Title: A1262291844puvYA
13-5 Mathematics
How to help your child at home!
2 3rd Grade State and National Priorities -
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Focal
Points Within a well balanced mathematics
curriculum, the primary focal points at 3rd grade
are multiplying and dividing whole numbers,
connecting fraction symbols to fractional
quantities, and standardizing language and
procedures in geometry and measurement.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Curriculum Focal Points 1. Develop
understandings of multiplication and division and
strategies for basic multiplication facts and
related division facts. 2. Develop an
understanding of fractions and fraction
equivalence. 3. Describe and analyze properties
of two-dimensional shapes.
3- How can parents help?
- use every opportunity to explore fractions
- multiply
- divide
- learn multiplication facts
- learn division facts
- identify attributes of shapes and solids
- measure, measure, measure
- tell time
- count money
- make graphs talk about the graphs in the
newspaper - talk math
- Big Idea Math is used by everyone, and I must
learn to communicate in math terms.
4Sample 3rd grade TAKS questions
4 Look at the picture of a quilt.
What fraction of the squares on this quilt have
stars? Mark your answer.
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7 4th Grade State and National Priorities -
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Focal
Points Within a well balanced mathematics
curriculum, the primary focal points at Grade 4
are comparing and ordering fractions and
decimals, applying multiplication and division,
and developing ideas related to congruence and
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Curriculum Focal Points 1. Develop quick recall
of multiplication facts and related division
facts and fluency with whole number
multiplication. 2. Develop an understanding of
decimals, including the connections between
fractions and decimals. 3. Develop an
understanding of area and determine the areas of
two-dimensional shapes.
8- How can parents help?
- memorize multiplication and division facts
- have child show you answers written as decimals
and/or fractions - measure, measure, measure
- look at art work and notice symmetry
- talk about congruence
- pretend you need new flooring and let your
son/daughter - determine how much tile or carpet to purchase
- tell time, count money, elapse time
- read and write numbers (whole numbers,
decimals) - order and compare decimals
- talk math
- Big Idea Math is everywhere learn
multiplication and division facts
9Sample 4th grade TAKS questions
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12 5th Grade State and National Priorities -
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Focal
Points Within a well balanced mathematics
curriculum, the primary focal points at Grade 5
are comparing and contrasting lengths, areas, and
volumes of two- or three-dimensional geometric
figures, representing and interpreting data in
graphs, charts, and tables, and applying whole
number operations in a variety of contexts.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Curriculum Focal Points 1. Develop an
understanding of and fluency with division of
whole numbers. 2. Develop an understanding of
and fluency with addition and subtraction of
fractions and decimals. 3. Describe
three-dimensional shapes and analyze their
properties, including volume and surface area.
13- How can parents help?
- divide, divide, divide
- add decimals and visual fractions
- Ex. ¼ ¼ ½
- measure, measure, measure (length, weight,
volume) - talk about three-dimensional shapes using
math language (edges, faces, vertices, etc.) - elapse time
- graph and read graphs (newspapers have great
graphs) - write number sentences to describe solution
steps - order and compare decimals, fractions
- is homework done?
- talk math
- Big Idea Math is necessary math is important
math is one key to my future.
14Sample 5th grade TAKS questions
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17 Thank you for spending this time at your childs
elementary school. We so appreciate your
support. Laura Wilson BISD Math
Coordinator 830-357-2047 laura.wilson_at_boerne-isd.n