Title: Seasonal Influenza
1- Seasonal Influenza
- 2009-2010
- and
- Hand Hygiene Modules
2Why should I be concerned about influenza?
- I work with cancer patients.
- I care about people.
- My patients, my family, my co-workers can get the
flu from me if I am not vaccinated. - Working with people with illness puts me at
higher risk for infection. - Preventing influenza can save lives.
3What is Influenza?
- Influenza, also known as the flu, is a contagious
viral illness that targets the respiratory tract
(nose, throat, airways lungs). - Influenza can cause serious complications,
including pneumonia and death. - The flu is the most frequent cause of
vaccine-preventable death in the US. - Causes 36,000 deaths per year and 200,000
hospitalizations per year
4How do I know it is the Influenza?
- Infection usually has a sudden onset, lasting
about a week, and may cause some of the following
symptoms - fever
- headache
- aching muscles physical discomfort
- dry cough
- sore throat
- runny nose
5I think I just have a cold
6How is influenza spread?
- The virus is easily spread from one person to
another through droplets formed when coughing or
sneezing. -
- It can also be spread from hand to hand contact
or by touching a surface that might be
contaminated with infected droplets.
7When is someone contagious?
- Persons with the flu should be considered
contagious for up to seven days after symptoms
start. - In some cases, it may be possible for flu to be
transmitted even the day before symptoms are
8Flu Prevention at Work Home
- Get vaccinated (flu shot)
- Clean your hands frequently
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose mouth
- Keep surfaces disinfected
- Wipe down keyboards, telephones, doorknobs
other shared surfaces with antiseptic wipes - Respiratory Etiquette Cover your mouth nose
when you cough or sneeze - Cough or sneeze into a tissue
- No tissue??? Cough or sneeze
- into your sleeve
- Now clean your hands
9What is the Flu Shot and Who should get it?
- Inactivated (not live) virus is injected, usually
- Children between 6 mos. and 19 yrs of age
- People over 50 yrs of age
- People with certain chronic health conditions
- Family members caring for someone at risk
- of complications from the flu
- Pregnant women
10Is the Flu Shot Effective?
- Yes!! the effectiveness of the annual flu shot
has been scientifically established. - Effectiveness depends on the match between the
vaccine and which strain of virus circulates
during the flu season. - Even when the match is not optimal, the flu shot
is still effective in preventing illness.
11How does the influenza vaccine work?
- Within 2 weeks, your bodys defenses produce
antibodies against the influenza virus. - If you get the flu, you are far less likely to
become infected, and if infected, would
experience milder symptoms.
12When should I get vaccinated?
- The best time to get vaccinated is October or
November. - But even later in the season, the vaccine still
provides protection.
13Reminding our Visitors
- Keeping our patients safe also means reminding
our visitors about signs and symptoms of the flu. - There is signage posted at the entrance of all
inpatient units and in Ambulatory waiting rooms. - The reminder tells visitors to postpone their
visit if they have flu-like symptoms
14Hand Hygiene StandsNew At Karmanos
- Are located at main entrance, Ambulatory waiting
rooms, Infusion Center and Farmington Hills
location - The new stands promote Flu Prevention
15Flu Myth 1
- The flu is no worse than a bad cold
- Influenza is more severe and dangerous than the
common cold. The flu can lead to pneumonia and
16Flu Myth 2
- The flu shot can give you the flu
- The vaccine contains inactivated influenza, and
cannot cause the flu. - It is possible to experience certain
uncomfortable side effects such as soreness at
the site of injection, mild fever, body aches or
headache. - If these side effects do occur, they are mild and
short-lived in comparison with the actual flu,
and are NOT contagious.
17Flu Myth 3
- Only old people those who are sick need a flu
shot - FALSE
- Anyone who cannot afford to get sick from the
flu, and anyone who is in contact with people
that might be harmed by the flu should get
vaccinated. - This includes healthy adults, children and all
persons working in health care.
18(No Transcript)
- It is a Joint Commission National Patient Safety
Goal - Staff compliance to hand hygiene is measured
- monthly and reported monthly to the units
- Patients and families are encouraged to ask us
- to clean our hands
- Every Karmanos health care worker should remind
- each other to clean hands appropriately
20Healthcare workers hands can also become
contaminated by contact with the patient care
environment not just the patient!!!
In this study, each X shows where bacteria were
cultured in a room that had been occupied by a
patient with an infection.
21- Every year 5 to 10 percent of inpatients develop
- infections resulting in 98,000 deaths nationally.
- 98,000 deaths equals
- More deaths than those caused by breast cancer,
colon cancer and stroke combined - Equivalent to a 747 plane crash killing all
passengers/crew every other day - One death every 6 minutes
22- Healthcare workers should perform hand hygiene
- before and after direct contact with patients
- before and after removing gloves
- before handling an invasive device for patient
care - after contact with blood, body fluids or
excretions, - mucous membranes, or wound dressings
- after contact with contaminated items, such as
medical - equipment, medical waste, soiled linen
- after contact with objects in the immediate
vicinity of - the patient, such as bedside trays, bedrails,
phone, etc.
23Health care workers should perform hand hygiene
- after sneezing or coughing, or disposing of
tissues - before and after handling medication
- before and after preparing food
- before and after using the restroom
24- Alcohol Hand Rubs
- Alcohol hand rubs
- have been shown to
- Be more effective in reducing
- bacteria on hands than soap and
- water
- Require less time to use
- Reduce hand irritation and
- dryness with repeated use
- Rub a sufficient amount of alcohol
- foam over entire surface of hands
- until completely dry
25Soap and Water Wash Handwashing with soap and
water is required when hands are visibly
dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other
body fluids. Wash with soap and warm water for
at least 15 seconds. Rinse with warm water and
turn off faucet with paper towel.
26Hand Hygiene Score Card
How often do healthcare workers REALLY clean
their hands between patients?
Many observation studies show that HCW
use proper hand hygiene only of the time!
20 - 50
27- Use ONLY Karmanos-approved hand
- soaps, alcohol rubs, and lotions
- Lotions from home are not approved for
- use in hospitals because
- They can damage the gloves you wear and cause
leaks - They easily become contaminated and actually put
more bacteria on your skin - They interfere with the antiseptic soaps
Karmanos-approved hand lotion
28- Artificial nails hide dangerous germs and
increase the risk of spreading bacteria between
healthcare workers and patients! - Karmanos policy regarding fingernails
- Artificial nails (including gels and
- wraps) are not allowed.
- All nails should be nicely trimmed
- and should not be more than
- ΒΌ inch long
- Nail polish should not be chipped
- Jewels or ornaments should not be
- attached to the nails
This fashion statement can harm patients!
29Got 15 seconds to save a life?
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