Title: K0S%20and%20L%20production%20at%20ZEUS
1K0S and L production at ZEUS
- Alexander A. Savin
- University of Wisconsin
- On Behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration
- DIS 2006, Tsukuba, Japan
- Strange mesons and baryons cross sections
- Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry
- Baryon to meson ratio
- Strange to light mesons ratio
- Polarization.
- In the wide kinematic range of ep interaction
3Kinematic Variables
Photon virtuality
Bjorken scaling variable
4Event and Particle Selection
ZEUS 1996-2000 data 121 pb-1
DIS 5ltQ2lt25 or Q2gt25 GeV2 0.02ltylt0.95
PHP Q2lt1 GeV2 0.2ltylt0.85 2 jets with
ETjetgt5 GeV
Particle selection - Secondary vertex
5Strange production mechanism
- strangeness suppression factor
6K0S DIS cross sections
ARIADNE with 0.3 describes data well, 0.2 less
satisfactory LEPTO does not describe the data
7L DIS cross sections
ARIADNE with 0.3 describes data well, 0.2 less
satisfactory LEPTO does not describe the data
8PHP cross sections
PYTHIA describes the data well, xgOBS is too flat
9Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry
- small or no asymmetry - gluon junction
mechanism, 3.5 positive, RHIC
10Baryon to meson ratio
Low Q2 region is better described by the ARIADNE
11Baryon to meson ratio
- ARIADNE reasonably describes the data - the
ratios are similar to those from ee and pp.
12Photoproduction with 2 jets
13Fireball type of event
14Fireball sample selection
Total transverse energy
Highest transverse energy jet
15Baryon to meson ratio, PHP
Similar to DIS
PYTHIA does not describe fireball enriched sample
16Strange to light hadrons ratio
Nch number of charged pions, charged kaons,
protons and antiprotons
Similar to ee
ARIADNE with 0.22 describes data well
17Strange to light hadrons ratio
PYTHIA describes data well (instanton
Polarization in scattering due to the strong
- 0.642 - decay asymmetry
- parameter
q - angle between the proton(antiproton)
direction and the polarization axis
No polarization
- Measurements of K0S, Ls production have been
made at ZEUS using 121 pb-1 int.luminosity - no baryon-antibaryon asymmetry is observed
- no transverse polarization is observed
- ARIADNE and PYTHIA describe data well. For the
strange to light meson ratio ARIADNE requires
strangeness suppression factor 0.22, rather than
0.3, which used to describe other distributions - the ratio of baryons to mesons is large in the
PHP resolved region and in the fireball PHP
region, is much larger than in ee and is not
described by PYTHIA