Title: Wintonbury Church
1Wintonbury Church 2009
2Romans 1213 (NASB)
- contributing to the needs of the saints,
practicing hospitality.
3I Peter 49 (NASB)
- Be hospitable to one another without complaint.
4Hebrews 131-2 (NASB)
- Let love of the brethren continue. Do not
neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by
this some have entertained angels without knowing
5hospitalityf????e??? philoxenos
6hospitalityf????e??? philoxenos
to love/like
7hospitalityf????e??? philoxenos
to love
hospitality, treat guests generously
8welcome?p?d???µa? hupodechomai
9welcome?p?d???µa? hupodechomai
to receive
10welcome?p?d???µa? hupodechomai
to receive
to welcome under my roof, protect and provide
for guests
11Martha welcomed Jesus.
12She was a doer, a goal-oriented achiever, a
believer in the work ethic, who took pride in her
accomplishments and thrived on success. Today,
Martha would make a good executive, coach,
committee chairman, or Christian worker. She is
a super-homemaker, a compulsive cleaner, and a
five-course meal server who wouldnt be caught
dead with dust on the refrigerator or a frozen
pizza in the microwave.
13Verse 40 distractedto draw around or away
Verse 41 worriedto draw/pull in different
Verse 41 bothered/upset to make a noise,
upset, disturb, confuse
14Martha blamed Jesus.
15Mary sat at Jesus feet.
16 A generation of Christians reared among push
buttons and automatic machines is impatient of
slower and less direct method of reaching their
goals. We have been trying to apply machine-age
methods to our relations with God. We read our
chapter, have our short devotions and rush away,
hoping to make up for our deep inward bankruptcy
by attending another gospel meeting or listening
to another thrilling story told by
17a religious adventurer lately returned from
afarThe tragic resultsof this spirit are all
about us.these are the symptoms of an evil
disease, a deep and serious malady of the
A. W. Tozer
Written in 1948!!
18What does it mean to sit at Jesus feet?
19Why did Jesus call it the good or better part?
20Why wont it be taken away from her?
21Service for the Master can rob intimacy with the
22Intimacy with the Master is a choice.
23_________ robs me of intimacy with the Master.
24_________ stirs/helps me to have intimacy with
the Master.
25With Another
For 3 Months
Do 3 Things
26With Another
For 3 Months
Pray Hear Share
Do 3 Things