption of online chat at
school -- Low status were more likely to chat
online at school - Top three activities at school Info seek for
study, Email Entertainment
17Family Income Status vs. Internet Activities
Overall ltamong Usersgt
- Youths from more wealthy family were more likely
to use email.
18Family Income Status vs. Internet Activities at
Home ltamong Usersgt
- Youths from wealthier families more likely to
use email seek info - Decrease in email, online chat, Info seek for
study, and transaction in low income group
19Family Income Status vs. Internet Activities at
School ltamong Usersgt
- Family income not sig. related to adoption of
i-activities at school. - Low income grp decreased adoption of Email
info seek for study - Middle income grp decreased adoption of
entertainment info seek for study
- Adoption of i-activities among youths -- greatest
social disparities in economic status. - Economic disparity significantly linked to info
seeking behaviors should be a social concern --
Digital divide among Youths! - Children from better off families more likely to
take advantage of Internet that can provide rich
info Counterparts are disadvantaged in the new
Information Society