CSCE 580 Artificial Intelligence Dijkstra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSCE 580 Artificial Intelligence Dijkstra


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSCE 580 Artificial Intelligence Dijkstra

CSCE 580Artificial IntelligenceDijkstras
Algorithm Notes to Complement and Reinforce the
Graduate Student Presentation
  • Fall 2008
  • Marco Valtorta

Example Romania
Single-State Problem Formulation
  • A problem is defined by four items
  • initial state e.g., "at Arad"
  • actions or successor function S(x) set of
    actionstate pairs
  • e.g., S(Arad) ltArad ? Zerind, Zerindgt,
  • ltArad ? Timisoara, Timisoaragt,
  • goal test, can be
  • explicit, e.g., x "at Bucharest"
  • implicit, e.g., Checkmate(x)
  • path cost (additive)
  • e.g., sum of distances, number of actions
    executed, etc.
  • c(x,a,y) is the step cost, assumed to be 0
  • A solution is a sequence of actions leading from
    the initial state to a goal state
  • An optimal solution is a solution of lowest cost

Uniform-Cost (Dijkstra) for Graphs
  • Original Reference Dijkstra, E. W. "A Note on
    Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs.
    Numerische Matematik, 1 (1959), 269-271
  • 1. Put the start node s in OPEN. Set g(s) to 0
  • 2. If OPEN is empty, exit with failure
  • 3. Remove from OPEN and place in CLOSED a node n
    for which g(n) is minimum in case of ties, favor
    a goal node
  • 4. If n is a goal node, exit with the solution
    obtained by tracing back pointers from n to s
  • 5. Expand n, generating all of its successors.
    For each successor n' of n
  • a. compute g'(n')g(n)c(n,n')
  • b. if n' is already on OPEN, and g'(n')ltg(n'),
    let g(n')g'(n) and redirect the pointer from n'
    to n
  • c. if n' is neither on OPEN or on CLOSED, let
    g(n')g'(n'), attach a pointer from n' to n, and
    place n' on OPEN
  • 6. Go to 2

Properties of Dijkstras Algorithm
  • g(n) is the distance (cost) of some path from the
    start node to node n
  • f(n) is the minimum of g(n) over all possible
    paths from the start node to node n
  • f(k) is the distance of the goal node from the
    start node---assume a single goal node, k, for
  • A search algorithm is admissible if it returns
    the shortest path
  • 1. When node n is closed in step 3, g(n)f(n)
  • 2. When node n is closed at step 3, g(n) is at
    least as high as the g value of all already
    closed nodes and all nodes with lower g values
    than g(n) have already been closed
  • 3. Only nodes for which g(n)ltf(k) are expanded
    in step 5 (if there is a path from the start node
    to the goal node)
  • 4. Dijkstra's algorithm never expands the same
    node twice
  • 5. Dijkstra's algorithm expands the least number
    of nodes among all admissible blind,
    unidirectional search algorithms

Property 1 of Dijkstras Algorithm
  • When node n is closed in step 3, g(n)f(n)
  • The proof is by induction on the number of closed
    nodes. For the base case, g(s) f(s) 0.
  • Let n1,,nq be the nodes in OPEN. Let n ni
  • Consider the path to n through nodes in CLOSED
    that establishes that n is to be closed in step 3
  • Assume that there is a shorter path to n than the
    one chosen by Dijkstras algorithm. Let np be
    the first node in OPEN on that path. Since path
    s?np?ni is shorter than g(n), then path s?np is
    shorter than path s?ni. This means that when
    executing step 3, g(np) lt g(ni), and therefore np
    would be closed in step 3 instead of ni

Property 2 of Dijkstras Algorithm
  • When node n is closed at step 3, g(n) is at
    least as high as the g value of all already
    closed nodes and all nodes with lower g values
    than g(n) have already been closed
  • This can also be proven by induction. For the
    induction step, note that the node that is closed
    at step 3 has g(n) value that is at least as high
    than that of all previously closed
    nodes---otherwise it would have been closed
  • Also note that this proof depends crucially on
    having non-negative edge costs

Property 3 and 4 of Dijkstras Algorithm
  • Only nodes for which g(n)ltf(k) are expanded in
    step 5 (if there is a path from the start node to
    the goal node)
  • Since nodes are expanded in non-decreasing order
    of shortest-path distance from the start node,
    only nodes for which g(n) lt f(k) are expanded
  • To get the result with a strict inequality, note
    that ties are broken in favor of the goal node
  • Dijkstra's algorithm never expands the same node
  • Nodes are expanded only when they are moved from
    OPEN to CLOSED in step 3. Since CLOSED nodes
    cannot be re-OPENed, no node can be expanded

Property 5 of Dijkstras Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's algorithm expands the least number of
    nodes among all admissible blind, unidirectional
    search algorithms
  • Adversary argument
  • I claim there is an algorithm (say, B) that does
    not expand node m, for which g(m) lt f(k) on some
    graph search problem (say, G) and is admissible
  • Let f(k)-g(m) e
  • Consider an instance of graph search problem
    identical to G except for the additional edge m?k
    of cost e/2
  • Since B does not expand node m, it will not
    return the shortest path of length f(k)-(e/2)
  • Therefore, B is not admissible

Lower Bound
  • Assumptions and notation
  • decision-tree model (count comparisons of edge
  • blind unidirectional algorithms
  • n is the number of nodes and m is the number of
    edges in the (implicit) graph been searched
  • Property 5 implies ?(m)
  • ?(n log(n)) follows from a transformation of
    sorting to finding the shortest path spanning
    tree and a sequence of all the n nodes ordered in
    increasing distance from the start node
  • Overall ?(m n log(n))
  • The Fibonacci tree implementation of Dijkstras
    algorithm matches the lower bound and is
    therefore optimal
  • See reference in notes

Bidirectional Uniform-Cost Algorithm
  • (Assume that there is only one goal node, k.)
  • 1. Put the start node s in OPEN1 and the goal
    node k in OPEN2. Set g(s) and h(k) to 0
  • 2'. If OPEN1 is empty, exit with failure
  • 3'. Remove from OPEN1 and place in CLOSED1 a node
    n for which g(n) is minimum
  • 4'. If n is in CLOSED2, exit with the solution
    obtained by tracing backpointers from n to s and
    forward pointers from n to k
  • 5'. Expand n, generating all of its successors.
    For each successor n' of n
  • a. compute g'(n')g(n)c(n,n')
  • b. if n' is already on OPEN1, and g'(n')ltg(n'),
    let g(n')g'(n) and redirect the pointer from n'
    to n
  • c. if n' is neither on OPEN1 or on CLOSED1, let
    g(n')g'(n'), attach a pointer from n' to n, and
    place n' on OPEN1
  • 2". If OPEN2 is empty, exit with failure
  • 3". Remove from OPEN2 and place in CLOSED2 a node
    n for which h(n) is minimum
  • 4". If n is in CLOSED1, exit with the solution
    obtained by tracing forwards pointers from n to k
    and backpointers from s to n
  • 5". Expand n, generating all of its predecessors.
    For each predecessor n' of n
  • a. compute h'(n')h(n)c(n',n)
  • b. if n' is already on OPEN2, and h'(n')lth(n'),
    let h(n')h'(n) and redirect the pointer from n'
    to n
  • c. if n' is neither on OPEN2 or on CLOSED2, let
    n(n')n'(n'), attach a pointer from n' to n, and
    place n' on OPEN2
  • 6. Go to 2'.
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