Title: BWRC 2002 Summer Research Retreat
1BWRC 2002 Summer Research Retreat
- Gary Kelson
- June 3-4, 2002
- Granlibakken Conference Center
- Lake Tahoe, California
2Berkeley Wireless Research Center
- A partnership of UC Berkeley researchers,
industry, and government - Members
- Ericsson Radio Systems
- Agilent Technologies
- Cadence Design Systems
- Texas Instruments
- STMicroelectronics
- Intel Corporation
- Atmel Corporation
- Qualcomm Incorporated
- Infineon Technologies
- Hitachi Ltd.
- Operational since Feb.1999
- Downtown Berkeley, 1 block from campus
- 11,000 sq. feet
Were 3 Years Old
3BW Funding Sources CY 2001/2002
4Monday Morning Agenda/ Logistics
5Monday Afternoon Agenda/Logistics
6Monday Evening Agenda/Logistics
7Tuesday Agenda/Logistics
8New Publications Web
- Access to for member company employees
- Early releases of presentations, publications,
most recent retreat, etc - After 6 months will be moved to Public Web
- web account applications are in the information
9BWRC 2002 Winter Retreat Best Poster Ballot
We would like to recognize best efforts by our
researchers. Please help us by voting for the
best poster. Consider technical content,
originality, presentation clarity and overall
appearance. Vote for up to 3 posters and rate
them from 1-5 (1low, 5high) in each category.
Please return this form to one of our admin staff
before you leave.
Poster Author/s Technical content 1
2 3 4 5 Originality
1 2 3 4 5 Presentation clarity 1
2 3 4 5 Overall appearance 1 2
3 4 5 Comments
Poster Author/s Technical content 1
2 3 4 5 Originality 1
2 3 4 5 Presentation clarity 1 2
3 4 5 Overall appearance 1 2 3
4 5 Comments
Poster Author/s Technical content 1
2 3 4 5 Originality 1
2 3 4 5 Presentation clarity 1 2
3 4 5 Overall appearance 1 2 3
4 5 Comments
10BWRC 2002 Winter Retreat Feedback Form
We hope the next 2 days will be a rewarding
learning experience for you. Our goals are to
share what we have learned, share our
point-of-views and engage everyone in discussions
so we can apply our best collective knowledge to
BWRC research. We would like to solicit your
feedback on what you liked, what you feel could
be improved, what should be deleted and what we
should consider adding. Please drop off these
forms with one of our admin. staff before you
leave or email/FAX your comments to Tom Boot at
tmb_at_eecs.berkeley.edu, FAX 510-883-0270
Introductions, Monday AM PicoNetworks, Monday
AM Poster Session, Monday PM Monday
Evening Program Radio Architectures and RF
Circuits, Tuesday AM Digital Circuits and
Design Technology, Tuesday PM Panel Discussion
, Tuesday PM
11BWRC Staff
- Admin Assistants
- Tom Boot
- Brenda Vanoni
- Technical Staff
- Kevin Zimmerman
- Brian Richards
- Sue Mellers
- Fred Burghardt
- Grants Administration/Finance
- Elise Mills