Title: Waynes Song Wenstrom
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2Waynes Song (Wenstrom)
3There was a man I use to knowEvery day wed
share a laughAnd talk of the Lord
4But now the Lord has taken him back homeLeaving
me with only memoriesI miss him so
5A friend in the Lord is like no other friendHe
shares your love for GodAnd builds your faith in
6Thank the Lord your GodFor those Hes given
youThe ones you call your friend in the Lord
7He lifts you up in sorrowAnd gives it to you
straightHe helps you face to tomorrowAnd always
gives you graceYes, his love for you is
8We fellowship in the house of the LordWondering
what itd be likeTo be with the Lord
9Singing I can only imagineLike two
foolsReminding one anotherIt wont be longAnd
shouting out Amen as we go
10A friend in the Lord is like no other friendHe
shares your love for GodAnd builds your faith in
11Thank the Lord your GodFor those Hes given
youThe ones you call your friend in the Lord
12He lifts you up in sorrowAnd gives it to you
straightHe helps you face to tomorrowAnd always
gives you graceYes, his love for you is
13Praise be the Lord who gives and who takesAnd I
will wait for the dayThe Lord takes me home
14The day is soon approaching this I knowAnd then
Ill see my friend in the Lord
15A friend in the Lord is like no other friendHe
shares your love for GodAnd builds your faith in
16Thank the Lord your GodFor those Hes given
youThe ones you call your friend in the Lord
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