Title: The de Ferrers journey to capture learning
1The de Ferrersjourney tocapture learning
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
Mike York (Principal)John Slusar (Assistant
2The journey that has shaped our thinking
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- 2002 2005
- Personalising Learning starts to impact on the
college 9 gateways pursued.
3de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- Huge investment in New Technologies and Learning
Platform. - Curriculum reviewed creatively but still exists
predominantly as a series of interrelated subject
experiences. - Pressures to reconfigure the whole college
curriculum, staffing, pastoral
4GCSE pathways
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
5The need for radical change
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- 2005
- Worries about plateau effect need to sustain
improvements keep momentum for effective change.
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- Merging of primary/secondary
- Academic/pastoral split removed
- Experimentation with new work periods other than
conventional 1 hour lessons - New uses of space
- Co-construction of learning
- Widespread college innovations
- New CPD strategies
- Power of New Technologies change the organisation
- Leadership reconfigured in line with the 4 Deeps
7The effects ofPersonalising Learning
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
8What does effectivelearning look like?
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- 2005 2007
- Huge need to understand what learning looks like
and how to capture its impact. - Curriculum focus shifts from teaching learning
to Learning, especially L2L. - Full realisation of the power of New
Technologies, including the Learning Platform,
and how they can enhance curriculum learning,
thinking delivery
9DFS Learning Platform
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
10Learning Observatory
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- 2007
- R D project set up with/funded by the DCFS
Innovations unit ? learning observatory
11What have we learnt so far?
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- Question How do you structure the curriculum to
maximise learning? - Dont focus on subjects develop whole college
strategies to improve learning, such as L2L,
Accelerated Learning cycle, AFL and use of New
Technologies. - Essential to focus on the pedagogy of delivery
across the curriculum in order to sustain
personalising learning.
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- Build confidence in staff to innovate and be
creative with time and space blur the
boundaries but still focus on the standards
agenda. - Examples Health Safety extra time to
- carry out an extended task
- Induction group 3 x 20 minutes
- subject slots within the lesson
- Boundaries of key stages become permeable.
- Examples DT weekly lessons for Y5 students
- Learning platform available to all primary
feeder school staff students - Maths Y7 student can start AS Maths
13Future Curriculum Redesign
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
- 2008
- Full 11 19 review
- Innovative pathways identified with creative
junctions placed to personalise the curriculum
and blur the key stages - New offers available in each pathway
- New qualifications, eg, BTec, IB
- Research Development process in place
- Learning Platform available as a major support
14Post 16 pathways
de Ferrers Specialist Technology College
15de Ferrers Specialist Technology College