Title: Annual Renewal Submission Tutorial for TOPAZ
1Annual Renewal Submission Tutorial for TOPAZ
- Office of Animal Care Compliance
2The first thing you should always do when you
login to TOPAZ is hit the F11 key on your
keyboard (for PCs) to minimize the browser.
3If you try to navigate in TOPAZ using the browser
functions, you will be logged out of the system
and will lose your data.
4Login using your Novell Net ID username and
password (case sensitive)
5Click on the white My Dashboard
6Click on Protocols for Animals
7Click on Amend and Renew Protocols
8Click on Renew a Protocol
9Select the protocol you wish to renew.
10Select the Renewal Form.
11Your original approved protocol goes from the
Administrative section header down to the
Assurance Statement section.
12The Annual Renewal section has been inserted
first. You may need to make changes in the
original sections if you are listing changes on
your renewal form (see How to Submit a
Minor/Major Amendment for more details).
13Click on the triangle icon next to the Annual
Renewal Section in the protocol outline in order
to expand the section.
14Items with a red asterisk beside them are
required questions.
15You can show only the required questions by
clicking on the asterisk filter at the top. It
is on when illuminated.
16Questions with the half-moon symbol are
children of the conditional parent question
above them and may not always be required
depending on how you answer the parent question.
17The crayon icon next to a question means that an
e-signature is required. Only the PI can create
an e-signature.
18Click on No in the annual renewal section of
the form if you are not going to continue your
19You will then have to fill out Study
Conclusion. When you save, youll be prompted
to enter your Novell username and password to
create your e-signature. Only the PI can
discontinue a study.
20Click on Yes if you wish to continue the study.
21You will then have to fill out the Annual
Renewal Progress Report and any other applicable
questions in this section.
22If this is an annual renewal with no changes, you
are finished and can save and submit.
23If you need to make any changes in conjunction
with your annual renewal (changes in personnel,
etc.) youll be looped into the amendment section
(see How to Submit a Minor/Major Amendment for
more details.
24Always logout here to exit TOPAZ. You will be
returned to the login page.
25Hit the F11 key on your keyboard to restore
your browser.
26Close your browser to exit the login screen.