Title: Diode Detector Notes:
1Diode DetectorNotes
You simulate the circuit with 2-port Data element
and the capacitor to just find that the data is
in and that the circuit is functioning
properly. Then you add your detector circuit and
simulate to get the graphs and find the Zin.(Add
MLOC, MLIN, MTEE and other blocks like Msub,
Zin, S-parameters You add the pads for your
diode to be able to solder. You dont need the
pads when you simulate the circuit using the
2-port Data element with measured S- parameters.
You need them when you do the layout for milling.
Also please refer to the previous tutorial
provided on this.
2Adding Zin block and MLIN, MLOC and MTEE
To make the circuit add MLIN, MTEE, MLOC Also
add S parameter and MSub blocks and Zin block to
measure Zin
To find Zin Go to Simulation-S_Param and select
S Zin block
3Simulate your Circuit to find Zin
Make this circuit, simulate it and look at the
output graph.
Zin block
Assuming that the values to substitute
are calculated.
4Simulate the circuit and look at the graph(Data
Add the rectangular plot.
Then select our_zin to plot from the
Plot Traces Attributes Click Add
5Data Display
Select Real part and click ok Again select
our_zin and click add. Now select
Imaginary part and click ok
Now click ok in the Plot window
6The Zin Plot
This plot shows the real and imaginary parts of
7Add markers at 2.4 GHz and 2.6 GHz on both the
This gives us the real and imaginary values of
the Zin at both the frequencies. Use these
values to design your single stub matching
network and also plot on the Smith Chart.
8Add your single-stub network to the circuit
Remove the Termination and add your single
stub and simulate
9Data display after simulating
Now plot S(1,1) in dB The curve should look like
this. You get the matching at the frequency for
which you designed your single stub. (2.6GHz)
in this case. You should get another curve for
2.4GHz circuit
10Replace the 2-port data element with the Diode
and artwork
Assuming that you know where to find the
diode MBEND2 can be found under Tlines_Microstrip
11Click on the Layout and then Generate/Update
12Click OK on the message
13This is the Layout with the Diode
To rotate the Layout Select the entire Layout
and then rotate it using the rotate button.
14After rotating
Ground for extra pin
Single Stub Matching Network
Read VDC here
Cap Space
You can also plot without the single stub
matching network
15Layout without the Diode
Remember to put the holes for all the
shorts(ground, short ckt., stubs, etc) when you
mill the circuit