Title: Financial and Fiscal Commission
MANAGEMENT FUNDING ________________________ PORTFO
- Formal request in October 2001 from Minister of
Provincial Local Government - Assessment includes funding implications for all
three spheres of government - FFC comments relevant for Bill and/or National
Disaster Management Framework
- Definition of disaster management in Bill is
basis for different funding approaches - Prevention / mitigation
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency response
- Post-disaster recovery rehabilitation
- Data issues
- Data only required for emergency preparedness, as
other categories are situation-specific - Inadequate data, but not insurmountable
4International trends
- Mitigation the key to effective emergency
management - Particularly relevant where there is weak
infrastructure and inappropriate location of
settlements - National co-ordination
5Current funding arrangements
- Emergency preparedness no funding mechanism (for
local government) - Prevention / mitigation no dedicated funding
mechanism - Emergency response provinces and munis can apply
for assistance, but no guidelines - Post-disaster recovery
- Provinces can apply for access to contingency
reserve - Relief funds (Department of Social Development)
6The case for centralised funding
- Central funding mechanisms needed for
prevention/mitigation, emergency response, and
post-disaster recovery - Subnational jurisdictions may not have the
necessary resources - Intergovernmental co-operation should be
facilitated - Ability to deliver basic services could be
compromised - Integrity of budget frameworks and
performance-based budgeting would be undermined
7Funding MechanismsEmergency Preparedness
- Provincial national government funded by
equitable shares - Local government
- Cost implications policy framework, DM Centre,
DM Plan, Advisory Forum, units of volunteers - Are responsibilities assigned in Bill new?
- If no, assumed to be covered by equitable share
- If yes, funding for
- Start-up costs (conditional grants to selected
municipalities) - On-going costs increase to equitable share
8Funding MechanismsPrevention/Mitigation
- FFC Proposal
- National govt identifies priority projects
- Munis provinces apply for funding for priority
projects - For munis, funding provided on matching basis,
with revenue-raising capacity taken into account - Funding should be on MTEF budget of responsible
national department
9Funding MechanismsEmergency Response
- Very costly evacuation, shelter, food
- FFC proposal contingency reserve for emergency
response once funds exhausted - Provinces funding once financial threshold
exceeded (up to 1 of budget) - Munis funding once financial threshold exceeded
(up to 1 of own revenue) - Option of matching funding until final threshold
is reached - E.g. Matching funding up to .25, then fully
10Funding MechanismsInfrastructure Rehabilitation
- Section 56 cost borne by organ of state
responsible for infrastructure - FFC proposal
- National departments, provinces, munis submit
requests - Verified, budget appropriation requested
- If funds can be spent during financial year,
funded from contingency reserve - Requests evaluated according to whether
infrastructure is essential for basic service
delivery and economic activity
11Funding MechanismsRelief to Individuals
- Currently three funds, not efficiently operated
- FFC proposal
- Three relief funds combined and administered
centrally - Funds should be on budget
- If funds exhausted, access to contingency reserve
12Implications for the Disaster Management Bill 1
- District and local municipalities
- Review of Chapter 5 needed for appropriate
division of responsibilities - Local municipalities should primarily responsible
for disaster response - Where capacity lacking, districts responsible
until capacity developed - Clarity required where LM operates DM Centre,
and/or takes responsibility for co-ordination,
funding flows to LM
13Implications for the Disaster Management Bill 2
- Funding in Bill or in Framework?
- Current funding provisions in Bill
- 7(2)(k) National DM Framework must include
funding framework - Prevention and post-disaster recovery included,
but not emergency response - 15(1)(e), 30(1)(e), 44(1)(e) National,
provincial, municipal DM Centres must make
recommendations on funding - Overlap with 7(2)(k)?
14Implications for the Disaster Management Bill 3
- Current funding provisions in Bill contd
- 56 Cost of public infrastructure borne by organ
of state maintaining infrastructure - 57 National assistance to provinces munis for
post-disaster recovery rehabilitation - Overlap with 7(2)(k)?
- Why assistance limited to post-disaster recovery?