Title: A1262538017SZWsO
1Theresa Moore, Brian Mitchell, and Fred
Dieffenbach Northeast Temperate Network
2Science Communication? How do we inform and
educate the parks and public? The Northeast
Temperate Network has implemented a plan
Natl IM/GWS Mtg, MSP April 18, 2007, Science
Communication Breakout Session
3Communication comes in various forms
Inventory Reports Newsletters Road
Show Monitoring Curriculum Park Specific
4Inventory Reports
Technical Reporting Series 12 completed
inventory reports from cooperators have been
formatted and entered into the Technical
Reporting Series. These are posted on the NETN
web page and hard copies were sent to the
respective parks.
Some parks have handed these out to the SCA and
YCC crews working in the parks during the summer.
5Inventory Monitoring Program Northeast
Temperate Network
The newsletters are distributed to parks in
hardcopy and are posted on the NETN webpage.
6We visit all of our parks every year to talk with
the staff about what we are doing and what we
have learned.
Road Show
These visits have given a face to the NETN and
have strengthened our relationship with the parks.
7Monitoring Curriculum
- The Salamander Monitoring Curriculum is in its
first year of implementation. - Students learn about the IM Program and they
learn about the NPS. - They will be able to compare their findings with
the findings we gather from the forest monitoring
plots in the parks, which are in the vicinity of
their salamander arrays.
8Park Specific Information
This information is for all park staff and the
The NETN, and what we are doing at Saratoga NHP,
will be the feature article in that parks
newsletter in September.