Title: Strengthening Regional Business Ties
1 Strengthening Regional Business Ties
John C. Pazartzis 2 April 2009 Hosts Ministry of
Foreign Affairs UNDP Royal Olympic Hotel,
1. Invest in Greece Agency Our Services
2. Invest in Greece Agency Our Multilateral
Outreach Initiatives
3. Sectors of Cooperation
4. An Idea to Consider
31. Invest in Greece Agency Our Services
4Invest in Greece Agency A Proactive Partner
A team of investor-centered professionals
equipped to assist you in all investment plans at
every stage of the process
5 2. Invest in Greece Our Multilateral Outreach
6Synergassia Collaboration
Synergassia, is an outreach initiative to
a) Familiarize diplomats with the local
governments business community, b) promote
investment opportunities by region, c) reinforce
the outward nature of Greek businesses, d)
familiarize regional stakeholders with the
international investment community, and e)
assist the local stakeholders in attracting
7Invest in Med The Mediterranean Region as an
Investment Location
Invest in Greece Agency is an active member of
the Board of Directors of Invest in Med.
Invest in Med aims at promoting the
Mediterranean basin as an investment location and
at encouraging European investments in the
Mediterranean region. Invest in Greece is
spearheading an FDI Workshop on Economic
Intelligence in Athens in May that aims to build
the capacity of Euro-Med IPAs on issues pertinent
to the subject.
83. Sectors of Cooperation
9Sectors of Cooperation
- Collaboration in the following sectors
- can lead to synergies and win-win
- outcomes
- Technology Innovation
- Environmental Management
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Infrastructure
10 4. An Idea to Consider
11Lets Work Together
- It is important to establish a
multi-country platform to encourage investment
flows in the Black Sea Region. - To solidify collaborations with Black Sea
Investment Promotion Agencies and international
associations in order to - increase foreign direct investment
- flows into the Region and
- enhance company collaborations.
12Contact Details
John C. Pazartzis Advisor to the CEO Invest in
Greece Agency 3 Mitropoleos Str., 105 57 Athens
GREECE TÂ 30 210 33 55 716 FÂ 30 210 32 42
079 j.pazartzis_at_investingreece.gov.gr www.investin