Title: Euromonitor International
1Euromonitor International
- Global Market Information Database (GMID)
- Informations sur les économies, les industries et
les consommateurs dans 205 pays - Version légère
- Core GMID Market Research Monitor
- Une présentation sur ces applications de cette
base pour les écoles de commerce en France - Mark Bevan, mars 2008, Londres
2Global Market Information Database (GMID)
- Les départements ciblés
- Marketing et Gestion International
- Sciences économiques et politiques
- Sciences Sociales
3Contenu GMID Light
- 1 million de statistiques sur les industries, les
économies et consommateurs dans 205 pays. - 3500 études sectorielles à linternationale
- 205 fichiers pays Country Factfiles
- Des articles sur les pays, les industries et les
43500 etudes sectorielles liste sectorielle
- Aerospace and DefenceAlcoholic
DrinksApparelAutomotivesBanking and
FinanceCatering and VendingChemicalsComputers
and ElectronicsConsumer ElectronicsDemographics
and LifestylesDomestic AppliancesEnergyEntertai
nment and LeisureFood and BeveragesHealth and
WellnessHealthcareHousehold CareHousehold
- Houseware and Home FurnishingsIndustrial and
ManufacturingLifestylesLuxury GoodsMarketing
ServicesMetalsOTC HealthcarePackagingPersonal
and Leisure GoodsPersonal CarePublishing and
oys and GamesTravel and Tourism
5Core GMID (statistiques)
- Plus de 1 millions de données
- Couverture 205 pays
- Series 1977-2020
- 2500 categories
- Eg. ..indicateurs économiques, populations,
structures des foyers, education et santé,
agriculture et environnement, marché de
travaille, indicateurs culturelles, marché
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7Données uniques comparables
- Sources publiques nationales et internationales
sources dEuromonitor International - Données travaillées - methologies verifiées,
definitions verifiées données uniques
COMPARABLES - Le travail dune équipe de 30 statisticiens
dEuromonitor International
8Fonctionalité Core GMID
- Conversion des données sur lécran
- Time Series (historiques et prévisions)
- Currency conversion (visualisation en , US, ,
CHF, JPY) - Growth
- Unit multiplier
- Per capita/household
- Création des graphiques
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12Principales catégories Core GMID
- Indicateurs économiques (700 categories)
- Marchés du travail (130)
- Populations et foyers domestiques (400)
- Indicateurs culturelles (285)
- Revenue disponibles (129)
- Marchés industriels, services et grande
consommation (340) - Education et santé (120)
- Agriculture, energie et environnement (250)
13Indicateurs économiques (Core GMID)
- Economic indicators
- Annual rates of inflation
- Balance of payments
- Business environment
- Consumer confidence
- Consumer expenditure
- Consumer prices and costs
- Exchange rates
- Foreign direct investment
- Gross national income
- Government expenditure
- Income
- Poverty
- Foreign trade
- Exports
- Imports
- Trade balance
- Government
- Domestic policy
- Elections
- Foreign policy and international relations
- Finance
- Bank claims on the private sector
- International liquidity
- Annual lending rates
- Reserves of deposit money banks
- Government finance
- Market capitalisation
- Money supply
14Monde du travail (Core GMID)
- Labour (130 categories)
- Economically active population
- Employed population
- Hours of work
- Maternity legislation
- Part-time employees
- Unemployed population
- Unemployment rate
- Market capitalisation
- Money supply
- Workers by employment status
15Populations et foyers domestiquesCore GMID
- Population (343)
- Births
- Deaths
- Foreign citizens
- Land area per capita
- Mean age of population
- Median age of population
- Net migration
- Pensioners
- Population at January 1st
- Population at mid-year
- Population density
- Refugees/asylum seekers
- Population and people
- Consumer segmentation
- Crime
- Demographics
- Labour
- Literacy and education
- Household profiles (63)
- Household profiles
- Average number of occupants per household
- Household facilities
- Households
- Housing stock
- New dwellings completed
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17Indicateurs culturelles CORE GMID
- Cultural indicators (76)
- Crime
- Cultural indicators
- Health
- Literacy and education
- Pet population
- Possession of household durables
- Travel and tourism
18Education et Santé - Core GMID
- Education (52)
- Literacy level
- University populations
- Educational establishments
- Pre-primary education
- Primary education
- Secondary education
- Health (86)
- Causes of death
- Dental health
- Drug abuse
- Health expenditure
- Infant deaths
- Infant mortality rates
- Infectious diseases
- Legal abortions
- Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy
- Medical equipment and supplies
- Medical services
- Nutrition
- Perceived health status
- Smoking habits
- Water and sanitation
- Workplace health
19Revenue disponibles Core GMID
- Household disposable income distribution (129)
- Annual income bands (number of households)
- Monthly income bands (number of households)
- Annual income bands ( of total households)
- Monthly income bands ( of total households)
- Annual income bands (total income)
- Monthly income bands (total income)
- Annual income bands (average income)
- Monthly income bands (average income)
- Income (60)
20Marchés industriels, services et grande
- Consumer markets (290)
- Alcoholic drinks (off-trade) 6
- Automotive products (6)
- Clothing and footwear (9)
- Consumer electronics (15)
- Cosmetics and toiletries (42)
- Disposable paper products (10)
- Domestic electrical appliances(33)
- Eyewear (8)
- Fresh food (9) Gardening
- Health and wellness packaged food
- Home furnishings
- Hot drinks (4)
- Household care products (20)
- Housewares
- IT (18)
- OTC healthcare (6)
- Packaged food (75)
- Pet food and pet care products (5)
- Soft drinks (9)
- Tobacco (4)
- Toys and games (3)
21Marchés industriels, services et grande
- Industrial markets (50)
- Chemicals (7)
- Electronics (3)
- Industrial machinery (9)
- Industrial production index (3)
- Metal production (10)
- Mineral production (10)
- Paper and cardboard packaging
- Textile production (8)
- Service markets (30)
- Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping
- Advertising (8)
- Broadcasting (4)
- Foodservice (5)
- Commercial and retail printing services
- Commercial real estate and property management
- Computer consulting services
- Couriers
- Direct marketing
- Electronic information services
- Employment services
- Engineering and construction services
- Legal services
- Management and marketing consulting services
- Market research
- Office equipment
22Agriculture, énergie et environnement
- Agricultural resources (139)
- Agricultural output indices
- Area (land and water)
- Food production
- Forestry production
- Livestock numbers
- Livestock feed
- Organic farming
- Environmental data (60)
- Air and water pollution
- Conservation
- Deforestation
- Pesticide consumption
- Waste and waste management
- Energy resources and output (49)
- Consumption of refinery products
- Electric power distribution
- Energy production
- Energy reserves
- Petroleum refining
- Primary energy consumption
- Residential consumption of energy
23Démonstration virtuelle
- Noubliez pas quil y a maintenant un video
Getting started sur la page dacceuil de GMID. - Pour les utilisateurs de GMID, cette courte démo
en deux - partie, vous aidera à connaitre la présentation
de la base et - aussi à trouver les statistiques
- "Navigating and finding the latest data" - 2
minutes - "Finding data" - 4 minutes
- Prochainement nous lancerons une deuxième démo en
trois parties - "Working with Statistics"
- "Working with Reports"
- "Saving Research"
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