Title: 1 What Is Measurement
11What Is Measurement?
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3Internal Consistency Reliability Test-Retest
4- ReliabilityInternal consistency
Internal consistency procedures assess whether a
set of items fits together or belongs together.
measures typically are assessed for internal
consistency reliability, and items are deleted or
5- ReliabilityInternal consistency
- Intercorrelation
- Intercorrelations among items and correlations
between each item and the total score(Exhibit
1.2) - Mean
- Item-to-total correlation
- Item-to-total statistics report the correlation
between an item and the total score - Cronbach ?
- A goal in internal consistency procedures is to
maximize coefficient alpha, or the proportion of
variance attributable to common sources -
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9- ReliabilityInternal consistency
- How does coefficient alpha measure reliability
(where reliability is the minimization of random
error)? - Coefficient alpha is the proportion of variance
attributable to common sources - These common sources are presumably he construct
in question - Anything not attributable to common sources is
assumed to be random error
10- ReliabilityInternal consistency
As the number of items in a scale increases,
coefficient alpha increases. (Exhibit 1.2 reports
alphas for 5-, 10-, and 20-item versions.) Why is
this happening? In fact, items with moderate
correlations with the total may be retained if
they capture some unique aspect of the domain not
captured by other items. This issue highlights
the importance of examining items both
conceptually and empirically in conjunction.
11- ReliabilityTest-Retest Reliability
the same scale is administered twice with an
interval of a few weeks The logic of test-retest
reliability is simply that individuals who score
higher (or lower) in one administration should
score higher (or lower) in the second, or vice
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13Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA) Confirmatory
Factor Analysis(CFA) and Structural Equation
14Reliability through internal consistency
assesses whether a set of items is tapping into a
common core as measured through the degree to
which they covary with each other. But whether
the common core consists of a specific set of
dimensions is in the realm of dimensionality,
assessed through factor analysis.
15- Factor analysis is an approach in which variables
are reduced to combinations of variables, or
- A correlation matrix for all items
- if there are two distinct factors(Fig1.12)
- variance for each item can be divided into error
variance, specific variance, and common variance. - PCA uses all the variance available
- FA uses common variance, and the communality of
each item is estimated
16- The results of factor analysis include
- the number of factors extracted
- the variance explained by each factor
- Correlations or loadings between individual
- Unrotated factor matrices are rotated to improve
interpretation of the loadings of items on
factors. - orthogonal or oblique (Fig1.10)
- Varimax rotation
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20- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Exploratory factor analysis provides initial
evidence of dimensionality but confirmatory
factor analysis is required for conclusive
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23- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- external consistency is assessed by comparing
the observed correlation between two items of
different dimensions or constructs with the
predicted correlation that arises out of the
hypothesized relationship between items and
measures. - external consistency is assessed
- overall fit indexes
- residuals between items
24- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- In a multidimensional measure
- Each item
- Two items
- items that measure more than one substantive
25- Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)
- combines econometric and psychometric approaches
by simultaneously assessing structural and
measurement models - structural model
- measurement model (Fig 1-15)
- accounting for measurement error
- At the measurement level
- At the theoretical level (Fig 1-16)
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28- Structural Equation Modeling(SEM)
- Issues in SEM
- identification
- procedures used to estimate the model
- statistical tests and overall fit indexes
- sample size
- In comparing SEM versus the traditional approach
to measurement - Model could be modified
- plausible reasoning should precede modeling
- hierarchical factor analyses can also be
performed using SEM (Fig 1-17)
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30- Whether a measure captures the intended
construct, or whether the core tapped by a
measure is the intended core, is the purview of
validity. - The distinction between reliability and
validity, - an exercise of throwing stones
- a reliable friend who is late but consistently
late by 15 minutes
31- Several types of validity
- Content validity
- Face validity
- Known-groups validity
- Predictive validity
- Convergent validity
- Discriminant validity
- Nomological validity
- Construct validity
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34- First Phase Literature Review and Exploratory
The aim of this phase is to develop
comprehensive grounding before developing the
measure and conceptualizing the construct.
35- Second Phase Conceptualization and Domain
- This step involves explicating
- what the construct is and what it is not
- where the proposed dimensionality of the
construct is described explicitly - A matrix of basic reading, writing, and
mathematical skills versus consumer tasks should
be created to provide a complete delineation.
36- Third Phase Measure Construction and Content
Validity Assessment
- the measure should be constructed through item
generation. - a large pool of items
- redundancy
- Several such procedures should be employed, such
as asking experts to - content validity of a measure
37- Fourth Phase Reliability and Validity Assessment
- empirical studies should be conducted to assess
the reliability, dimensionality, and validity of
the consumer literacy measure - Convenience sampling
- pilot testing
- reliability
- internal consistency reliability
- test-retest reliability
- dimensionality
- Item-response theory can be used to assess
measurement accuracy at different levels of
38- Fourth Phase Reliability and Validity Assessment
- Validity
- take measure development to the realm of
crossconstruct relationships - content validity
- Convergent validity
- known-groups validity
- Predictive validity
- Nomological validity
- Discriminant validity
- construct validity
39- The multitrait-multimethod approach
systematically examines the effect of using
identical versus different methods
40- General Issues in Measurement
The strength and relevance of constructs may
vary across people. do not purport to assess an
underlying abstract construct A few general
points are noteworthy with regard to psychometrics
41- Accurate measurement is central to scientific
research. - There are two basic types of measurement error
in all of scientific research - random error
- systematic error
- The measure development process
- Items will be modified after some tests
- Measure development should ideally combine
empirical assessment with conceptual examination. - Low reliability and low validity have
consequences. - A metaphor that can be used to understand
measurement is to consider the universe and the
location of specific planets or stars - Paths----measures
- Planets----construct