Title: FETAC Level 2 Inservice
1FETAC Level 2 Inservice
Database Methods Assessment Guidelines
- Portfolio of Assessment
- Practical Examination (50)
- Project (50)
3Practical Examination
- Practical examination set locally by the internal
assessor - Practical examination is of two hours duration
assessing a wide range of SLOs - Candidates work corrected by internal assessor
- Results moderated by external examiner
4Devising the Examination
- The internal assessor will
- Devise a theme, which is capable of being
developed to include all the required tasks. - Devise records to be presented to candidates in
tabular form for candidates to input. - Develop the theme so candidates can add an
additional field and at least two additional
records, with appropriate data. - Include all tasks listed on page 30 of Booklet
Business and Administration Practical Assessment
Guidelines Level 2
5Devising the Examination (ctd)
- Number tasks individually (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc).
Tasks may have subdivisions, if necessary and
these should be clearly identified (e.g. a, b, c
etc). - State each task clearly and unambiguously
- Attach a cover sheet (see template in the
Assessment Handbook Level 2 Page 24 or electronic
version on ncva website) - Produce the solution and printouts and have these
available for the external examiner.
6Examination Format
- The internal assessor will devise a practical
examination which will require the candidate to -
- create a database structure based on field names
supplied by the internal assessor (minimum 5
fields) -
- describe the database structure design
- design and create a screen data entry form to
include the given fields -
- print the form or to call the internal assessor
at the end of the examination to award marks for
the form. -
- input the data devised by the internal assessor
- save the database
- print the whole database with primary and
secondary sort -
7Examination Format (ctd)
- produce , save and print four queries to satisfy
the stated requirements -
- add a new field to the database
- add data to the new field
- delete a field and contents from the database and
save as new database/table if necessary. -
- add new records to the database and save the
modified database. -
- produce, save and print a report to meet the
requirements listed in examination tasks - produce, save and print labels.
8Examination Tasks
- The following tasks should be distributed between
the various queries, reports and - labels. The distribution of the various
requirements depends on the theme used. -
- query database on a single field.
- use of wildcard in a query.
- query database on multiple fields.
- use a logical operator (AND, OR, NOR) in one
field, of a multiple field query. - report neatly laid out and containing main and
column headings. - report with specified fields only.
9Examination Tasks (ctd)
- report with main heading. Heading to be specified
on the examination paper. - report organised in descending order of one
field. - sum or average calculation at the bottom of the
report - labels with more than one mailing label across
the page. - labels with more than one field on at least one
line. - a graphical presentation of the label layout must
be shown on the examination paper
10Practical Examination Marking Sheet(Module
Descriptor P 7)
- The internal assessor will devise a project brief
that requires candidates to demonstrate - understanding and application of database
concepts - ability to design, implement and modify a
12Project Guidelines
The project brief will focus on a broad range
of specific learning outcomes and will require
candidates to design, implement and modify a
database. The database should contain at least 5
fields and a minimum of 25 records. The field
types should consist of at least one character
field, one numeric and one other
13Project Guidelines (Design Phase)
- Aims to include
- a brief scenario of one or two paragraphs
- relevant specific problems with existing system
and proposed solutions which can be addressed by
relevant queries/ reports - Database Structure
- Record Structure to include field name, type,
length and key field identified. Queries and
reports should be relevant to the problems
already stated and clearly specified e.g. report
structure should include title, purpose, fields
used and layout. - Data capture form should be appropriate to the
fields specified and match the screen layout .
14Project Guidelines (Implementation Phase)
- Evidence will include
- a database structure, screen format and inputted
data - a printout of the entire database
- a printout of the structure of the database and
screen format - at least two relevant queries as identified at
the design phase, one of which should use a
logical operator (i.e. AND, OR, NOT) - the database organised on primary and secondary
fields - two appropriate report formats.
15Project Guidelines (Modification Phase)
- Evidence will include
- suggested modifications or improvements to the
original design. - modifications should be clear and relevant