Title: Save the Planet
1Do you want to-
Save the Planet
2 Then..
Youd better call Super Mali!
Or maybe just use my DiscoveryBoard!
There is a random hyperlink on the displayboard
click on it.
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4Back to Discoveryboard
Explanation of Environmentally Friendly
Environment friendly means that your actions do
not harm the environment in any way. Eg. Instead
of being driven to School, you could cycle or
walk this means that less fuel will be used and
less nasty gases will be released into the
atmosphere. Etc. etc. More facts and figures!
Pics etc
5Not an option - Try again!!
6Storyboard for my DiscoveryBoard
Video about Earths Resources
Super Mali appears in each window click him
to progress.
What are Carbon Credits?
Info on Greenhouse Gases
Slide What does Environmentally Friendly mean
Short video on recycling
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8Back to Discoveryboard
This stills image video may not play it is just
a collection of still images relating to the
Use transitions and effects in your video use
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10Back to Discoveryboard
This should have an explanation with it.
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12Back to Discoveryboard
Info about Carbon Credits what they are who
thought of them etc include pics/sounds etc
13Find the final hotspot!
14You can be a lazy git and save the planet by
staying in bed all day but if you are an active
person ---- Look at these websites to help you to
find other ways to save the Planet-
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