Title: Government structure in Norway
1Government structure in Norway
- Murmansk, May 2007
- Brit Olssøn
2- Norway
- 1800 km from north to south
- 342.000 km2
- 4,6 mill inhabitants
- 13,8 persons pr km2
3Historical background
- Independent until 1530
- Danish province 1530- 1814
- The Norwegian constitution 17 may 1814 - three
main principles - sovereignty of the people,
- separation of powers,
- human rights
- Union with Sweden 1814 1905
- Parliamentarisme from 1884 (not constitution)
4Public sector
- Public administration act
- Freedom of information act
- Rule of law
- Public and administrative decisions within the
law and according to the law - Fair and equal handling of each case
- Efficient, predictable, professional
administration - Accountability and transparency
- open, can afford scrutiny
5Levels of government
- National government
- Regional state level (administration)
- Local/Regional government (elected)
Storting 169 reps
Government 18 ministries
Court of Justice
Regional Governor (19)
Government agencies
County Authorities 19
Municipalities 431
- Parliamentarism Government stays in power as
long as it has the confidence of the Parliament - Vote of non-confidence
- Minority Majority
- One party
- Coalition
7Levels of government
- National government
- Regional state level (administration)
- Local/Regional government (elected)
Storting 169 reps
Government 18 ministries
Court of Justice
Regional Governor
Government agencies
County Authorities 19
Municipalities 431
8Local government
- Alderman Act 1837 defined local authorities'
rights and responsibilities. - Local government act 1992
- Delegation of authority through special law to
the municipals and counties - Directly elected levels
9Local government Finmark 49.000 km2, 74.000
inhabitants (1,5 pr km2) 19 municipalities Vestfo
ld 2.200 km2, 210.000 inhabitants (88,8 pr km2)
14 municipalities Oslo 512.000 Utsira 233
10Local government
- Central government overriding authority and
supervision of local government - Local government - generalist principle
- Difference in size/topography and population
- 159 have less than 3.000 inhabitants
- Half has less than 5.000 inhabitants
- 10 have more than 50.000 inhabitants
- Two-tier system
- Municipalities (431)
- county authority (19)
- (Oslo capital both municipal and county)
11Local government counties
County Authorities 19
- Upper secondary school
- Regional development
- country roads and public transport
- regional planning
- Business development
- Culture (libraries, museums, sports)
12Local government municipalities
Municipalities 431
- Primary and lower secondary school
- Nurseries/kinder gardens
- Care for elderly and disabled, social services
(social assistance, child welfare,
drugs/alcohol), - local planning (land use), agricultural issues,
environmental issues, local roads - harbours, water and sewage
- Refugees and immigrants
13Levels of government
- National government
- Regional state level (administration)
- Local/Regional government (elected)
Storting 169 reps
Government 18 ministries
Court of Justice
Regional Governor (19)
Government agencies
County Authorities 19
Municipalities 431
14Regional state level (adm)
Regional Governor (19)
Government Agencies (60?)
- Gov.by different ministries
- Roads, innovation, welfare, labor, police,
prisons, higher education, hospitals, national
insurance scheme specialized health services
- Appointed by the government
- Supervision of municipals and counties
- Implement decisions of the Storing and central
government. - Separate responsibilities environmental issues,
Regional level
- Election period 4 years
- Local/regional elections
- 2003 2007 2011
- 2005 2009
- National elections
16Decentralization of power
- National government
- Regional state level (administration)
- Local/Regional government (elected)
Storting 169 reps
Government 18 ministries
Court of Justice
Regional Governor (19)
Government agencies
County Authorities (19)
Municipalities 431
17New regional reform
- Tasks today
- Upper secondary school
- Regional development
- Country roads and public transport
- Regional planning
- Business development
- Culture (libraries, museums, sports, cultural
heritage) - New tasks from county governor Environmental and
resource management, agriculture - New task from regional agencies roads, ½
innovation business development, culture
institutions, sports - NO centralisation of municipal responsibilities!
- Principle of subsidiary
18Decentralization of power
- National government
- Regional state level (administration)
- Local/Regional government (elected)
Storting 169 reps
Government 18 ministries
Court of Justice
Regional Governor (fewer )
Government Agencies (fewer)
Regions 7- 9
Municipalities 431
19Regional reform
- December 2006 - white paper on the new regions
responsibility - Spring 2007 Parliament decision
- Spring 2008 Government put forward white paper
on new boarders 7 9 or 15? - Government decision
- 1.1. 2010 The former counties replaced by new
20(No Transcript)