Title: Maximal Independent Sets of a Hypergraph
1Maximal Independent Sets of a Hypergraph
Alice Patrick
2Whats that then?
- A hypergraph G (V,E)
- V is a set of vertices
- E is a set of hyperedges
- an edge with 2 or more vertices
- An independent set S
- assume vertices(e) is set of vertices in
hyperedge e
- Maximal independent set S
- there is no independent set S that subsumes S
3(No Transcript)
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A Hypergraph
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An Independent Set
You could add vertex 3 or vertex 8!
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A Maximal Independent Set
There are 11 maximal independent sets of size 6
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The Largest Independent Set
There is only one for this graph
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A Minimal Maximal Independent Set
9 and now for a constraint programming solution
in Choco
But what about maximality?
Encoding Maximality
An example, vertex 2
That is, we state when a variable MUST be
selected and when it MUST NOT be selected
Example, vertices 1,2, and 3
13More Generally
- Is this any good?
- What is state of the art?
- Are there benchmark problems?
- Is it new?
- In CP, I think so
- Can we apply the encoding to other maximality
problems? - I guess so. Care to suggest some?
- Is it fun?