Title: Mark L. Psiaki,
1Kalman Filtering Smoothing to Estimate
Real-Valued States Integer Constants
- Mark L. Psiaki,
- Sibley School of Mechanical Aerospace
EngineeringCornell University
- Improve estimation algorithms for systems that
have integer measurement ambiguities - CDGPS with double-differenced integer ambiguities
- Systems using carrier-phase measurements of TDMA
- Use SRIF/LAMBDA-type formulation to deal with
mixed real/integer problem - Develop optimal suboptimal Kalman filter
smoother algorithms - Optimal keep all ambiguities treat as integers
- Suboptimal retain integers in a finite time
3Outline of Talk
- Related research
- Problem definition
- Mixed real/integer Kalman filter
- Optimal, retains all past integers
- Suboptimal, retains finite window of past
integers - Mixed real/integer fixed-interval smoother
- Optimal, retains all integers of fixed interval
- Suboptimal, retains finite window of past
future integers relative to each time point - Truth-model simulation results
- Conclusions
4Related Research
- Batch estimation w/integer ambiguities
- The LAMBDA method, Teunissen (1995) follow-ons
- Other methods, e.g., Chen Lachapelle (1995)
- SRIF LAMBDA-like method, Psiaki Mohiuddin
(2007) - Kalman filtering w/integer ambiguities
- Standard Covariance EKF, Kroes et al. (2005)
- SRIF-based EKF, Mohiuddin Psiaki (2008)
- Sub-optimal dropping of each integer ambiguity
immediately after its last occurrence in a
measurement - Smoothing w/integer ambiguities
- Nothing
5Dynamics Model
Real-state dynamics
Growth of integer state with sample number
Partitioning of integer states by affected
measurement sample times (past, past present,
past, present future)
Or dynamic re-partitioning
6Measurement Model
using integer vector partitions
using full integer vector
7Example Sensitivities of Different Measurement
Types to Different Integers
8Kalman Filtering/Smoothing Problem
- find x0, , xk1, w0, , wk, nk1 dn0
dnk - to minimize
- subject to xj1 Fjxj Gjwj hj for j 0,
1, 2, ..., k nk1 is an integer-valued vector
9Optimal SRIF Kalman Filter
- Stage-k a posterior info
- Combined information eqs. w/dynamics substitution
for xk - New stage-(k1) a posterior info after QR
10Measurement Update via Integer Linear
Least-Squares Solution
- Solve integer linear least-squares problem to
determine integer a posteriori estimate - Back-substitute to compute real-valued states
11Suboptimal KF Retention of Exact Integers within
a Window of Samples
12Suboptimal SRIF Kalman Filter
- Stage-k a posterior info
- Combined information eqs. w/dynamics substitution
for xk mk - New stage-(k1) a posterior info after QR
13Optimal RTS Smoother in SRIF Form
- Terminal sample K initialization
- 1-sample backwards recursion starts w/filtered wk
smoothed xk1 info. eqs. uses dynamics to get - QR factorize to isolate smoothed xk info. eq.
14Suboptimal RTS Smoother Retention of Exact
Integers within a Window of Samples
15Suboptimal RTS Smoother (1 of 2)
- Terminal sample K initialization
- 1-sample backwards recursion starts w/filtered wk
Dnk-i smoothed xk1 lk1 info. eqs. uses
dynamics integer permutation/partitions to get
16Suboptimal RTS Smoother (2 of 2)
- New stage-k smoothed xk lk square-root
information equations after QR factorization - is the integer vector that minimizes
- The real part of the state is determined by back
17Example 1-Dimensional CDGPS-Type Problem with
3rd-Order Dynamics
18x1 Errors for Three Kalman Filters
19x1 Errors for Three Smoothers
20Integer-Part Computational Cost of Optimal
Suboptimal Algorithms
21Summary Conclusions
- Developed optimal suboptimal Kalman filters
fixed-interval smoothers for mixed real/integer
estimation problems - Constant integer ambiguities enter only
measurements - Optimal algorithms consider all integers in data
batch - Suboptimal algorithms drop integers that affect
measurements only in remote past or future - Tested using data from truth-model simulation
- Optimal suboptimal filter achieve modest
accuracy gains vs. all-reals approximate filter - Filter accuracy gains may be greater for
different problem - Optimal suboptimal smoother significantly more
accurate than all-reals smoother - Suboptimal smoother nearly as accurate as optimal
smoother - Suboptimal algorithms reduce required processing
by at least 65 through reductions in dimensions
of measurement update integer linear
least-squares problems