Title: The Pennsylvania Academic Standards
1The Pennsylvania Academic Standards
- Why Standards?
- What are the Pennsylvania Academic Standards?
- How did we get here?
- Where are we right now?
- How should districts prepare for implementation
of PA Standards? 2/5/98
2Why Standards?
- Standards are the building blocks for all
subject and grade levels - Student learning is cumulative
- Establishes a framework by which all are made
3Why Standards?
- Standards improve student achievement by clearly
defining - whats to be learned
- the quality of the expected performance.
4Why Standards?
- High expectations yield worthy results
- It makes sense to monitor student progress, needs
and competencies
5What Are the Pennsylvania Academic Standards?
6Types ofStandards
- Content Standards
- Expectations for learning which establish
knowledge and skills that should be learned.
- What does a student need to know?
8Types ofStandards
- Performance Standards
- Define the performances and levels of learning
considered satisfactory for success.
9Performance Standards
- How well do you know it?
- How good is good enough?
- What does it look like when youre successful?
10What Is So Different About Standards?
- Adopting the Pennsylvania Standards means
- A shift from identifying and teaching what is to
be covered to a
11What Is So Different About Standards?
- Adopting the Pennsylvania Standards means
- verification of a students learning of
identified core concepts and skills.
12The Pennsylvania Academic Standards
- are definitions of the content and skills
students should learn in each subject area by
designated grade levels.
13The Pennsylvania Academic Standards
- Replace Student Learning Outcomes
- Represent core concepts and skills
- Initially focus on Reading/Writing Mathematics
- Benchmarked at grades 3, 5, 8, 11(Reading and
Math) 6,9 and 11 (Writing) - Other subject areas being prepared
14Criteria Used in Developing PA Academic Standards
- Rigor
- Measurability
- Application
- Clarity
15Whats in the Reading and Writing Standards?
- Reading
- Learning to read independently
- Reading critically in all content areas
- Reading, analyzing and interpreting
literature 2/5/98
16Whats in the Reading and Writing Standards?
- Writing
- Types of writing (narrative, informational,
persuasive) - Quality of writing (Focus, content, organization,
style, conventions) 2/5/98
17Whats in the Reading and Writing Standards?
- Other
- Speaking Listening
- Characteristics and Function of the English
Language - Research
18Whats in the Mathematics Standards?
- Computation, Estimation, Measurement
- Numbers, Number Systems Relationships
- Computation Estimation
- Measurement Estimation
19Whats in the Mathematics Standards?
- Application of the Concepts Skills
- Mathematical reasoning connections
- Mathematical problems solving communication
- Statistics data analysis
- Probability predictions 2/5/98
20Whats in the Mathematics Standards?
- Higher Level Mathematics
- Algebra and functions
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Concepts of calculus
21How Did We Get Here?
22A Brief History
- The Governor/Secretarys Initiative
- Governors Advisory Commission
- Standards Development Process
23Subject Area Task Forces
- Ten subject areas
- Emphasis on basics
- Varied and representative
- Dickinson Working Conference
24State Board of Education
- Held ten public roundtables and hearings across
the Commonwealth - Encouraged testimony on enabling regulations
- Contracted an outside review of the proposed
standards - Completed work on Reading, Writing and
Mathematics standards - Reviewing additional standards areas.
25Where are we right now?
26State Board of Education
- Developed a new Chapter 4 which combined
- Chapter 3 - Assessment
- Chapter 5 - Curriculum
- Chapter 6 - Vocational
27State Board of Education
- Currently reviewing PA Academic Standards (as of
July, 1999) in - Science/Technology Environment/Ecology
- Civics and Government
28State Board of Education
- Will be receiving and reviewing additional PA
Academic Standards as they are completed through
the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Wednesday, July 7, 1999
29How should districts prepare for the
implementation of Pennsylvania Academic Standards?
30Where to begin ...
- Identify local practices and curriculum
- Review the public Pennsylvania Academic Standards
- Consider changes to curriculum and local
practices - Determine connections to resources and Title I/
31Next Steps ...
- Align curriculum with standards
- Vertically K-12
- Horizontally at Grade Level or Subject
- Align individual classroom practices
- Plan strategically
- Link to Title I and IDEA
32Down the road ...
- There will be a thoughtful match between
instructional techniques, classroom practices and
the assessments that measure student attainment
of standards. - There will be graduation standards based on
academic standards.