Title: The Large Hadron Collider : the LHC
1The Large Hadron Collider the LHC
10 September 2008, 9 am attempt to circulate
the first proton beam
Live satellite broadcast and webcast
activity in CERN Control Center interviews
The Globe of Science and Innovation at CERN
link LHC start-up
2The LHC at CERN
The detectors at the LHC
27 km
100 m
3The detectors at LHC
The detectors at LHC
12.000 T
6.000 T
4What for?
discover the smallest constituents of matter and
understand how they interact to build up our
5Some of the Questions we hope to Answer...
- What is the origin of mass?
- How many space-time dimensions do we live in?
- Are the particles fundamental or do they possess
structure? - Why is there overwhelmingly more matter than
anti-matter in the Universe? - What is the nature of the dark matter that
pervades our galaxy?
Claire Timlin - Festival of Science
6The role of Belgium Since 1993 Belgian
scientists contribute to CMSNow 70 from UA,
UCL, UG, ULB, UMH and VUBWith other countries,
they built the CMS Tracker
7The CMS collaboration
F 15 m L 22 m 12 500 T
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10CMS is ready, it is taking data with cosmic
rays for several months
It sees tracks !
11The LHC Grid
The LHC data challenge 15 Million
Gigabytes/year (about 20 million CDs!) Computing
power needed to analyze the data 100,000 of
fastest PC processors ? distributed network of
computing resources
2 Grid centers in Belgium !
12Safety of LHC collisions
- Could we create in LHC collisions some objects,
such as black holes, that might be dangerous ? - No!
Nature has already conducted the equivalent of
100,000 LHC experiments on Earth, and the
planet still exists !