SED measurements of radio galaxies 1 < z < 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SED measurements of radio galaxies 1 < z < 5


Large, luminous Ly-a halos. sub-mm detections = high star formation rates ... observation (but no bias towards cold dust properties - 850micron Obs not Det) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SED measurements of radio galaxies 1 < z < 5

SED measurements of radio galaxies 1 lt z lt 5
  • Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF) on behalf of the SHzRGS team
  • Daniel Stern - PI, Peter Eisenhardt (JPL)
  • Carlos De Breuck - Co-PI, Joel Vernet, Alessandro
    Rettura (ESO)
  • Bob Fosbury (ST-ECF)
  • Andrew Zirm (STSCI)
  • Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange (IAP)
  • Nick Seymour, Mark Lacy, Harry Teplitz (SSC)
  • Arjun Dey, Mark Dickinson (NOAO)
  • Wil van Breugel, Adam Stanford (UCLLNL)
  • George Miley, Huub Rottgering (Leiden)
  • Partick McCarthy (OCIW)
  • Dave Alexander (IoA)

  • The hosts of powerful radio galaxies represent
    the most massive galaxies at their epoch
  • By observing the SED through the restframe H-band
    with Spitzer, we measure the stellar masses
  • The Spitzer images allow us to investigate the
    (proto)-cluster environment
  • The SMBH is characterised from X-ray and radio

  • gE and cD galaxies in the local universe
  • r(1/4) light profiles in distant sources
  • HzRG reside in (proto-)cluster environments
  • Large, luminous Ly-a halos
  • sub-mm detections gt high star formation rates
  • NIR Hubble diagram (K-z Rocca-Volmerange et al.
  • Correlation of stellar bulge and BH masses

  • The objective is to cover the radio luminosity -
    redshift plane as uniformly as possible in the
    range 1 lt z lt 4, covering two orders of magnitude
    in radio luminosity
  • Sample chosen to maximise number of supporting
    observation (but no bias towards cold dust
    properties - 850micron Obs not Det)

Solid symbols - HzRGs in our Spitzer sample with
IRAC/IRS imaging Large circles - MIPS
observations as well Filled circles - HzRGs with
HST data Filled squares - HzRGs with SCUBA
data Plusses - parent sample of 225 HzRGs from
which our sample of 70 was drawn
Spitzer observations
  • 3-camera programme GO 3329 (Stern)
  • IRAC 4x30s in all 4 bands gt 5-sigma at m_AB22
    for ch 1 2 and at m_AB20 for ch 3 4
  • IRS 16 micron imaging (peak-up) mode 2x60s gt
    5_sigma at 0.17mJy
  • MIPS subset of 21 sources with low 24 micron
    background all three bands 24 (30s), 70 (30s),
    160 (50s) but most detections at 24

Supporting observations
  • 48/70 have HST imaging total exposure of 1.5Ms
  • 16 have Chandra/XMM-Newton data
  • 43 have published sub-mm data
  • 22 have deep optical polarimetric observations
    from Keck/VLT
  • Use to construct broadband SED and characterise
    AGN and dust re-radiation in addition to the
    evolved stellar population
  • Also use to study galaxy morphology and

  • HST/WFPC2 top and Spitzer/IRAC bottom images
    of 5 HzRGs
  • From left to right, galaxies shown are 3C266 (z
    1.275), MRC 0152-209 (z 1.920), USS 1707105 (z
    2.349), MRC 0406-244 (z 2.427), and 4C41.17
    (z 3792)
  • Images are 30 arcsec on a side, oriented with
    North up and East to the left. Note that a number
    of the fields show overdensities of
    infrared-bright, optically-faint galaxies

Supporting proposals
  • ESO and Palomar imaging (for 4000Å-break)
  • IRS mid-IR spectroscopy (Silicate, PAH and
  • MIPS - to extend subset
  • ESO imaging polarimetry (removal of AGN
  • MAMBO and SCUBA sub-mm
  • VLA 4.8 and 8.4 GHz to extend 3 GHz restframe
    depth polarimetry to measure RM environment
  • HST archive

  • This is our initial example object with very
    complete observational coverage.

Keck spectropolarimetry
  • Showing the dominance of the scattered quasar in
    the restframe ultraviolet(Cimatti et al.
    1998Vernet et al. 2001)

Composite SED
SED modelling
  • Initial modelling with stellar population
    (PEGASE.2), hot and cold dust (Siebenmorgen), and
    synchrotron components
  • Will add the scattered AGN
  • We need deeper sum-mm observations for most of
    this sample

Restframe H-band estimates
  • By Nick Seymour (elliptical templates warm dust)
  • Full SED fitting tbd by Alessandro Rettura

Restframe H-band vs. z
  • Derived from best-fit models to the multi-band
  • Sources with large error bars lack MIPS 24micron
    observations, making the decomposition of stellar
    and dust/AGN components of the SED less secure.
  • The error bars for these sources show that the
    range of reasonable stellar luminosities given
    (1) the total H-band luminosity and (2) that the
    stellar emission typically dominates at observed
    3.6micron (as seen in the modelling of sources
    with MIPS data) and hence can predict a
    reasonable lower value to the H-band luminosity.
  • The red line shows the expected H-band luminosity
    of a passively evolving 1012M_sun elliptical
    galaxy from the PEGASE.2 models (see
    Rocca-Volmerange et al., 2004)

First cut at M-z for Radio Galaxy hosts
BH mass vs. stellar mass
  • Local galaxies with measured kinematic and
    stellar masses (blue stars)
  • HzRG with measured X-ray luminosities (red
  • Implications for BH growth at early epochs

  • Nick Seymours status pages
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