Title: Simple Pure ObjectOriented Language
1Simple Pure Object-Oriented Language
2What is it?
- - Idea of Professor Jackowitz
- Simple Syntax
- Pure Object-Orientation
- Support from software library
- Simple
- Pure
- Usefulness
- Similar Attempts
- Current Progress
- Goals
4The Simple Part
- Provide support for Java Standard Library
- - Translate source code to Java
5Simple Syntax
- No abbreviation
- Allow nested statements
6Support the Java Standard Library
- The CONSTRUCT instruction
Java statement FileReader F new
7Support the Java Standard Library
- The CONSTRUCT instruction
New langauge statement (CONSTRUCT FileReader
F (hello.txt))
8Support the Java Standard Library
Java statement String T S.toLowercase()
9Support the Java Standard Library
- The CALL instruction
- New language statement
- (CONSTRUCT String T (CALL S toLowercase ( ) )
10Java Translator
- Rich library support
- Uniformity
- - Allow anyone familiar with Java to understand
the translation process
11The Pure Part
- - Treat everything as an object
- Create a library of new abstractions
12Treat everything as an object
- Map intrinsic types to Objects
- int ? Integer
- double ? Double
- char ? Character
- boolean ? Boolean
13Library of new abstractions
- Java classes for entities not found in the Java
Standard Library
Other data structures
- Can be used by anyone
- Only requires Java support
- Possible use in OS and PL courses
15Similar Attempts
- Allow classes and methods
- Lack library support
16Current Progress
- Near-working simple LISP to Java translator
- Started research into useful abstractions not
found in Java
- Complete basic LISP to Java translator
- Add CONSTRUCT and CALL support
- Add if statement support
- Add looping support
- Complete a library of new abstractions
18The end