Title: CS411 Database Systems
1CS411Database Systems
14 Concurrency Control
- Homework 5Â is out. The due date is Dec 2. Donna's
office has changed to 2106 - Please NOT fill out ICES on-line evaluations
- Everything is recorded under Prof. Winslett name,
which will cause confusion later
3A transaction is a sequence of operations that
must be executed as a whole.
BUSEY SAVINGS Winslett 1000
Transfer 500
- Debit savings
- Credit checking
Either both (1) and (2) happen or neither!
- Every DB action takes place inside a transaction.
4We abstract away most of the application code
when thinking about transactions.
Users point of view
Transfer 500
Code writers point of view
- Debit savings
- Credit checking
Read Balance1 Write Balance1 Read Balance2 Write
Concurrency control s recoverys point of view
5Schedule The order of execution of operations of
two or more transactions.
Schedule S1
R(A) R(C) W(A) R(B) W(C) R(B)
W(B) W(B)
Read data item A (typically a tuple)
6Why do we need transactions?
Transaction 1 Add 100 to account A
Transaction 2 Add 200 to account A
R(A) W(A)
R(A) W(A)
7What will be the final account balance?
Transaction 1 Add 100 to account A
Transaction 2 Add 200 to account A
R(A) W(A)
R(A) W(A)
The Lost Update Problem
8What will be the final account balance?
Transaction 1 Add 100 to account A
Transaction 2 Add 200 to account A
R(A) W(A) F A I L
R(A) W(A)
Dirty reads cause problems.
9Abort or roll back are the official words for
- Commit
- All your writes will definitely absolutely be
recorded and will not be undone, and all the
values you read are committed too. - Abort/rollback
- Undo all of your writes!
10- The concurrent execution of transactions must be
such that each transaction appears to execute in
11The ACID properties
- Atomicity
- A transaction is performed entirely or not at all
- Consistency Preservation
- A transactions execution takes the database from
one correct state to another - Isolation
- The updates of a transaction must not be made
visible to other transactions until it is
committed - Durability
- If a transaction changes the database and is
committed, the changes must never be lost because
of subsequent failure
T1 T2
READ(A, t) t t 100 WRITE(A, t) READ(B, t) t
t 100 WRITE(B, t)
READ(A, s) s s 2 WRITE(A, s) READ(B, s) s
s 2 WRITE(B, s)
Concurrency constraint A B
Transaction Manager
Read/Write request
Reads and writes
- Time-ordered sequence of the important actions
taken by one or more transactions - Consider only the READ and WRITE actions, and
their orders ignore the INPUT and OUTPUT
actions - An element in a buffer is accessed by multiple
15Serial Schedule
- If any action of transaction T1 precedes any
action of T2, then all action of T1 precede all
action of T2 - The correctness principle tells us that every
serial schedule will preserve consistency of the
database state
T1s actions
T2s actions
16Example 1 (T1, T2)
T1 T2 A
READ(A, t) t t 100 WRITE(A, t) READ(B, t) t
t 100 WRITE(B, t)
READ(A, s) s s 2 WRITE(A, s) READ(B, s) s
s 2 WRITE(B, s)
17Example 2 (T2, T1)
T1 T2 A
READ(A, s) s s 2 WRITE(A, s) READ(B, s) s
s 2 WRITE(B, s)
READ(A, t) t t 100 WRITE(A, t) READ(B, t) t
t 100 WRITE(B, t)
18Serial Schedule is Not Necessarily Desirable
- Improved throughput
- I/O activity can be done in parallel with
processing at CPU - Reduced average waiting time
- If transactions run serially, a short transaction
may have to wait for a preceding long transaction
to complete
19A schedule is serializable if it is guaranteed to
give the same final result as some serial
- Which of these are serializable?
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Read(A) Write(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Write(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
20Example s s1
T1 T2 A
READ(A, t) t t 100 WRITE(A, t)
READ(A, s) s s 1 WRITE(A, s) READ(B, s) s
s 1 WRITE(B, s)
READ(B, t) t t 100 WRITE(B, t)
21Transaction Semantics
- Any database element A that a transaction T
writes is given a value that depends on the
database state in such a way that no arithmetic
coincidences occur - More informally, if there is something that T
could have done to A that will make the database
state inconsistent, then T will do that
22Notation for Transactions and Schedules
- We do not consider the details of local
computation steps such as t t 100 - Only the reads and writes matter
- Action ri(X) or wi(X)
- Transaction Ti a sequence of actions with
subscript i - Schedule S a sequence of actions from a set of
transactions T
- T1 r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) w1(B)
- T2 r2(A) w2(A) r2(B) w2(B)
- S r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) w2(A) r1(B) w1(B)
r2(B) w2(B)
- Commercial systems generally support
conflict-serializability - Stronger notion than serializability
- Based on the idea of a conflict
- Turn a given schedule to a serial one by make as
many nonconflicting swaps as we wish
- A pair of consecutive actions in a schedule such
that, if their order is interchanged, then the
behavior of at least one of the transactions
involved can change
26Conflicting Swaps
- Two actions of the same transaction
- - E.g., ri(X) wi(Y)
- Two writes of the same database element
- - E.g., wi(X) wj(X)
- A read and a write of the same database element
- - E.g., ri(X) wj(X)
27Nonconflicting swaps
- Any two actions of different transactions may be
swapped unless - They involve the same database element, and
- At least one is a write
- Examples
- ri(X) rj(Y)
- ri(X) wj(Y) if X! Y
- wi(X) rj(Y) if X ! Y
- wi(X) wj(Y) if X ! Y
- Two schedules are conflict-equivalent if they can
be turned one into the other by a sequence of
nonconflicting swaps of adjacent actions - A schedule is conflict-serializable if it is
conflict-equivalent to a serial schedule - Easy to check whether a schedule is
conflict-serializable by examining a precedence
r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) w2(A) r1(B) w1(B) r2(B)
w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) w1(B)
r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) r2(A) w2(A)
w1(B) r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B) r2(A)
w1(B) w2(A) r2(B) w2(B) r1(A) w1(A) r1(B)
w1(B) r2(A) w2(A) r2(B) w2(B)
30Test for Conflict-Serializability
- Can decide whether or not a schedule S is
conflict-serializable - Ideas
- when there are conflicting actions that appear
anywhere in S, the transactions performing those
actions must appear in the same order in any
conflict-equivalent serial schedule - Summarize those conflicting actions in a
precedence graph
31Precedence Graphs
- T1 takes precedence over T2 (T1 ltS T2), if there
are actions A1 of T1 and A2 of T2, s.t. - A1 is ahead of A2 in S
- Both A1 and A2 involve the same database element
- At least one of A1 and A2 is a written action
- Construct a precedence graph and ask if there are
any cycles
32Certain pairs of operations conflict with each
Write(A) Write(A)
Write(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A)
Read(A) Write(A)
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Read(A) Write(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Write(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
33Lets clean up by collapsing all the nodes for a
transaction into one big node.
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Read(A) Write(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Write(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Blue Black
Blue Black
Blue Black
34Lets clean up by collapsing all the nodes for a
transaction into one big node.
A schedule is conflict serializable iff its
dependency graph is acyclic.
Read(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Read(A) Write(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Read(A) Write(A) Read(A)
Write(A) Read(B) Write(B)
Blue Black
Blue Black
Blue Black
35Is this schedule conflict serializable?
T1 T2 T3
T1 T2 T3
R2(C) W2(C)
R2(B) W2(B)
R1(A) W1(A) R1(C) W1(C)
R3(C) W3(C)
R1(A) R2(C)
W2(C) W1(A) R1(C) W1(C)
R3(C) W3(C)
R2(B) W2(B)
Schedule S2
Schedule S1
36- What serial schedule is S1 equivalent to, if any?
R(A) W(A)
R(C) W(C)
R)C( W(B) R(A) R(B) W(B)
W(B) R(A)
W(A) R(A) R(B) R(C) W(B) W(C)
37- What serial schedule is S1 equivalent to, if any?
W(A) R(A) R(C) R(C) W(A) W(C)
- S r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) r3(A) w1(B) w3(A)
r2(B) w2(B)
S r1(B) w1(B) r2(A) w2(A) r2(B) w2(B)
r3(A) w3(A)
- S1 r2(A) r1(B) w2(A) r2(B) r3(A) w1(B)
w3(A) w2(B)
40Locks are the basis of most protocols to
guarantee serializability.
- Prevent orders of actions that lead to an
unserializable schedule using locks - Maintain a lock on each database element
- Transactions must obtain a lock on a database
element if they want to perform any operation on
that element
- A scheduler uses a lock table to guide decisions
requests from transactions
lock table
Locks(element, transaction)
Serializable schedule of action
42Requirements for the use of locks
- Consistency of transactions
- A transaction can only read or write an element
if it previously requested a lock on that element
and hasnt yet released the lock - If a transaction locks an element, it must later
unlock that element - Legality of schedulers
- No two transactions may have locked the same
element without one having first released the lock
43Notation for locks
- li(X) Transaction Ti requests a lock on
database element X - ui(X) Transaction Ti releases its lock on
database element X
44Example 1
- A legal, but not serializable schedule
T1 T2 A
l1(A) r1(A) A A100 w1(A)u1(A)
l2(A)r2(A) A A2 w2(A) u2(A) l2(B)
r2(B) B B2 w2(B) u2(B)
l1(B) r1(B) B B100 w1(B)u1(B)
45Example 2
- T1 and T2 lock B before releasing the lock on A
T1 T2 A
l1(A) r1(A) A A100 w1(A) l1(B) u1(A)
l2(A)r2(A) A A2 w2(A) l2(B)
r1(B) B B100 w1(B) u1(B)
l2(B) u2(A) r2(B) B B2 w2(B) u2(B)
462-Phase Locking (2PL) no new locks once youve
given one up
- In every transaction, all lock requests precede
all unlock requests - Guaranteed that a legal schedule of consistent
transactions is conflict-serializable
47Why Two-Phase Locking Works
- Each two-phase-locked transaction may be thought
to execute in its entirety at the instant it
issues its first unlock request - The conflict-equivalent serial schedule for a
schedule S of 2PL transactions is the one in
which the transactions are ordered in the same
order as their first unlock
Instantaneously executes now
locks acquired
48Locking system with several locks
- Shared lock read lock many transactions can
hold a shared lock on the same item at the same
time. - Exclusive lock write lock only one transaction
can hold an exclusive lock on an item at any
given time.
49The lock manager makes decisions based on its
compatibility matrix
502PL doesnt solve every potential problem.
T1 T2
We should never have let T1 commit.
W(B) R(A)
W(A) R(A) R(B) W(B)
T1 commits
Cascading rollback
Now T2 aborts!
51How do we deal with this?
- Commit trans T only after all transactions that
wrote data that T read have committed - Or only let a transaction read an item after the
transaction that last wrote this item has
committed - Strict 2PL 2PL a transaction releases its
locks only after it has committed. - How does Strict 2PL prevent cascading rollback?
- Concurrency control is a scheduling problem of
actions of different tranactions