Title: Blogging and IM
1Blogging and IM
2 Grinter, R., Leysia P. Instant Messaging in Teen
Life, 2002 ACM Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW '02New Orleans, LA), pp.
3Instant Messaging in Teen Life
- Technology and Sophistication in 2002
- E.g. continuous vs. ad hoc connections
- Peer pressure in technology adoption
- Cost (i.e. low cost) as a factor
- Computer-supported cooperative work in the home
- Friendships, coordination, school questions
- multi tasking
- Controlling access (privacy and clicks)
- Identity
4Billmon, Blogging Sells, and Sells Out, Los
Angeles Times, September 26, 2004.
5Blogging Sells, and Sells Out
- Commercialization of revolutions
- Commercialization of blogging
- Attention of the Media
- Short term effects
- Effects on content
6The View from the Ground, Los Angeles Times,
September 5, 2004
- For the adventurous reader (not required for the
7Question for You
- How has either blogging or messaging affected
your day-to-day life or work?