Title: Events in MOSES
1Events in MOSES
- Using the Events feature in MOSES to
- Search for Events
- Schedule day and time
- Add Employers to roster
- Create a new Event
- Record attendance
- Add services
- Use Events responsibly
- What is an Event?
- Where and When is it?
- How many participants allowed?
- How are services attached?
- What are good uses of events?
3An Event is a workshop, job fair, focus group or
other activity for Employers or Job Seekers. At
the Events tab, select Events Scheduling.
4 Event Scheduling (with appropriate security)
Defaults to current date
5Select Search Criteria for Employer to view
Employer Events. Then click the Add Event
Schedules button to add to the current calendar.
6From this screen you can add an existing Event
7Select the Event by utilizing the dropdown menu
8Fill in the necessary information - press OK to
save the changes
9Event is scheduled and ready to accept
10Add using their ID or telephone number - tab to
populate the other fields
11Continue to Add or OK to save changes
12Employers have signed up to participate in a
Career Center Event...Did they show up?
13Tracking attendance, OK to save the changes
(with appropriate security)
14Creating a New Event
- Appropriate security is required
- Go to Events, Event Maintenance, Employer
- Select Add
- Fill in all applicable fields
- Select OK to save the information
15OK to save newly created Event
Call ahead if scheduling an Employer in an event
at another Career Center
16Using Events Responsibly
- Do not duplicate same services across similar
events - All services should be provided every time the
event is used - Record attendance in a timely manner
17Adding Services to Events
- All Employer services can be linked to Employer
Events - This is an easy way of recording services
- Only people with proper security can create new
events and link services
18Adding Services to Events
19Mass Entry for Employer Services
- Applying one service to many employers
- Handy for large meetings of employers
- Use Events, Mass Entry, Services, Employer
- Use Quick Search if you dont know the Employer
ID - Not available for Future events
- Find several Employer IDs through an Advanced
Search, then print the results
20Mass Entry for Events or Services
21Mass Entry to Add Employer Events
22Mass Entry to Add Employer Services