Title: 2'7 Tangents, Velocity, and Other Rates of Change
12.7 Tangents, Velocity, and Other Rates of
2Definition Secant and Tangent Lines
Secant Line A line passing thorough two points
on a graph of a function.
Tangent Line A line that touches the graph at a
point. The tangent line may cross the graph at
other points depending on the graph.
3Slope of the Tangent Line
The slope of the tangent line can be found from
the slope of the secant line.
4Slope of the Tangent Line
Now let x1 a and x2 x. This changes the
formula to
5Slope of the Tangent Line
To determine the slope of the tangent line, let a
approach x (as in our animation). In terms of
limits, we are finding the slope of the secant
line as x ? a.
6Slope of the Tangent Line
Now let x1 a and x2 ah, where h is the
distance from x1 to x2. This changes the formula
7Slope of the Tangent Line
To determine the slope of the tangent line using
this form, let a h approach a. This is
equivalent to allowing h ? 0.
means h ? 0
8The Derivative
The derivative of a function f at a number a,
denoted by f '(a), is
9Interpretations of the Derivative
The tangent line to y f (x) at (a, f (a)) is
the line through (a, f (a)) whose slope is equal
to f '(a), the derivative of f at a.
The derivative f ' (a) is the instantaneous rage
of change of y f(x) with respect to x when x