Title: Dynamical Insights into Structure in Connectionist Models
1Dynamical Insights into Structure in
Connectionist Models
Whitney TaborDepartment of PsychologyUniversity
of ConnecticutJune 22, 2005
2The Learning of Natural Language
Question How can a system without structure
acquire it?
3The Learning of Natural Language
Question How can a system without structure
acquire it? Observation Certain very general
(and recurrent) connectionist networks, trained
on finite grammaticality data, behave as though
they have discovered the infinite state mechanism
from which the data were sampled.
4 Observation Connectionist models are a type of
dynamical system.
1. Dynamical analysis helps figure how to get
the network to succeed and to identify
success. 2. Dynamical analysis reveals stages
of development which correspond to phase
transitions. (Caveat I dont know if this
models stages correspond to human developmental
Development babababa Except for the
Marabar Caves
t2 Syntactic Joan! The cat is in the garage
t1 t2 t3 t4 Real
time Articulation, eye-movement
7Elmans Paradigm for Connectionist Sentence
Structure Learning Simple Recurrent Network
8Elmans Paradigm
Girl chases dogs. Boys chase dog. Girl sees
tiger. Dogs who girl chases see tiger. Tiger
eats boy
9Elmans Paradigm boys
10Elmans Paradigm who
11Elmans Paradigm mary
12Elmans Paradigm chases
13Elmans Paradigm feed
14Elmans Paradigm cats
15Elmans Paradigm Puzzle
16Elmans Paradigm Puzzle
Implication Even in the trained network, any
word can occur at any time.
What has the network learned? Has the network
discovered the structure of its language
18Symbolic Characterization of the Environment
19Probing what the network has discovered (Wiles
Elman, 1995)
Simple Case (called anbn) S ? a b S ? a S
b Possible Sentences a b, a a b b, a a a b b
20Hidden Unit Trajectory (aaa)
21Hidden Unit Trajectory (bbb)
22Vector flow for iterated as
23Vector flow for iterated bs
24Data check
The dog who the boy fed barked. The dog who the
boy fed barked. N1 N2
V2 V1 (Palindromic structure ---more
complex than anbn)
25Rodriguez (2001) SRN on Palindrome Language
Learning success miserable Hidden unit space
noisy and complex Insightful analysis by
Rodriguez hand-built linear approximation of
weight matrix handles full palindrome language
26The Beauty and the Horror
27Barnsley (1988), Moore (1996), Tabor (2000)
Fractal sets for keeping track of embedded
structures in a bounded metric space.
28Stack Map
29Sentence Processing on Fractal
30Fractal Analysis of Rodriguezs Linearization
31Fractal Learning Neural Network
32Learning Results (FLNN)
33Emergence of an Infinite-State Grammar 0
34Emergence of an Infinite-State Grammar 1
35Emergence of an Infinite-State Grammar 2
36Emergence of an Infinite-State Grammar 3
37Emergence of an Infinite-State Grammar 4
- 1. Dynamical analysis helps figure how to get the
network to succeed and to identify success. - 2. Dynamical analysis reveals stages of
development which correspond to phase
transitions. There is a coherent sense in which
this network has acquired a concept.
3. Timescales a. Attractor basin topology is
what emerges over developmental time. b.
Settling time within an attractor basin (measured
in number of steps) predicts number of words
needed to complete a sentence. (syntactic time)
c. Note In real-time connectionist sentence
processing models, settling time predicts
individual word reaction times.
40Connectionist vs. Dynamical Field Theory Methods
Train a network on a challenging problem. Study
the model. Discover valuable new conceptual tools
for a domain.
Think carefully about the dynamics of a
domain. Build a dynamical system with plausible
BOTH Test predictions.
41Connectionist vs. Dynamical Field Theory Methods
Train a network on a challenging problem. Study
the model. Discover valuable new conceptual tools
for a domain.
Think carefully about the dynamics of a
domain. Build a dynamical system with plausible
BOTH Test predictions.