Title: The Massachusetts Economic Challenge Barry Bluestone
1The MassachusettsEconomic Challenge Barry
- Center for Urban and Regional Policy
- Northeastern University
- Massachusetts Building Trades Council 87th Annual
Convention - March 16, 2006
2Understanding the Massachusetts Economy
- Employment
- Household Income
- Demographic Trends
- Cost of Living
- Housing Trends
3How is Massachusetts doing economically?
- By the September 2005, employment in
Massachusetts was still down by more than 160,000
from its pre-recession peak - Real median household income dropped by 3.5
between 2000 and 2004
4Employment Trend
5Employment Trend
6U.S. vs. Massachusetts
7Employment Growth
- Our employment growth for the last decade
(1994-2004) is a dismal 65 of the national
average and is lower than 8 of our competitor
states, in some cases (AZ) less than a third of
their growth.
8Average Annual Percent Change in Employment
9Greater Boston MSA Real Median Household Income
1969-1999 (2004)
10Greater BostonReal Median Household Income
11How do the demographics look?
- We are losing population to out-migration
- The largest net losses in population were in the
young prime age cohorts
12Greater Boston Population 2000-2004
13Massachusetts Net Migration 2000-2004
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15Net Migration Between Massachusetts and
Competitor States 1990-2002
16Where did they go?
17Whats doing with the Cost of Living?
- According to a new measure of living costs,
Greater Boston has the highest cost of living of
any metro area in the United States - A family of four needs 64,656 to pay for the
costs of housing, transportation, day care,
health care, and other basic necessities. - This is more than 3,000 higher than in
Washington, D.C 6,000 higher than in New York
City and 7,000 more than in San Francisco - Monthly housing costs are 40 higher than in
Austin, Chicago, and Miami and 63 higher than in
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill
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19If you thought it was just Boston, youre wrong!
Source Economic Policy Institute
20A Tale of Two CitiesBasic Budget2 Parents, 2
- Boston
- Monthly Housing 1,266
- Monthly Food 587
- Monthly Child Care 1,298
- Monthly Transportation 321
- Monthly Health Care 592
- Monthly Other Necessity 500
- Monthly Taxes 824
- Monthly Total 5,388
- Annual Total 64,656
- Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill
- Monthly Housing 779
- Monthly Food 587
- Monthly Child Care 866
- Monthly Transportation 358
- Monthly Health Care 368
- Monthly Other Necessity 369
- Monthly Taxes 350
- Monthly Total 3,677
- Annual Total 44,124
21Median Single Family Home Price 1987-2004
222005Class A Apartment Rents
Source Forbes Magazine
23 of Communities with Median Single Family Sales
24 of Communities with Median Single Family Sales
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27Economic DevelopmentWhat we know
- Firms choose to locate is cities and towns, not
states - Investment and job creation occur at the local
level - Local municipalities in Massachusetts attract
businesses - Recent research with leading industrial and
office developers and real estate specialists
(NAIOP and CoreNet) confirms the importance of
the local community environment to economic
28What we know
- Key factors for businesses in making location
decisions are - Availability of appropriate local labor pool
- Local crime rate
- Quality and capacity of local infrastructure
- Quality of local schools
- Physical attractiveness of the local area
- Timeliness of approvals at the municipal level
- Reputation of the community as a good place to
live, work and invest
29What we know
- Key Infrastructure
- New School Construction
- Water and Sewer
- Local Roads and Highways
- State Highways and Bridges
- Mass Transit Expansion
- Airport Expansion
- Universal Wired Wireless Internet
30Conclusion The Challenges
- Our high cost of living and inability to attract
investment will lead to economic weakness, slow
job growth, and demographic flight - We must find a way to reduce housing costs and
health costs - We must find a way to attract firms, young
people, and jobs by making our cities and towns
the most attractive in the nation with good
schools, excellent roads, great parks, and other