Title: Pacific Reptiles Site and AC Outline
1Pacific Reptiles Site and AC Outline
2Pacific Reptiles.com require a web site
development and admin console design. The
development environment is a web
management/content management system called SOHO
which uses php and mysql/sql. To access this go
to www.pacificreptiles.com/sohoadmin u/n
admin p/w vanua2 The control Panel for this can
be accessed by going to http// u
/n pacificr p/w 4518967 The outline for this
job is to build a basic e-commerce site using
the existing tools within this package.
Getacoder is a however tool in the past we have
commissioned inexperienced developers to the
detriment of the project, So we have to
stipulate that only experienced developers should
apply for this job as it I s required to be done
within 2-3 days. During this period you will be
expected to liaise with us re any queries or
suggestions that both parties might have. I look
forward to your tenders for this job and ay
comments that you might have. Regards James
3www.pacificreptiles.com Public home page and link
Refer Your retailer
Home page
Members Log-In
Members Home Page
Register with Pac Reptiles
R/Hand side table links
- NO Prices to be displayed
- Species Information
- Specs as per
- Reptile Public page
- schematic
Other Species
About Us/Shipping/ Wholesale
4www.pacificreptiles.com Members home page and
link schematic
Members Home page
- Prices to be displayed
- Species Information
- Specs as per
- Reptile Public page
- Schematic
- - Order Options
R/Hand side table links
Shopping Cart Option without the payment
Requirements. i.e. ability To select products
from various Pages and then confirm Order via
session handling.
Other Species
About Us/Shipping/ Wholesale
5Reptile Public Page Generic Schematic
Species Type i.e. Snake
Code of Specifc Animal Name Latin Name Size - centimetres Sex Photo Refer Your Retailer
Click here
When the cliient clicks On this page, an email
Pop up will occur with The code of
animal, Thumbnail photo, The url link to this
reptile (more details in refer- Your- retailer
email spec)
Drawn from Specific Reptile table in DB
Drawn from Util. table in DB. Java mouse over
with brief Reptile description
Drawn from Specific Reptile table
6Reptile Members Page Generic Schematic
By clicking on the photo A pop up displays
3-4 Other photos of the Same reptile.
Code of Specifc Animal Name Latin Name Size - centimetres Sex Photo Price Select
Confirm selection
When a member clicks Here the reptile is taken
off and reserved For shipping for that member
Drawn from Specific Reptile table
Drawn from Specific Reptile table in DB
Drawn from Util. table in DB. Java mouse over
with brief Reptile description
When member has selected Reptiles from this
species They then click on confirm Selection. A
Java apllet pops up saying Are you sure you
want to select these animals. Once you select
Yes, these animals will be Reserved under your
account For 7 days, upon which time Payment will
be expected As per www.pacificreptiles.com terms
and conditions
7www.pacificreptiles.com Registration Page
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date Of Birth
- Month
- Day
- Year
- Email
- Main Contact Phone Number
- Site URL
- Company
- Title
- Please list requireed licenses etc that have been
issued to you in relation to your approval to
deal in live reptiles - - Applications for registrants are reviewed by
the administrator and will be advised of approval
via internet.
Not approved Email sent to applicant
email sent
Registration Page
Email sent to Administrator
Approved, Administrator Issues u/n and p/w
email sent with Member log in details
8Pacificreptiles.com AC
- The administration console for this web site will
need to have the ability to - Upload photos (1 for the display pages and
another for the extended photo - Pop up).
- insert species from util table
- Insert reptile type (snakes, lizards, other) and
other requirements as per pub/members pages - Add to db
- Send live to web
- Assign and unassign reptiles to specific
members. - List exisitng and previous orders from different
members. - Home page management system for the
chage/removal of content. - Supply and insert and delete member details
u/n and p/w (this is not automated and can only
be done by the administrators).