Title: les%20robertson%20-%20cern-it%201
1LHC Computing Grid ProjectBrief Status Report
- 24 January 2002
- Les Robertson
- CERN - IT Division
- les.robertson_at_cern.ch
2Project Startup
- First pre-POB working meetings have taken place
- Software and Computing Committee SC2
- Project Execution Board PEB
- Not yet fully populated
- Resources
- First materials funding received
- First staff should arrive next month
- A number of agreements signed and in preparation
- Launch Workshop Organised
- 11-15 March at CERN
- Sets requirements and monitors progress
- Three Requirements Technical Assessment Groups
(RTAG) initiated - data management persistency
- software management process tools
- maths libraries
- Small, focused, limited duration (2 months)RTAG
recommendations will be used by SC2 to define
formal requirements - Launch Workshop
- Goal to agree on -
- Project scope, priorities
- High-level Work Plan of the project (goals and
milestones) - Concrete next steps
- Bootstrap process working on areas that do not
conflict with SC2 - Short term priorities
- computing data challenges
- interoperability of international grids
- fabric management planning
5Status of Funding Agreements
Country Status of agreement
Austria Agreement for 3 doctoral students per year
France Agreement for a few systems programmers few computer scientists volontaires internationals (coopérant) First person selected, starts April
Germany First materials funding received Recruitment of 10 systems staff under way
Hungary Agreement signed - short term visitors
India Letter of intent software development team 10 people for 5 years, in India
Israel Agreement for 1-2 engineers recruitment started
Italy Agreement prepared recruitment process started - 15 people as CERN fellows few senior people associated materials funding
Poland post graduate engineer, selected, starts April
Spain up to 5 post-graduate engineers
Switzerland Agreement signed 3 3-year people (networking 2 applications)
United Kingdom Funding provided through GridPP project first recruitment completed first of 10 people starts in February first materials funding agreed
Other countries Establishing formal contacts