Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principal Component Analysis (PCA)


In this setting, principle component analysis (PCA) finds the directions of the ... projects every point x onto the axes of the ellipsoid to give projection c. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis(PCA)
  • PCA is an unsupervised signal processing method.
    There are two views of what PCA does
  • it finds projections of the data with maximum
  • it does compression of the data with minimum mean
    squared error.
  • PCA can be achieved by certain types of neural
    networks. Could the brain do something similar?
  • Whitening is a related technique that transforms
    the random vector such that its components are
    uncorrelated and have unit variance

Thanks to Tim Marks for some slides!
Maximum Variance Projection
  • Consider a random vector x with arbitrary joint
  • in PCA we assume that x has zero mean
  • we can always achieve this by constructing xx-ยต
  • Scatter plot and projection y onto a weight
    vector w
  • Motivating question y is a scalar random
    variable that depends on w for which w is the
    variance of y maximal?

  • Example
  • consider projecting x onto the red wr and blue wb
    who happen to lie along the coordinate axes in
    this case
  • clearly, the projection onto wb has the higher
    variance, but is there a w for which its even

  • First, what about the mean (expected value) of y?
  • so we have
  • since x has zero mean, meaning that E(xi) 0
    for all i.
  • This implies that the variance of y is just
  • Note that this gets arbitrarily big if w gets
    longer and longer, so from now on we restrict w
    to have length 1, i.e. (wTw)1/21

  • continuing with some linear algebra tricks
  • where Cx is the correlation matrix (or
    covariance matrix) of x.
  • We are looking for the vector w that maximizes
    this expression
  • Linear algebra tells us that the desired vector w
    is the eigenvector of Cx corresponding to the
    largest eigenvalue

  • Reminder Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
  • let A be an nxn (square) matrix. The n-component
    vector v is an eigenvector of A with the
    eigenvalue ? if
  • i.e. multiplying v by A only changes the
    length by a factor ? but not the orientation.
  • Example
  • for the scaled identity matrix is every vector is
    an eigenvector with identical eigenvalue s

  • Notes
  • if v is an eigenvector of a matrix A then any
    scaled version of v is an Eigenvector of A, too
  • if A is a correlation (or covariance) matrix,
    then all the eigenvalues are real and
    nonnegative the eigenvectors can be chosen to be
    mutually orthonormal
  • (dik is the so-called Kronecker
  • also, if A is a correlation (or covariance)
    matrix, then A is positive semidefinite

The PCA Solution
  • The desired direction of maximum variance is the
    direction of the unit-length eigenvector v1 of Cx
    with the largest eigenvalue
  • Next, we want to find the direction whose
    projection has the maximum variance among all
    directions perpendicular to the first eigenvector
    v1. The solution to this is the unit-length
    eigenvector v2 of Cx with the 2nd highest
  • In general, the k-th direction whose projection
    has the maximum variance among all directions
    perpendicular to the first k-1 directions is
    given by the k-th unit-length eigenvector of Cx.
    The eigenvectors are ordered such that
  • We say the k-th principal component of x is given

  • What are the variances of the PCA projetions?
  • From above we have
  • Now utilize that w is the k-th eigenvector of Cx
  • where in the last step we have exploited that
    vk has unit length. Thus, in words, the variance
    of the k-th principal component is simply the
    eigenvalue of the k-th eigenvector of the
    correlation/covariance matrix.

  • To summarize
  • The eigenvectors v1, v2, , vn of the covariance
    matrix have corresponding eigenvalues ?1 ?2
    ?n. They can be found with standard algorithms.
  • ?1 is the variance of the projection in the v1
    direction, ?2 is the variance of the projection
    in the v2 direction, and so on.
  • The largest eigenvalue ?1 corresponds to the
    principal component with the greatest variance,
    the next largest eigenvalue corresponds to the
    principal component with the next greatest
    variance, etc.
  • So, which eigenvector (green or red) corresponds
    to the smaller eigenvalue in this example?

PCA for multinomial Gaussian
  • We can think of the joint pdf of the multinomial
    Gaussian in terms of the (hyper-) ellipsoidal
    (hyper-) surfaces of constant values of the pdf.
  • In this setting, principle component analysis
    (PCA) finds the directions of the axes of the
  • There are two ways to think about what PCA does
  • Projects every point perpendicularly onto the
    axes of the ellipsoid.
  • Rotates the ellipsoid so its axes are parallel to
    the coordinate axes, and translates the ellipsoid
    so its center is at the origin.

Two views of what PCA does
  1. projects every point x onto the axes of the
    ellipsoid to give projection c.
  2. rotates space so that the ellipsoid lines up with
    the coordinate axes, and translates space so the
    ellipsoids center is at the origin.

Transformation matrix for PCA
  • Let V be the matrix whose columns are the
    eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, S.
  • Since the eigenvectors vi are all normalized to
    have length 1 and are mutually orthogonal, the
    matrix V is orthonormal (VV T I), i.e. it is a
    rotation matrix
  • the inverse rotation transformation is given by
    the transpose V T of matrix V

Transformation matrix for PCA
  • PCA transforms the point x (original coordinates)
    into the point c (new coordinates) by subtracting
    the mean from x (z x m) and multiplying the
    result by V T
  • this is a rotation because V T is an orthonormal
  • this is a projection of z onto PC axes, because
    v1 z is projection of z onto PC1 axis, v2 z
    is projection onto PC2 axis, etc.

  • PCA expresses the mean-subtracted point, z x
    m, as a weighted sum of the eigenvectors vi . To
    see this, start with
  • multiply both sides of the equation from the left
    by V
  • VV Tz Vc exploit that V is orthonormal
  • z Vc i.e. we can easily
    reconstruct z from c

PCA for data compression
  • What if you wanted to transmit someones height
    and weight, but you could only give a single
  • Could give only height, x
  • (uncertainty when height is known)
  • Could give only weight, y
  • (uncertainty when weight is known)
  • Could give only c1, the value of first PC
  • (uncertainty when first PC is known)
  • Giving the first PC minimizes the squared error
    of the result.
  • To compress n-dimensional data into k dimensions,
    order the principal components in order of
    largest-to-smallest eigenvalue, and only save the
    first k components.

  • Equivalent view To compress n-dimensional data
    into kltn dimensions, use only the first k
  • PCA approximates the mean-subtracted point, z x
    m, as a weighted sum of only the first k
  • transforms the point x into the point c by
    subtracting the mean z x m and multiplying
    the result by V T

PCA vs. Discrimination
  • variance maximization or compression are
    different from discrimination!
  • consider this data coming stemming from two
  • which direction has max. variance, which
    discriminates between the two clusters?

Application PCA on face images
  • 120 ? 100 pixel grayscale 2D images of faces.
    Each image is considered to be a single point in
    face space (a single sample from a random
  • How many dimensions is the vector x ?
  • n 120 100 12000
  • Each dimension (each pixel) can take values
    between 0 and 255 (8 bit grey scale images).
  • You can easily visualize points in this 12000
    dimensional space!

The original images (12 out of 97)
The mean face
  • Let x1, x2, , xp be the p sample images
  • Find the mean image, m, and subtract it from each
    image zi xi m
  • Let A be the matrix whose columns are the
    mean-subtracted sample images.
  • Estimate the covariance matrix

What are the dimensions of S ?
The transpose trick
  • The eigenvectors of S are the principal component
  • Problem
  • S is a nxn (1200012000) matrix. Its too big for
    us to find its eigenvectors numerically. In
    addition, only the first p eigenvalues are
    useful the rest will all be zero, because we
    only have p samples.
  • Solution Use the following trick.
  • Eigenvectors of S are eigenvectors of AAT but
    instead of eigenvectors of AAT, the eigenvectors
    of ATA are easy to find
  • What are the dimensions of ATA ? Its a pp
    matrix its easy to find eigenvectors since p is
    relatively small.

  • We want the eigenvectors of AAT, but instead we
    calculated the eigenvectors of ATA. Now what?
  • Let vi be an eigenvector of ATA, whose eigenvalue
    is li

(ATA)vi ?
  • A (ATAvi) A(livi)
  • AAT (Avi) li (Avi)
  • Thus if vi is an eigenvector of ATA , Avi is
    an eigenvector of AAT , with the same
  • Av1 , Av2 , , Avn are the eigenvectors of S.
    u1 Av1 , u2 Av2 , , un Avn are called

  • Eigenfaces (the principal component directions of
    face space) provide a low-dimensional
    representation of any face, which can be used
  • Face image compression and reconstruction
  • Face recognition
  • Facial expression recognition

The first 8 eigenfaces
PCA for low-dimensional face representation
  • To approximate a face using only k dimensions,
    order the eigenfaces in order of
    largest-to-smallest eigenvalue, and only use the
    first k eigenfaces.
  • PCA approximates a mean-subtracted face, z x
    m, as a weighted sum of the first k eigenfaces

  • To approximate the actual face we have to add the
    mean face m to the reconstruction of z
  • The reconstructed face is simply the mean face
    with some fraction of each eigenface added to it

The mean face
Approximating a face using the first 10
Approximating a face using the first 20
Approximating a face using the first 40
Approximating a face using all 97 eigenfaces
  • Notes
  • not surprisingly, the approximation of the
    reconstructed faces get better when more
    eigenfaces are used
  • In the extreme case of using no eigenface at all,
    the reconstruction of any face image is just the
    average face
  • In the other extreme of using all 97 eigenfaces,
    the reconstruction is exact, since the image was
    in the original training set of 97 images. For a
    new face image, however, its reconstruction based
    on the 97 eigenfaces will only approximately
    match the original.
  • What regularities does each eigenface capture?
    See movie.

Eigenfaces in 3D
  • Blanz and Vetter (SIGGRAPH 99). The video can be
    found at
  • http//
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