Title: 2005, October Marc Hayoun
1Derivation and validation of model potentials for
Li2O from DF TMarc HayounLaboratoire des
Solides IrradiésCEA/DSM, Ecole Polytechnique,
CNRS UMR 7642Palaiseau, France
Madeleine Meyer, Juan García Rodeja (post-doc)
- 1. Motivations
- 2. Ab initio results
- 3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
- 4. Validation of the potentials
- 5. Conclusions
- Modelling oxides
- ab initio
- phenomenological potentials
- fitting potentials from ab initio data,
parameters and fitting quantities criteria ? - Simulation of generical properties at the atomic
scale - Step towards more "technological" oxides
1. Motivations
4Lithium oxide why ?
- Simple oxide, purely ionic
- Reliability of ab initio calculations
- Experimental results available
- Superionic conductor at T gt Tc
- superionic phase at high temperature
- high electric conductivity
- fast diffusion of Li
1. Motivations
5Cationic Frenkel defect
Oxygen Lithium Intestitial lithium Cationic
antifluorite structure
1. Motivations
6Overview of the approach
Molecular Dynamics
Interatomic potential
Atomic trajectories
ValidationLattice Parameter Heat
Capacity Thermal vibrations Diffusion
Ab initio data
Diffusion mechanism
1. Motivations
7Ab initio results
- Ground state properties
- Total energy obtained by DFT-LDA
- Computation of the lattice parameter at T 0 K
- Computation of the elastic constants at T 0 K
- Computation of the ionic charges from the
electronic density
2. Ab initio results
8Electronic iso-density surfaces
2. Ab initio results
9Integration of the e- density (8 e-)
Nominal charges of O2- and Li ions for the
phenomenological interatomic potential
2. Ab initio results
10Fitting potentials for Li2O
Interatomic potential
Molecular Dynamics
Atomic trajectories
ValidationLattice Parameter Heat
Capacity Thermal vibrations Diffusion
Ab initio data
Diffusion mechanism
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
11Fitting method
- from ab initio data
- Short-range contributions to the energy and
pressure differences between different
configurations - ? sampling of the interatomic distances
- Fitting criteria ?
- Influence of the potential parameters ?
- Influence of the fitting quantities ?
- Potential adapted to high T simulations
- computation time
- ionic
- generic behaviour of Li2O
- Rigid-ion model
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
12Rigid-ion model
- Adapted at high temperature
- Energy is mainly coulombic
- Fitting of the short-range terms
- 10 of the total energy ? difficult
- Maximum of 12 parameters
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
13Fitting configurations
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
14Fitting configurations
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
15Fitting configurations
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
16Fitting configurations
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
17Sampling the distances
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
18Five empirical potentials
3. Fitting potentials for Li2O
19Validation of the potentials
Molecular Dynamics
Interatomic potential
Atomic trajectories
ValidationLattice Parameter Heat
Capacity Thermal vibrations Diffusion
Ab initio data
Diffusion mechanism
4. Validation of the potentials
20Lattice parameter a(T)
- Underestimate of a(T)
- P3, P6, P8A slope // to experimental data
- P8B, P11 different slope
- ?? P3, P6, P8A
4. Validation of the potentials
21Heat capacity Cv(T)
- Phase transition
- Tc position of the peak
- P8B, P11peak more pronounced
- P3, P6, P8A same Tc
- Compatible with the experimental values
- ?? P3, P6, P8A
4. Validation of the potentials
22Thermal vibrations ltu2gt
- order of magnitude in agreement with the
experimental values - ?? P3, P6, P8A
4. Validation of the potentials
23Diffusion coefficient D
- P3, P6, P8A similar behaviour in agreement with
experiment - P11, P8Bwrong behaviour
- ?? P3, P6, P8A
4. Validation of the potentials
24Arrhenius plots of D
- Oishi (tracer) ?HDLi2.50.3 eV
- Conductivity ?HDLi1.75 à 2 eV
- P6, P8A ?HDLi??.3 eV
- ?? P6, P8A
4. Validation of the potentials
- Analysis of the validation of the potentials
- All potentials phase transition CV(T),
diffusion of Li - Discrimination with af(T), Log(DLi)f(T)
- Influence of the choice of the fitting data
- Forces unadapted
- ?E and ?P of ? configurations efficient
- ?P important role
- The best results are obtained when
- the number of parameters is restricted
- attractive terms (O-O, Li-Li) repulsive term
Li-O - ? qualitative quantitative analysis / defects
and atomic diffusion
Rodeja, Meyer, Hayoun, Modelling Simul. Mater.
Sci. Eng. 9, 81 (2001)
5. Conclusions