Title: Petroleum Industry
1Petroleum Industry
- Missouri Petroleum Industry Employment Facts
- The Petroleum Industry employs nearly 1400
people. - Petroleum companies are located in 8 Missouri
counties. - The two leading counties by employment are
- St. Louis County 877 employees (63 of the
total employment) - Clay County 314 employees (22 of the total
employment) - The area with the most companies is the St. Louis
City, St. Louis County Region with 16 companies.
Petroleum Industrty
2Petroleum Industry
Missouri Companies by County
Petroleum Industrty
3Petroleum Industry
The U.S. is the largest, most sophisticated
producer of refined petroleum products in the
world. Every person in the U.S. consumes on
average 20 pounds of petroleum per day. Oil
provides about 40 percent of the energy Americans
consume and 97 percent of our transportation
fuels. Research and development programs that
improve productivity and energy efficiency are
key to maintaining the viability of the US
petroleum refining industry.
Petroleum Industrty
The Industries of the Future process helps to
ensure that scarce RD resources are
strategically allocated to maximize benefits. OIT
provides cost-shared funding to selected RD
projects that address industry-defined priorities
as well as national goals for energy and the
potentially high-payoff technologies that are too
risky or costly to attract adequate private