Title: Let the Little Brother Watch Big Brother
1Let the Little Brother Watch Big Brother
- How to Improve Utilization of a Teletrauma Network
- Challenges of rural trauma care
- Challenges of rural trauma care
- Role of telemedicine
- Challenges of rural trauma care
- Role of telemedicine
- UVM Teletrauma program
- Challenges of rural trauma care
- Role of telemedicine
- UVM Teletrauma program
- Limitations
6- Level I trauma center
- Catchment 1 million
7- Level I trauma center
- Catchment 1 million
- Chittenden county - 150,000
8- Level I trauma center
- Catchment 1 million
- Chittenden county - 150,000
- Vermont - 620,000
9- Level I trauma center
- Catchment 1 million
- Chittenden county - 150,000
- Vermont - 620,000
- Davidson County 550,000
10(No Transcript)
11Rural TraumaThe Problem
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
12Rural SurgeryThe Scope
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
13Rural SurgeryThe Scope
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
14Rural SurgeryThe Scope
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
15Rural TraumaThe Problem
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
- Rural Crash Fatality rate gt 2 x Urban
16Rural TraumaThe Problem
- 20 of population resides in rural areas
- Rural Crash Fatality rate gt 2 x Urban
- ISS Adjusted risk of mortality for Rural MVCs
1.9 - 28,859 MVCs in Nebraska 1996-1999
Mulleman RL et al. Academic Emergency Medicine
2004 11(5) 544-545 Rural Emergency Medical
Services Special Report US. Washington, DC
Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
1989. Publication OTA-H-445.
17UVM Teletrauma Program
18UVM Teletrauma Program
19UVM Teletrauma Program
20UVM Teletrauma Program
- Established April 2000
- Video teleconferencing Units Rural E.D.s
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22 23UVM Teletrauma Program
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26UVM Teletrauma Program
27UVM Teletrauma Program
28Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
29Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
30Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
- Physician turnover
- Lack of familiarity with telemedicine
31Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
- Physician turnover
- Increased comfort with trauma
32Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
- Physician turnover
- Increased comfort with trauma
- Aggressive ATLS training
33Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
- Physician turnover
- Increased comfort with trauma
- Perception of Level I trauma center as Big
34Reasons for Decreased Utilization of Teletrauma
- Physician turnover
- Increased comfort with trauma
- Perception of Level I trauma center as Big
Brother - QI review
- If we allow rural E.D. (Little Brother)
- If we allow rural E.D. (Little Brother) to
observe the care of the trauma patient at the
Level I trauma center
- If we allow rural E.D. (Little Brother) to
observe the care of the trauma patient at the
Level I trauma center (Big Brother)
- If we allow rural E.D. (Little Brother) to
observe the care of the trauma patient at the
Level I trauma center (Big Brother) - It will soften the stigma that Big Brother is
- If we allow rural E.D. (Little Brother) to
observe the care of the trauma patient at the
Level I trauma center (Big Brother) - It will soften the stigma that Big Brother is
watching - It will improve utilization of the teletrauma
- Equip our Level I Trauma Center resuscitation
room with a video teleconferencing unit
- Equip our Level I Trauma Center resuscitation
room with a video teleconferencing unit - Notify and connect to the originating E.D. once
patient arrives
43Let Little Brother Watch Big Brother
44Let Little Brother Watch Big Brother
45Let Little Brother Watch Big Brother
- Did this eliminate the Big Brother stigma?
46Let Little Brother Watch Big Brother
- Did this eliminate the Big Brother stigma?
- Was this simply a way to promote awareness of the
47Let Little Brother Watch Big Brother
- Limitations
- Change of shift
- Busy referring provider / E.D.
- Unrelated patient occupying telemedicine capable
- Rural Trauma presents unique challenges
- Utilization of the teletrauma program at our
institution attenuated over time - Allowing Little Brother to watch Big Brother
may result in increased utilization - Barriers still exist to widespread utilization