Title: Length of Term
1We the People
BY Olivia
2Executive Branch
Enforces the Laws
3Length of Term
4The presidents Length of term is to 4 years
5Number of terms!
6 Two years the most
7Presidents Salary
8 Executive Branch
- State
- treasury, defense, justice,
- interior, agriculture, commerce,
- labor, health and human services,
- housing and urban development, transportation,
energy, education, - veteran affairs, homeland and secretary.
9Fun Facts
George Bush was the president for 8 years!
Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head at the
Ford's theater.
Being the president is a hard comintment
10Job Description ofthe President!
- To enforce federal laws, treaties, and federal
court rulings - Chief executive
- To develop polices
- To prepare the national budget
- To appoint federal laws
- Commander in chief
- Head in the military
11To be the President
12Must be 35 years old
must be born A citizen
Lived in the U.S for more Than 14 years
13Legislative Branch
Makes the Law
14Job Description
Make laws!
Approve appointments By the president!
House of Represenitives
16How Does a bill come a law?
17The senate writes a bill
They vote On the bill
The president Approves the law!
The bill goes To the president
The president vetoes The law and it starts all
Each state has 2 senates
6 years term
19Senate Qualification
At least 30 years old!
A resident of the state from which the candidate
seeks election
A U.S citizen for at least 9 years
20House of Represnatatives
Number depends on the population of the state!
2 year term
Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming have Only one
Alabama has 7 representatives!
California has 53 representatives
At least 25 Years old!
A resident Of the state which The candidate
seeks election
A U.S citizen for 7 years!
22Judicial Branch
Interprets the Laws
23Supreme Court
The supreme court has nine members
A cheif justice and eight associte justice
24Job Description
Interpret the laws
Protect the rights and liberties of everybody.
The supreme court has the power to decide whether
a federal or state law or action by the president
is constitutional
25Term Length
26Justice may remain in office for life!
Justice are picked by the president And approved
by the senate.
27The End!