Title: Employee Engagement: Unleash the Drive to Excel
1Employee Engagement Unleash the Drive to Excel
Lead Well. Engage Employees. Get Results.
- Barb Krantz Taylor (bktaylor_at_thebaileygroup.com)
- What about this employee looks engaging?
- What does the manager do that helps engage the
employee and contribute to performance
excellence? - What lessons did you learn from this video?
3How do you know whos engaged?
- Clear about purposeseek ways to improve
- Bring full selves to work
- Highly skilled
- Need for achievement
- Positive energy
- Committed to team
- Upbeat and proud to work for you
Source First, Break All the Rules, Gallup
4Employee Engagement
- A personal connection employees have to their
job, organization, manager, or team that
motivates them to excel at their work.
5Whats the Difference?
- Engagement
- vs.
- Satisfaction
6Where Engagement Happens
Employee Goals
Organization Goals
Maximum Drive and Performance
8Employee Engagement Results
- 38 higher customer satisfaction
- 22 higher productivity
- 27 higher profits
Source Gallup Organization
9More Results
- 26 higher productivity
- 13 higher returns to shareholders
- 20 fewer missed work-days
- ¾ of Highly Engaged employees exceed or far
exceed expectations
Source Watson Wyatt 2008/2009 WorkUSA Report
10And More
- Perform 20 better
- Are 87 less likely to leave the organization
- Source Driving Performance and Retention
through Employee Engagement - Corporate Leadership Council, 2006
11Employee Engagement Drivers
12What Drives Engagement?
Manager Relationship
Trust in Senior Leadership
Development Opportunities
Pride in Organization
Utilization of Strengths
Connection to Organizations Success
Co-Worker Relationships
Discretionary Effort
Job Satisfaction
13How do I get some of that????
14It takes a village
- Employees
- Managers
- Senior Leaders
- Human Resources
15Employees Role
- Proactively manage career
- Know self (strengths, values, contributions)
- Explore (feedback and information seeking)
- Prioritize
- Set Goals/Take Action
16Managers Role
- Identify the work that needs doing
- Determine strengths needed for the work
- Assess current strengths
- Identify matches and gaps
- Coach employees
- Provide feedback, information, and resources
- Balance strengths with organizational needs
17Leaders Role
- Capitalize on engageable moments
- Demonstrate strong leadership and clear direction
- Manage organizational change with effective
communication - Emphasize customer focus
- Institute and communicate a system of equitable
rewards - Invest in the core
--Watson Wyatt 2008/2009 WorkUSA Report
18Human Resources Role
- Be a partner
- Be a role model
- Coach leaders, managers, and employees
- Integrate into (required?) management
development/training - Align policies, procedures, and practices
- Measure engagement
- Track results
19Taking Charge of Your Career
The employee challenge...
20What is a career?
Job paid work
Leisure enjoyment meaning purpose
a degree of autonomy
Career Job Leisure
21Career Fit
- Work (talents, challenge, growth)
- Environment (physical/cultural)
- Relationships (supervisor, colleagues)
- Rewards (pay, benefits, hours)
22What fits for you?
- Quickly jot down what you know about your 4 areas
of fit - How easy/hard was this?
- How specific are your answers?
- How many of your employees (or people you
know) would - 1) find this easy?
- 2) have specific answers?
23Engaging Conversations
The managers challenge...
24(No Transcript)
25Its as much about the act of (engaging)
conversations, as it is about the outcome of
those conversations --Performance Improvement
Solutions, 2005
26Engaging Conversations
Unleashing an employees potential to excel
Employee Goals
Organization Goals
Connecting their motivation to organizations
27Engaging Conversations--Step by Step
- Initiate
- Dialog about engaging moments and employee
strengths - Compare strengths to current work
- Make a Strengths Development Plan
- Check-in regularly
- Explain What, Why, WIIFM, WIIFY, Why now?
- Probe for questions/understanding
- Set meeting
- Provide Engaging Questions
29Engaging in Dialogue
- Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to
maximize their performance. It is helping them
learn rather than teaching them
30- Think about a time
- at work when you
- were at your best
31Practice Dialogue
- Ask open ended questions
- Go deeper with questions like
- What did you like about that?
- Tell me more about _____.
- Im curious about _____.
- What did you mean by ______?
- Practice listening behaviors (eye contact,
leaning forward, nodding)
32Engaging Questions
- What did you like about that?
- Im curious about _____
- Tell me more about _____
- What did you mean by ______?
- Help me understand _____
- What else?
33Preparing for an Engaging Conversation
- List each staff member
- How engaged are they?
- How do you see their strengths fit their job?
- What are your hopes/expectations for their
development? - Keep performance issues separate from engagement!
- Get ready to listen to employee perspectives
34Engaged Employees
- Work harder
- Aim higher
- Perform better
- Stay longer
35If you are going to treat customers first, you
have to treat employees MORE first
--Tom Peters
Lead Well. Engage Employees. Get Results.
- Barb Krantz Taylor 763-545-5997