Title: Use of Newton-Cotes Formulas and eventual shortcomings
1Use of Newton-Cotes Formulas and eventual
shortcomings Matlab code to increase number of
segments with trapezoid, 1/3 and 3/8 rule
2Methods to achieve better accuracy at lower
effort have been developed Romberg integration -
uses Richardson extrapolation Idea behind
Richardson extrapolation - improve the estimate
at iteration j by using information from
iteration j-1
3True integral value can be written
This is true for any iteration
which leads to
5Plugging back into
6Combine two O(h2) estimates to get an O(h4)
estimate Can also combine two O(h4) estimates to
get an O(h6) estimate
Can combine two O(h6) estimates to get an O(h8)
7General pattern is called Romberg Integration
- j - level of accuracy - j1 is more accurate
(more segments) - k - level of integration - k1 is original
trapezoid estimate (O(h2)), k2 is improved
(O(h4)), etc.
8Excel example
9Gauss quadrature Idea is that if we evaluate the
function at certain points, and sum with certain
weights, we will get accurate integral
Evaluation points and weights are tabulated
10Development of Gauss-Legendre quadrature Assume
a and b are limits of integration
Trapezoid rule should give exact results for
constant function or straight line
11Trapezoid rule always works in these cases
12Now instead of trapezoid, which has fixed end
points (a,b), let them float 4 unknowns -
x0,x1,c0,c1 4 equations - constant, linear (had
before), quadratic, cubic
From -1 to 1 to simplify math
13Can solve these equations to get
and two point Gauss-Legendre formula
14Used cubic so this is third order accurate
To go to -1 to 1 from other limits - use linear
transformation If lower limit is a
If upper limit is b
15Solve and get
So that
16Example Evaluate
using two-point Gauss quadrature Exact value is
17First transform
18Evaluate that equation at
So the integral is 0.630444 Et is 23 - better
than single application of Simpsons 1/3
19Can develop higher order Gauss-Legendre forms
Values for cs and xs are tabulated Use the same
20Example do the same integral using 6-point Gauss
Legendre quadrature
Evaluate at these x and multiply by c
21A final example Determine mass of concrete slab
22Mass is density times volume
Volume is thickness times area
Say thickness is 1 ft Determine area
2330 ft
27 ft
Take measurements at chosen points use symmetry
24Symmetry of slab around x-axis Find area of one
half and X 2
25Use Simpsons 1/3 rule Area for 1/2 is 265.22 ft2
26(No Transcript)