Title: Air Pollution as a Feedback Control Loop
1Air Pollution as a Feedback Control Loop
- Air Pollution Feedback Control
- Purpose and Components of Feedback
- Components of Air Pollution Feedback Control,
with Mercury as a specific example
3Air Pollution Feedback Control
- Air pollution is monitored and managed by a
feedback control system
4Air Pollution Feedback Control
- Economic growth has benefits, but with those
benefits come risks, such as those caused by air
pollution. As a result, the growth must be
5Purpose of Feedback
- The primary reason for feedback control is to
measure and compensate for the effect of
64 Elements of Feedback
- Sensor
- Reference Input
- Comparator
- Control Mechanism
- The sensor measures the variable that we seek to
control, also known as the control variable.
8How is pollution sensed?
- Monitoring agencies use EPA approved equipment.
PM and lead are measured over a 24 hour period,
whereas gaseous pollutants are measured hourly.
Collected data is then compared to the Clean Air
Act standards (NAAQS) for each pollutant. - In the case of Mercury, U.S. Bureau of Mines data
is examined for the following categories
electrical, paint, agricultural chemicals,
measuring and control instruments, lab use,
pharmaceutical, dental, chlorine, caustic soda
manufacturing, and other. This is combined with
emission data such as 50 for coal, 75 for
paint, and 30 for electrical, control equipment,
and lab use.
9Reference Input
- This specifies the value the controlled variable
should have.
10Pollution Reference Value
- The EPA creates Clean Air Act standards (NAAQS)
for each pollutant. - For the case of Mercury, the EPA sets standards
depending upon the use. (ie 50 ppm
for paint, 50 reduction by chlor-alkali industry
by 2005, 90 emission reduction by municipal
waste combustors by 2000, and 95 emission
reduction by medical waste incinerators)
ing.html http//www.usgs.gov
11Pollution Reference Value
- Carbon Monoxide (9 ppm, 8 hour)
- PM10 (150ug/cubic meter, 24 hour)
- PM2.5 (65ug/cubic meter, 24 hour)
- Ozone (.08 ppm, 8 hour)
- Sulfur Oxides (.14 ppm, 24 hour)
- Compares the sensed value with the reference
value. It also specifies the direction in which
the correction needs to be made.
13Air Pollution Comparator
- The EPA compares the data collected by monitoring
sites to the Clean Air Act Standard. - The EPA can, in the case of Mercury, monitor
certain industries and the products they produce
to determine if Mercury levels are within their
14Control Mechanism
- Takes the output of the comparator and corrects
the sensed value in the direction of the
reference input.
15Air Pollution Control Mechanism
- If pollution levels are above the NAAQS and
present a risk, the monitoring agency in the
state must develop and implement a plan to reduce
the air pollution. - If mercury levels are too high in a given
industry, the EPA can levy stiff financial
penalties, and the industry opens itself to
- Air Pollution Feedback Control
- Purpose and Components of Feedback
- Components of Air Pollution Feedback Control,
with Mercury as a specific example
- http//www.oz.net/coilgun/levitation/feedbackloop
.htm - http//www.acfr.usyd.edu.au/teaching/3rd-year/mech
rams.pdf - http//www.engin.umich.edu/group/ctm/examples/exam
ples.html - http//www.epa.gov/region08/air/monitoring/monitor
ing.html - http//www.epa.gov/air/criteria.html
- http//www.usgs.gov