Title: brief outline
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2brief outline
- Lattice definitions interest of the problem
- experiments on JJAs opt. lattice proposal
- Bose-Hubbard model Quantum Rotor limit
- Tools to tackle the problem
- Analytic approaches
- mean field Ginzburg-Landau
- strong coupling expansion
- Numeric MonteCarlo approach
- effective action as (21)D XY model
- Magnetic frustration
- localization of single particle states (AB cages)
- superconductivity at high tunnelling
- intermediate phase without disorder !?
3reasons of Interest
- BH model to study strongly correlated systems
- JJAs Opt.Latt. are ideal models to study it
easy tunability!
OPT. LATT. laser intensity chem. potential rotation/ internal states
JUNCT. ARRAYS grain dimension/ barrier thickness electrostatic gates magnetic fields
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15MC unfrustrated results
Modulation in phase localization
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17MC full magn. frustr. (2)
Symbols Lt 6, 12, 30 Fillings Lx 6, 12,
18 Fixed ratio Lt2/3 Lx
Dependence on Lt ... not on spatial Lx x Ly !
Gap closed but no spatial correlation
Dyn. crit. exp. z0 gives independence of
correlation lengths ? 1D to 3D crossover
mechanism ?
Unfortunately not big enough system to decide
(frustration make thermalization hard)
Data corresponds to 1/K from 0.6 to 0.75 with
steps 0.025
Scaling on Lt seems to leave a window
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19Open questions
Is there an intermediate phase between Mott and
superfluid ?
Which is the correct scaling behaviour of
stiffness and compressibility, since bands of
gauge-link matrix are flat and GLW analysis says
z 0 !?
OUR IDEA single particle correlation lengths may
be independent in time and space and the
intermediate state we observe can be due to a 1d
to 3d crossover due to finite size of the systems
we are considering in simulations
MOREOVER How are results affected by the great
degeneracy of ground states?
- T3 (dice) planar, Bravais lattice, no disorder
but peculiar link matrix with diff. coord. - Bose Hubbard Quantum Rotor
- Mapping into (21)D XY model
- Magnetic frustration
- Aharanov Bohm cages for single particles
- probable pair of pairs superfluidity
- intermediate strange phase without disorder !?
- crossover mechanism? new scaling laws?
MR, V. Cataudella, and R.Fazio, Phys Rev. B 73,
144511 (2006) Phys. Rev. B 73, 100502R (2006)